Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Robbin' the Cradle, I'm Seriously Worried About Young People, My Generation the Boomers S*ck, S*ck Bad

 The topic is sort of the same, but I don't have time to write about 5 blogs over this topic-

There is a trend of Tik-Tok, Facebook, Whatever social media in which one in a couple, married or just long-term dating, questions " What would it be like if we met in high school?" Generally this is the girl asking the question. And in many cases the girl turns out much younger than the guy, when he was in high school, she may have been in junior high or even younger. 

I know when I was a senior in HS, my wife was in 9th grade. I am not sure she had even gone through, or was going through puberty. I would not have even known she existed, never mind, we were both in HS band. She held no interest, she was a child in my eyes. And a freshman. There is no lower form of life than a HS freshman. I hate, still do, hate freshmen.

It was bad enough she was barely 18 years old when I started dating her in university. I was a " cool and suave" senior. In truth, I saved her from the sharks who were circling. ( I say that, she does not, did not realize the number of upperclassmen who wanted to take her out for nefarious reasons. And I say this in all seriousness.) And as I have said for years, she literally made the first move. She asked me out. Big time date for chili-cheese tater tots from Sonic and Dr. Pepper, after a Lamar game, we played West Texas State, and she paid. 

My parents were upset when they found out she was a freshman,  my father even had a talk with me about 'dating a little girl.'  That was until they met her and found out she was about 35 years old in her maturity. The boy she was dating was still about 13. She literally "wowed" them.

As many of you know, when I met my wife I had not dated anyone, had a date, asked anyone out for about 2 1/2 years. So, things were bad then too. ( Plus I had gone through a situation that would have been the subject of a Stephen King book. So wild, if I had not lived it, I would not have believed it.)

( And it wasn't that I did not have opportunities to date girls, there was a girl, who was 'wife material' who did everything she could to date me. Trouble was, she was somewhat naive, and there a boy she met in in college who was using her as a 'play toy.' Not really dating, she was just someone to take to the motel. She asked me more than once to go with her to the motel, even expressed the fact she would stop seeing the other boy to 'be with me.' She knew if I am going out with you, it is as a romantic partner. One even she ran into me up town and told me she would tell the other boy " no more" and she would go to a motel with me......Yes, wife materiel, not mine. I even had a couple of female friends tell me I need to "save her" from the other guy.....No, not my girlfriend, not my wife, just wasn't.

All that said, we Boomers do not understand the situation young adults are in today. 

( And it is not seen in this area, yet, as the cost of living here is so different and cheaper than the rest of America. And in truth, unless you've been here forever, why does anyone want to move here? The heat and humidity?  The nightlife? The jobs, and in many cases, construction which is a major employer here, isn't always stable work. Heck, we can't get people who live here to stay here and work, look at the RV around major construction sites, and they're not always hiring our people.)( Our best and brightest don't stay here. They leave.

-Gen Z, Millennials, heck Gen X in many cases can't afford houses. 

-Many are in super debt due to college, and don't say, well, they need to get jobs in the trades. Trouble is, the so called dirty jobs are being dominated by people not originally from America, and their pay is nothing.  

-45% of people 18-30 live at home. They can't afford to move out. 

- 50% of people under age 40 are receiving economic help from their parents. 

- There is the ' kardashian effect' for some many young women now. Social media is telling them they are all '10s' and they deserve a '10' to date and marry. 

Most people, are at best '5s' men and women. 

There is idea from many that people should spend $400-700-1000 on a first date. That to just date you, guys should pay their bills...I saw a girl interviewed, and she was cute, but she said her first date should be on a yacht, with a 1000 roses, each with a $100 bill attached, a Birkin bag as a gift with a $25,000 Visa gift card inside. And of course, this should take place off the coast of France in the Med. 

I am surprised at the number of girls who think at age 25 their boyfriend should be making $250,000. 

And most boys age 18-30 have not had sex, or been on a date in over a year. Now I know a lot of guys have just 'given up.'

But boys, you dress like feckin' slobs. I was out and about yesterday and every young man had filthy jeans, horrible stretched out T-shirts, unkempt hair, hair looked like it had not been washed in months. I know it's hard to ask out girls, but not all have the 'kardashian effect' influencing their lives. 

( Now I know I had on a Brooks Brothers shirt, a Belfast check Ralph Lauren sports jacket,Duck's Head khakis, Sperry topsiders and an Ivory linen  flat cap. But I was in Mid-County and I am afraid I might run into Bryant Long and I don't want him to be ashamed of me......I would dress like that normally. I am telling you, as Beau Brummel said, " Clothes make the man.")

-And I am going to get in trouble here. 

Girls today don't understand why boys don't want to marry or even make them their long term partner if they've been with 60-80-120 people. Especially being with boys. Guys understand if you have boyfriends or husbands in the past and you've been with them, but many, many guys/people? I know I would be concerned, what if she decided number 79 was the best guy I have ever been with, and no matter what you do, you will never live up to him. Or what STD might you have in which there is no cure? 

