Thursday, September 19, 2024

Okay, Okay, We Go There......This Blog is for 'Some' Buna Folks.....

 So, over the last week, I've had more people show up in my DM's and PM's that well......

These are people I have not a clue who they are. I didn't teach them, teach their kids, or know them from Buna ISD in some form or fashion. 

If you send me a message, and I don't know you from the above criteria, let me know. 

I already am getting message from people that, well, at best, I wonder about their motives, and their sanity.....You know good and well, some people, well, " They just ain't right." ( And I know people say that about me, and well, I embrace my "difference" and I guess I always have. )

For those who have not realized, the blog readership in the last 4-6 months has taken off like no other time. 

And I am not going to lie, it makes you hesitate sometimes when you write the blog, and most of you know, I most of the time don't give a good shit who I make mad, or embarrass. 

So, Govteach, Mr. Thomas, Kerry, Kerry Don, get to the point of this blog......

I encourage you to send me your concerns, your stories, information, about whatever you learn......And most of the times, I will investigate and use your info, maybe not the same day, but often within the week. 

And please, let me know who the hell you are, especially if I do not know who the hell you are. Please, please, please..... 

And as always, I never name sources. 


As I have always said, I am an absolutist on the First Amendment. 

I can say stuff other people can't. And as the blog grows, I may actually tell you what I think, like I'm not already there. What are they going to do? Make me attend church in Buna? Force me to go back and teach 'gubmint' back in Buna? 

The answer of course is "No."

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

That's Enough.....

 In the past few weeks, I have had many, many requests for " friendship" on my regular Facebook site. Most, I've not a clue who they are, and in truth, I really do not care. 

Like I am going to hang out with these people. I don't associate with the people I am "friends" with on Facebook now. 

I am more of a a homebody/introvert than you know. 

Seriously, I show up to an event of any sort, be shocked and amazed I have come out of Lemonville to civilization. 

I generally try and keep my Facebook page itself at about 800 and right now I am close to 1000. Well over my 'Mendoza Level.' 

That said, if I taught you, I will go ahead and accept you as a "friend" on Facebook, but if I have not a clue, well, don't take it as an insult, as you can always keep up with the blog by joining at this Facebook Group link.  

I already have too many people posting stuff on regular Facebook and I am wondering....." What the cornbread feck are they talking about?" And in truth, I don't give a good damn about. And it clutters up people I really want to know about, and if need be put on the 'Prayer List.' ( Yep, cussin' and prayin' first thing.....If you know me, you aren't surprised. St. Peter had that problem, and one day, I need to write a blog titled the " Sins of St. Paul.." "For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.")

That said, for the second time, I had someone introduce themselves to me in the store. Blog reader...It gets scary. You don't know if they like what you write, or not.  

But, I digress. 

At some point, I must run a purge, clean house, get Facebook to a manageable level.  

But not today.........



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Buna School Board- " A Waste of Time."

 Dear Gentle Readers,

I've received a report from several people concerning last evening Buna ISD Board of Trustees meeting. 

Most were upset that the entire meeting the board was in executive session. 

I understand that in matters of personnel, the rules are to meet in executive session. That's just all over the state of Texas, and it in many cases is to allow the board to discuss faculty/staff of the district without the pubic knowing that the person being discussed really didn't mess up, and we need to take care of this without embarrassing that person....I know, I was discussed in executive session more than once in my career. 

And I know the minutes are available to be read......


The community is starting to think the board is using the executive session to hide what is really going on with the board.  

That there is a lack of transparency going on. This is what I heard from several sources in attendance.

It often takes a month for the minutes to be published.

Last night, a number of people