Call it old fashion, call it whatever. I could not do it. 

If I had been with another person, my wife would not have stayed with me. She was adamant about it. And it was one of the first things she let me now, and asked about. She didn't want to become emotionally attached only to find out otherwise. Now we were young, but she was serious about it.

And believe it or not, there are Gen Z guys who feel this way. ( Not all, but many) And we're not necessarily talking about her being a virgin, but not with 95 guys. 

And something else I do not understand, maybe it's a Boomer moment on my part, but I do not understand girls who have slept with 60-70 guys and they decided they are now " Born-Again" Virgins. And when they find a guy they think, or want to be their husband, they won't sleep with them until they marry. 

And some of these girls are not telling the guys until their wedding night. They're claiming they are virgins. And somehow in their minds, they are telling themselves that they are. 

Then, we have access to people online around the world, and there are so many guys who treat you 18-22 year old daughter as a mark. Convince her she is the one, maybe even fly her out to Vegas/Miami and use and abuse her. Her not understand why there is not another guy like that for her. Psychologically  making her think some guy like that is going to be her husband, when in reality, the guy just want a strange " piece of a$$."

- But Boomers, the young folks today are not having it easy. Yeah, we think we had it hard when we were Gen Z's age, but it is nothing like the kids are going through today. 

Young folks can't afford houses. 

They can't afford automobiles. 

Heck insurance is out the roof.

Food is out the roof. 

The jobs today don't pay enough to keep up with today's cost of living. 

40% of all jobs, even from major corporations are ghost jobs, don't really exists, they are pools that companies are building for various positions. They are even doing interviews for jobs that are not open. Schools have done this for years. 

The federal and state governments are saying the employment outlook is good. Yeah, it is good for low paying, often part-time positions. Jobs you really can't make a family from. 

I know, long and arduous, I am going to climb into my bunker now.



Sunday, July 28, 2024

French Olympic Games- Christians- Heathen-France

 Let me preface this by saying my Father in Law is not well, he is in the hospital in Houston. He's one of my favourite people in the world. An old Aggie( A&M Class of '62 BS Mech. Eng.) he and my wife's late maternal grandad shaped her to be the person she is today. And I thank them both.

  I was beat to the blog I was going to write on the the 'Opening' of the French Olympics. 

Melissa Weihausen Mancill just posted a more concise, shorter, easier to understand what really the 'Opening' was about. 

Again, we either are not being taught history, or we just don't care. I am thinking the later is in play here. 


I’m so amused by all the freaking out over the Paris Opening ceremony and the “blasphemy” and “demonic” activity…. People, lighten up and understand history (which might require you stop banning books and read one). And, I know, learning is hard. 
The headless woman was Marie Antoinette. She ruled over France and was found guilty of treason, conspiracy, and stealing from the country. 
Also, it was not the Last Supper. It was a depiction of an ancient Greek Bacchanal… because, you know, the Olympics are ancient and Greek.
And if you didn’t know, a Bacchanalia is an uncontrollably promiscuous, extravagant, and loud party. The parties often spanned several days which honored the god of wine, Bacchus (the blue guy covered in grape vine). He is also known as Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, later known as the god of wine and pleasure.
And finally, it was not Death on a pale horse. It was Sequana, Goddess of the Seine, the River in which the boat precession took place. She was meant to be the representation of the Olympic spirit and of Sequana."
Dammit people.....
It is France. It is their history. Part of it is we think everything revolves around American History. It doesn't. Most of the world was here thousands of years before the United States was even considered. The U.S. is not even 250 years old yet. 

Another part is, the Christian community. 

They think it is all about them. They think they are being "persecuted." You want to find persecuted Christians? Go to the West Bank.( Neither the Muslims or the Israelis like you)  Go to the People's Republic of China. Go to Democratic People Republic of Korea, AKA North Korea, go to parts of Africa.
Christians in this country and being told they are being persecuted and are now offended by everything.
They are just as bad as the damn 'Woke' people. I am serious here. 
Everyone, left, right, middle is just looking for something to offended by.  
I think people in America want to look for something to be offended by.  They literally enjoy it. Heck, for some, it is a way to "raise money."

Part of it is the Christian church in America is losing members. They are more worried about being offended, power and control than the missionary spirit. 

This is coming from someone who has done mission work in both the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and Idaho. Yeah, a shocker, I was a missionary. 
But that's another story. That was another life. I will need to write about that one day.

Stop looking for stuff to be upset about. There is enough bad stuff out there without people telling you 'look over here' instead of the economy, and that is a world-wide mess right now, not just here.


Friday, July 26, 2024

Okay Buna People- All You Newbies-And Uninitiated Oldies

 I'd not planned to blog today and well, there are a number of people 'following' the blog on Facebook who are not friends with me on Facebook. And it's more than I realized. And a number of people have followed recently. 

Some do not know me from the past. They were only told to "read his stuff" by someone in the community.

So, from time to time I may post a blog concerning this subject.

The blog while primarily is about the Buna Schools, South Jasper County, I often cover other subjects. 

Anything from economics to history, heck, I had one concerning the national election in the UK a few weeks ago. ( You'll find out I am a bit of an Anglophile, love England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. It's my 'Happy Place.' My wife and I have been 4 times in the last 8 years to the UK. )

I " hop the rails" from time to time and go on a tangent I often cannot come back from. 

I swear sometimes, sometimes badly, I grew up on the 'Mean Streets of 'Vidor' so from time to time the Vidorian circa 1975 comes out in me. Thing is, I know better. I wasn't raised that way. 

Yes, I get on a religious kick from time to time. I went to a seminary, thought I was supposed to be a minister, but realized, it wasn't me, but I am ordained in a strange form of Reform, call it Presbyterianism,( One of those, not what you know, it's who you know deals) and have married numerous former students. Might be some of my proudest moments.   

Yes, I pray every morning at 4AM. Have a list of people I pray for regularly. If you want to be added, let me know, always room for one more. 

I am a bit of a fop/dandy, so if I am asked to go anyplace, I will try and out-dress every male there. ( Men, accessorize, accessorize, fedoras, panama hats( I have an Optimo I spent way to much for, but it is gorgeous ), flat-caps, pocket watches, canes, p3 glasses in tortoise, Randolph Engineering sunglasses, bow-ties, pin-stripe suits. People treat you better well dressed, sorry, they just do.) ( Nothing screams British more than a pin-stripe suit. I'll do the history of pin-stripe suits one day. Okay guys, free haberdashery lesson for the day) 

Sorry, I was on Fox Brothers suit/sports coat's cloth page before prayers this morning...I digressed badly....

If you ever want me to write on a topic, send me the particulars. I will investigate and more than likely write on the topic, and NEVER do I reveal sources. I believe strongly in the First Amendment and free speech, free press, so I will go after anyone.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Buna Supt. of Schools is WHERE?!?!?

 Dear Gentle Readers,

So, it seems that the Buna  ISD Supt. of Schools was in Japan and  Korea. ( I am assuming South Korea. I doubt they can get into Pyongyang. Yeah, I had to look up how to spell it.)

Some sort of all expense paid trip for educators to Asia. 30 were going( Buna didn't pay, question is, who, and why? Ain't no free lunch.).....( Of course the Supt. has spent a grand total of 3 years in the classroom. Sorry, you know, I really wasn't a fully formed teacher until about year 5 of teaching. Yet, they want to tell us how to teach. Just a personal gripe here about administrators. )

The explanation for the trip?

"That we need to allow for self expression and culture and diversity."

Like the Asians allow for "self expression" in their schools.

Other than exchange students, I've have more Chinese, Japanese, Koreans here at my house than Buna Schools. ( I ain't playing here. I am serious.)

Again, as I say, " Folks is folks."

You've got to remember, while his dad is an Anglophile, Hibernophile, his child is a Sinophile, Japanphile, Weeboo,( Don't use that word, it's not nice.)  and whatever the hell liking Korea is......He spent several years teaching English in South Korea and as a university professor in China.

I've been to Asia. 

If Jesus is good to me, I won't be back and I hold a Chinese Q2 Visa which allows me to come and go as I please to China.( That said, I loved Hong Kong...The China trip was well, stressful. A wedding was involved...That said, send me back to Scotland/England/Ireland, hell, nothing wrong with Wales, any old day. "Me people.")

And the last damn thing we need to model Buna schools after are Asian schools. And like every other school administrator, they'll come back all fired up with new ideas, that won't work in East Texas.

You need to get my son and daughter-in-law talk about schools in Asia. 

6 day week, kids so exhausted they they literally become zombified...Homework to 1-2AM every night. Read about the high rate of suicides among Japanese kids.

Yesterday I was on a ecclesiastical high church 'high.' 

Today, I am back to the ole Govteach. 

My answer to being anything like Asian schools?

Feck that shit. 

You know, and I am serious here, if we were at one of the schools in Missouri City in Ft. Bend ISD I could see some value in the trip. ( Large amount of Asian students)

But Buna ISD? 

Okay Buna, Here is Some More "Rules" Info of Interest-

 Dear Gentle Readers,

I got up this morning and toned this blog down. A LOT. Received a phone call from an ex-student late last evening, they woke me up. Remembered last evening once I hung up, sometimes you took Pastoral Counseling courses in divinity school for a reason.( It's what sometimes happens when you fill your previous blog with biblical verses.)

We spent 2 hours on the phone. I hope they felt better when they hung up.

While I know I won't be normal Kerry Thomas, the ole Govteach, in this blog, right this moment, well, man, there are bigger problems than covered or uncovered tattoos.   

There are more people hurting than we realize. 

 Side note- When we hung up, they referred to me as " Brother Thomas" ( Which tells me they have a Baptist or AofG background.)  Please don't refer to me with an ecclesiastical title. Never mind I am ordained in a denomination with historical ties to the Church of Scotland. It's just Kerry, Kerry Don, ( Which is pretty Southern Terminology)Mr. Thomas, or if you dare, my " Alter-ego" just for fun, Govteach. 

It is my understanding that several of members of the board of trustees( Buna ISD) were not happy, to put it mildly concerning the tattoo, nose ring non-enforcement. ( It was described to me as they're fairly "angry.") ( Not all members, let me make that clear.)

And, I am not shocked. 

Change, well, change especially in a small town in East Texas comes slowly. 

It always has, it always will. It's just the way it is. 

Apparently, Newton ISD rescinded both the tattoo and beards, mustaches, for boys a couple of years ago.  They now have reinstated the rule of no facial hair on boys, and no visible tattoo. They even require boys to "Tuck in their Shirts. " And there are other school districts that remain this way in our area. 

And don't get me started on girls and short skirts, or short shorts. The skirt business was why my lectern was in the corner of the room. There was stuff showing that embarrassed me, and I've been around. And god forbid me enforce female dress code. Some parent will be up to the school mad saying "What was he doing looking?" Talk about a minefield for a male teacher.

So, I wonder? Will the board of trustees at the next meeting decide no tattoos, or nose rings?

Or is the horse out of the barn? It's too late now to do anything for this school year? 

We will see. I have heard from some upset people concerning the rule change.  

I wonder what influence they may have on the school district? And these unhappy people are some folks with some "sway" within the district.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Buna ISD- Changes to the Student Code of Conduct

 Dear Gentle Reader, 

( I wrote the salutation without even thinking....)

So, the Buna ISD Board of Trustees( AKA the school board) met last evening.

And during the meeting, the high school and the junior high principals both made the recommendation to the student code of conduct. 

The rule changed was, students and teachers now can have visible tattoos....Along with nose rings. 

Now, I don't know how many kids under 18 years of age have tattoos, but in truth, other than being a smart-ass when I see your new tattoo for the first time, I doubt I would enforce the rule of seeing the tattoo. Or the nose ring. ( Only shaving for boys, and it was because I had to shave myself, and hated it with a passion.....I mean seriously, do you understand how few of you I sent to the office my last 15 years at the Buna High, well, I can't think of too many, if any I sent. Take care of senior discipline myself, we got a "Cuss Porch"..... Teach you some new adjectives.)

It seems that the principals were concerned that students were being sent to the office too much and missing valuable class time. 

Translation- Principals were tired of dealing with tattoos and nose rings.

And it seems the board of trustees didn't have to vote on the rules change because it is considered a " minor" change,  as the board in years past voted not to even vote on what they consider as "inconsequential " regulation moves. 

I don't know. I am not a tattoo person, at age 66, 67 next month, I don't see a reason why I might need a tattoo,  and I considered for getting one about 5 seconds, of the verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 ( Favourite verses, it keeps reminding me, you're okay...Plus, I am fascinated with Church History, especially the Reformation time period....Study Martin Luther, and you'll understand Ephesians 2 importance to the entire movement.  ) put on the inside of my right arm. But decided that was "crazy talk" for me personally.....and even though I am non-works based in my theology, Leviticus 19:28 was beat over our heads back in the 1960s-1970s Sunday School. Then again, Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 tell us not to eat, shellfish, catfish, and pork, and here at the Compound, we had pork tacos last night for supper.( I like me some swine, and what is not made better with bacon?)   

Enough of me "showing off" my theological education.

That said, tattoos considered 'vulgar' still must be covered up, and I am sure there will be one show up that will have questionable meanings. ( There will be time spent on that 'questionable' tattoo, when other actual important 'stuff' needed to be considered.)

I know there are people who will be upset at the changes, but after a week or two in class, would you even notice?  I know, I needed to " Churn and Burn"......"Run and Gun."( If you know, you know) I got less than 90 days to cover what should be a 175 day class. ( Both government and economics)


Thursday, July 18, 2024

So, There Are 4 Buna ISD School Board Seats Up in November.

 Dear Gentle Readers, 

I know many of you are unhappy with the Buna ISD. 

I know you question everything concerning the school, administration, teachers, teacher certification, heck, just got questions if the district is serving your child, grandchild. 

It starts at the top, say what you want, the Board of Trustees sets the tine of the district. 

And hear from many of you concerning your kid's education, should we stay in Buna? Should we move to Evadale? LCM? Lumberton? As I have said, many of the teachers who taught in Buna have wound up at Vidor, and both Vidor Schools, and the former Buna teachers have been pleased. 

All this said, I am going to put my old government teacher hat on.....

Run for the board, seriously, run. What's the worse thing that can happen? Lose? Heck, get up, brush yourself off, learn from your mistakes, and try again during the next election cycle. No one will remember the last election, and if your name keeps appearing, well, name recognition means a great deal. Retail Politics 101. 

Here is all the information concerning the election. 

Monday July 22nd is the first day you can " Throw your hat into the ring." ( The phrase originally comes from boxing, where contestants would literally throw their hats into the boxing ring as a signal that they wanted to join the fight... In boxing, the expression dates back at least to the beginning of the 19th century.) August 19th, the last day to sign up, the election is the same day as the national election, November 5th.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

You Know What'll Scare You Badly Buna?

 Dear Gentle Readers,

You got me doing it now Chris..... 

I am often somewhat shocked at the number of people who read the blog, especially on the posts that have the words Buna or Buna ISD in the title. 

And it scares a person from time to time....

You often reflect back and go, man, "Should I have said that?" You also worry about being narcissistic in writing on some topics, that whole Contrapasso Sin that Dante puts in Terrance 1 of Pugatorio.  And Lord knows, I am going to try and be dressed well I can 'Peacock' with the best of them......If Roman Catholic theology is right, how long will I spend in Purgatorio? 

But, in the end, if I don't get out in front and speak on subjects people are thinking about, and are too often afraid to speak on, well, who else will do it?

So, next time you read one of my blogs, I am going to be honest, sometimes, heck, most of the time, when I write on Buna, Buna ISD, It is harder than you know. 

I get a lot of blow-back. 

And let me remind you, I am retired. Been retired. 

But, I still worry about the Buna Schools. 

A lot.  

So, next time you read a blog, remember,while sometimes doing this, it is fun, other times, well, it ain't so much fun.  I had planned on being out of the blog business several years ago, and at some point, some other brave soul will have to do this..... Let me tell, you, it's harder than you think....

Got a blog coming up concerning the upcoming 2024 school board election later this week.....

So, I've Heard More of This About Buna ISD.....

 Dear Gentle Readers, 

( Don't dare me, I'll do it.) 

In the last few days, especially with me reminding you that school is quickly approaching, I've heard more people upset......

People upset with the teachers not having certificates, the nepotism, the just general unhappiness with the school district. 

Here is an example(s)

"Dude. The amount of people I see becoming a teacher in Buna without credentials is laughable. I mean I know they will do good with it kids but it’s a eye opener seeing Amazon wish list for “teachers” without schooling."

"Dude"........Like I am going to sit around and eat a couple of gummies with you, toke one this point, probably I would....I am sort of back to Kerry Thomas early undergrad days. For a while 18-19 year old me was wearing cowboy boots and Hawaiian shirts together....

And this.....

That school is one big cluster fuck clique !!!!!"

 And then there are people asking this, and I hear this all the time....

" Mr. Thomas, I can't leave my kids in Buna.....Where do you recommend?"

Man, other than about 2-3 Orange County school districts, I wouldn't send my kids anyplace in Jasper, Newton, Hardin Counties.  And I used to be 'big' on Orangefield ISD, Lumberton ISD, but now, I have questions....Evadale ISD might be okay in lower grades, but I wonder in the upper grades if you are getting ready for STEM classes for university.....Well, do they have the resources? Maybe?

Education is changing rapidly folks. I worry what's going to become of Buna ISD. I really do. Everything is changing folks, and sometimes it isn't for the better. The next 5-10-15 years is going to be a wild ride not only here in the U.S., but worldwide. 

Get your seat-belts tight folks....


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Gonna Get Worse

Yes, I know about Trump attempted assassination.....And yes, it'd be included if I was still teaching, in my political assassinations, you remember the one, the one you all made an 'A' on....For some of you the only one you passed....

But I digress...

I am telling you, the economy, the discord between people in the country, heck the world, it's going to get worse before it gets better, if it ever does....

And trust me, it is going to get worse....

Many of those in Gen Z have given up....On a decent job, on marriage, on having children.....And they are unhappy, so unhappy, I don't think you know....Who was the attempted assassin?  

Gen Z....20 years old. 

We are armed to the teeth in this country, it is just a matter of time that it just boils over and we start shooting at each other....

Already cities in this country and war zones. 

Oakland, San Francisco, Chicago are unlivable....Fly into the airport in Oakland, rent a car and they tell you don't stop, for food, for gas, for anything, just keep going until you're long out of town.

I am wondering what is going on in Houston, parts of the city are going now a week with power....Is it like Katrina in parts of the city and the media is not telling us? I know police from the Dallas area are coming down to "help out" so it makes me wonder?

I wonder how long we'll stay civil with one another? 

You know at some point there will be something "spark" an event,( and I am convinced it will go back to the economy) and it just spirals out of control...


Friday, July 12, 2024

Not What You Know....Economic Theory?

 What the heck, while I am on an economics roll, let's go here. 

I think it has happened to us all, we've gotten a job because of someone we knew.....Or in many of our cases, didn't get a job because, well,we didn't have the " right name" or the person who got the job was "known by someone else. "

Never mind you had the actual qualifications for the position, or experience, or would actually stay in that job for, well, a longer period of time.

And small towns seem to be more inclined to " help out" people. 

The old, " It's not what you know, it's who you know." 

I know some of you would say " Clique" which some people will swear up and down does not exist. 

And it happens in large towns, not just small communities. 

I know I've seen teachers give kids "breaks" because of who their parents were. Or who the kid's last name / other family members are/were at one time. 

And it may seem bitter in my case, I know I did not get a job in my hometown because of my last name and well, I wasn't in the 'Clique" was never in the elite. And I so wanted the job. So wanted. 

Not going to lie, it hurt when I did not get the job. I almost cried, and in typical school district fashion, you're never told you didn't get the job. 

I know I moved on and took another job in another school district because the high school outside of Fort Worth, I had interviewed for for an Economics/ AP European History / AP World History job dawdled and waited a week to tell me I had gotten the position. ( I had called and they told me, we'll call you right back.)In the meantime, a high school near Houston had offered me a contract, and I had signed.   

The principal at the Fort Worth school was incensed, I mean really upset I did not just wait. ( Well, I needed a job, and couldn't wait.)

But, I digress.

Politics, and "knowing people" has been the norm, good, or bad....

I know there was a time there were 2 people in the running for a social studies job in Buna ISD and they asked me which person would you rather have for the department.  I told them which one, and told them the other one would one teach in Buna a short period of time, my choice would be a there for life.....They of course picked the one I did not recommend. That other person had more "juice" in the community. They were gone from Buna Schools within 3 years. Nice person, it just wasn't their profession....It let me see just what they thought of me. But then again, I wasn't from Buna, I didn't have the "juice." Another reason I have no love for the actual Buna ISD. ( I saw retirement for me, and wanted a good teacher step into the gov/eco position....and that's all we will say on that

This is not the only time Buna has done this, I have seen people with degrees in the subject, experience in CTE( Real world experience) get passed over for people who knew people.....In my mind, it made no sense. 

I often wonder if quality people were hired instead of people who know people was done in Buna if it would be better for the kids? 

I used to get so upset about kids getting second class treatment by the district. 

I tried to fair to all the kids, and I got more flak from that than almost anything else. ( You don't know, you really don't.)

When I retired, I worried about those kids whose parents were not in the upper echelons. And I was talking about it with a long time resident of Buna and the treatment of certain people, and their actions, and how they were able to do certain things, and people were afraid to say anything about what those people were doing for fear it would come back on them, even though they had not done anything. They'd be punished for doing the right thing. 

Every job I've gotten has been a fluke, or foreordained in my mind.....It makes you wonder how stuff gets done in this country?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Killing in Buna

 Families ruined, lives lost, the community in turmoil....

And we often wonder what happened? 

Will the general public find out what really happened? 

I know there has been an arrest in the murder that ended up in front of the Tractor Supply in Buna on Hwy 96. 

No one arrested has been named which tells me several things which includes a possible minor involved. 

As of 7:30am, no names have been released. 

A reminder ladies and gentlemen....The world is an evil place.

Prayers for the families.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

It's Not Good, And People Are Not Paying Attention....Economics

 It is not good. 

I think we are in a recession and the government is not telling us...On Purpose. 

And the thing is, not mater who is leading the government, it won't change. 

This entire situation is worldwide. 

Why do you think the French, British elections have been in turmoil? And it's the same thing in China...India. 

Rampant inflation. 

I saw a chart where the same groceries at Walmart in 2020 cost around $150. Today in 2024, they were well over $400. 

I was shocked the other day at the cost of what at one time was cheap food at Burger King costing almost $25. Heck, it wasn't that long ago, it was less than $10. 

And places like McDonald's, Jack-in-the-Box, Wendy's are feeling it. 

Why do you think they are bringing back $5 specials. 

Many Americans, especially with children are now seeing going out to eat fast-food as a luxury. 

Long gone is the $1 "Value Menu."

Economist are saying the Americans saved money during the COVID 'times.' And that they spent after we were 'freeded' from our time at home thus our causing inflation....That plus the government printing money hand over fist. 

Then, there is the cost of vehicles. 

I stopped, just for grins and giggles the other day at the Ford dealership in Orange, to look at the 8 various types of Ford Broncos, some big, some well, glorified other Ford models, they had on the lot, plus the 3 they had on the Used Car lot.( That alone tells me not to buy one,....Plus the number of recalls that have been issued for that vehicle..)

I was shell-shocked at the prices they had on the stickers, not only of the Broncos, but on the basic F-150 truck. ( And how many re-calls has Ford had on their trucks is the last year(s).)

And Dodge, Ram, Jeep is in trouble, they've priced themselves out of the market, and the other Big 2 companies are not in much better shape. Literally no one is buying Stellantis.  

The French/Italians who own Dodge, Jeep, Ram, do not understand the American market and are driving it into bankruptcy. And don't be saying "Good," lack of competition driving prices up.

Heck, I only put around 2900 miles on my Honda SUV 'crossover' in the last year. The other day when I left Orange County going up to Buna on Hwy. 62 it kept trying to make a U-Turn at the Newton/Jasper County lines.....So, I'll keep what I got, and go in the Subie if we go anyplace else. 

I keep an eye on the commodity market, especially lumber, and the price of lumber is around $450/1000. It's not high enough for mills to stay open, And while China was buying for a while, the Chinese Government which was building just to keep people employed can no longer afford to do so. Plus, so much of what the Chinese are using now to build is rebar and concrete, and cheap, cheap. So cheap they are crumbling. 

Nationally, new construction is down, and yes part of it is the cost of interest on loans. 

Plus, Gen Z, Millennials. Are not getting married. 

And there are all sorts of reasons why, social, economics...A lot of guys are just not looking, and in the past, young men would get married and it would be a reason to get a good job. To support a family. And a lot are not looking, they'd rather stay home, play video games, pull the pud, smoke weed.....And that is another blog entirely. Boomers( People my age) don't understand what is going on, and here in rural Texas, it is not quite here. But, it is coming......And because of it, there is going to be a downturn in population growth. I am not so sure the immigration 'problem' and it are not related, and you're being kept in the dark concerning it.....Say what you want to, corporate America is always looking for cheap labor. 

Then, we are going to have a college bubble at some point. 

Young folks will stop going to college, just because it costs too much and so many degrees now are worthless. Heck, I got a history degree thinking I couple either go to divinity school or teach, heck today, there are districts with teachers without degrees. Why get one? All you need to do to teach to the test now. Kid can't do anything but pass a standardized exam. It literally doesn't mean you can do anything. 

How many trillion dollars are in college loan debt?( $1.74 trillion) How is this ever going to get paid off? How many colleges are going to go under because kids now look at college and weigh the price of attending versus the benefits....

Heck Lamar is churning out people with educational administration degrees like cord wood. There are now more people working on Master's degrees at Lamar than those working on Bachelor's degree. The vast, vast majority in some sort of education.....and most will not get those school administrator positions, and yet you say...." But, Mr. Thomas, they are getting those Master's so they will get more pay." And how many years does it take staying in the classroom to pay off the Master's degree debt?  9-15 years. And other than it looking good on paper, what do you learn in most education classes? Not a damn thing. Just a lot of education research you'll never use.

I know people with their Master's of Education who won't even put it on their CV( resume) especially when they have a M.B.A. or a M.S. in a STEM field. The business and STEM fields see it as 'worthless.' 

And then how much is the U.S. Government in debt?( $34.8 trillion) And how do we propose to pay it off? Or just kick the can down the road until we can't borrow on it anymore? Let our great-great grandkids worry with it. And a lot of stuff the government didn't prepare for, and knew it was coming, like Social Security and Medicare. And don't hop up and down about foreign spending, it really isn't that much compared to the rest of the budget. It's less than 1%. 

I need to go into detail about economics in another blog and really lose some people.

That said, I am concerned about the economy. Once again, we are probably in a form of recession and the government, the corporate world is hiding it from us.  Just like all the new jobs being reported by the government in the " Jobs Report." How many are jobs that pay nothing, like wait-staff jobs? Working for tips? 

I know I've been all over the place in this blog, but just something to think about....

Monday, July 8, 2024

Damn You Buna People....

 As many of you know, I performed a wedding this weekend in Buna. In the "Heart of Buna" as I heard someone call it a number of years ago, in behind Kaines. 

From time to time, I am asked to officiate weddings by people, not from Jasper, or Newton, or Orange Counties....We are talking about over near Houston, or even further north, towards Dallas, Austin, etc. 

And we are talking about 'so-called' rural areas near these cities. 

Get out of this area, and a lot of these people, are snobs, or just up to no-good. Many, the closer you get to major cities are just, "sorry. "

And I met the young people's family and friends at this ceremony.....

You, know, some of the nicest people are in our area. And this included Saturday night. 

We got some just as it's been described, "Good Folks" over here. 

And while I was quiet during most of the event. ( As a 'minister' you don't want to keep people from having a good time....Thus me often leaving early, there are some times I would like to stay and celebrate, but you know, I don't want people to think they are being 'watched' and judged.)

And while there are "knuckleheads" in the community, up to no-good, most people are just good folks trying to live their lives.

It's part of the reason when I got to Buna High, I just stayed. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Okay Buna, Maybe? And a Warning

 Thank you for bearing with me over the last few weeks and my hobby of British politics. 

I've always enjoyed the eccentric system they have, much of it still based on laws established when Queen Victoria was still alive. Heck, they still insist on paper ballots, counted by hand. 

I am going to start back on local politics, and concerns, especially, the Buna Schools, which is a personal concern of mine. 

Let me remind you, I do not receive any pay for writing on Buna, Jasper County, etc. 

Because of the way the blog is written, I can't accept advertising, because at some point, the advertiser with become upset. 

It is part of the reason why the original radio show I was co-host on is no longer on the air. The station had advertisers that sponsored other programs, not ours, that threatened the station and were were kicked off the air......and it involved a school district, and questions we had. 

So, I have no advertising, and there are sometimes I wished I got a quid or two for some of the things I have written. Sometimes it is a lot of work, and research. More than you know. Much more...Especially the research.

Heck, I wished people would tell me, off the record, if they appreciate some of the stuff I know people want to say..

I know you cannot. I know. 

I know there are some people who have to keep a job, and there are people who would be more than willing to hurt people, just trying to keep a job to feed their family, and don't think otherwise. There are people who would hurt you for telling the truth. Trust, me people are ugly to me all the time. 

Heck, there are people who would get upset if they knew you read this blog.  

Heck, I know some of you can't even 'Like' what I have written.

So we understand your silence, but there are times you feel like you're on the island.....Alone. 

Writing a blog, you find out your friends and your supporters. 

Likewise in life.

There are so-called friends, so-called family( They're often worse than friends) who are like a Cottonmouth hidden in the grass. 

And I am going to tell you like a boxing referee instructs fighters before the First Bell rings....' Protect yourself at all times.' 

Anyway, not going to write much over the rest of the summer. I will write from time to time, and post as needed.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I Doubt This Happens

Again, this is written for me, as we are in the " dog-days" of Summer.  

Tomorrow, on July 4th, the British will hold a general election. I am going to be watching closely, as I find British politics fascinating, American politics, well, because of my long time work, seems just like that, work, and unlike those who get a paycheck on TV who worked in politics at one time and get that "bag" ( as the kids say) to be an expert on American elections, I get nothing for talking about national politics. I'd rather talk about local politics, school politics and generally focus this blog upon that area. I find school policies and politics, along with local policy and politics, much more interesting. 

I have written blog earlier discussing the British election. 

There is an expect huge turnover in the British House of Commons, from the Conservative ( Tory) Party to the Labour Party. 

The latest poll released today, showed Labour picking up seats as follows. 

Labour- 484

Conservative( Tory)- 64

Liberal-Democrats- 61

Scottish National Party-10



Plaid Cymru( Welsh party)-3

I seriously doubt this will be the outcome. I really do. 

While I expect Labour to win for the first time in 14 years, I doubt they'll have even close to this majority.

I will be shocked if this is the outcome....

Tomorrow when you see people winning office in Britain with a low percentage of the vote, remember, over there, whoever gets the most votes gets the seat in office. You don't have to get 50.1% to be declared the winner. 

There will be people winning seats with 25-35-45% of the votes. So do not be shocked if you see people with a win with 28% of the electorate. It's the way they've done it for years.  

The next British Prime Minister will be Kier Starmer. Get used to the name as he will be in office for a number of years in Britain. 

I will post a short blog on Friday with the results.....If any of you colonists care.... ;) 

And afterwards, we'll go back toward Buna ISD and South Jasper County....




Monday, July 1, 2024

Well, I Don't Know Nuthin' About This......

 The British Election? Yes. A German Election? Some.

A French Election? 

I know nothing. 

But here we go.....

I'm not a " Let's go to France" kind of guy, and neither is Deb and we've been there, that said, Logan and Mrs. Vaughn along with the Pages have/are posting photos of France, and while France was on Debbie and Kerry Tour 2015,  we missed the South of France, Normandy, Brittany.

President Emmanuel Macron of France called a election, an even quicker 'Snap Election' in France for yesterday June 30th. 

He panicked because in the general European election, there was a dramatic change in the government. 

Macron just plain ole panicked. 

Of course Macron's wife is 25 years older than him. She was his old high school teacher. 

It would be like me marrying a member of the class of 2006 or 2007. 

I know you think you were all "cute" and all back then, but....

Ewwww.....I'd hate to know I'd have to carry on a long term conversation with you back then in a dating setting.....Creeps me out for thinking about it, and makes me wonder why you'd even be interested in the first place. Some sort of " Daddy issues." I don't even want to think about the psychological problems I would have to deal with....

But I digress. 

The French have a confusing mixed up election, actually closer to the U.S. than the British. 

They need a majority of the votes to win the election, so next week, they will have run-offs from the first round of elections of yesterday. 

And the apparent leader in the far right National Rally Party won the first round of voting in France. 

The National Rally Party whose leader is Marine Le Pen has ties to Anti-Antisemitism, Holocaust denial. Ms. Le Pen's father,(Jean-Marie Le Pen) who founded the party was very anti-Jewish, so much so, when she took over leadership of the party she kicked her father out of the party, trying to make the party more " mainstream." 

This is the first time a party in France has been this far-right since the Germans and the Nazi Party controlled France. 

Turn out in France was very high, for a national election. 59+%. 

This was a rebuke for Macron and his Center-Left party. 

The question is this, in the second round of voting on July 7th, can the Center and Far Left in France unite to block the National Rally Party? 

Macron will remain in the presidency until 2027 no matter the outcome. The question is, if the Far-Right takes over the legislative branch, how much governing can Macron actually do? 

The Far-Right is against the European Union, support of Ukraine. 

Okay, I gave a nutshell discussion of the French......As I always said when i completed any lesson...." Questions?"

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...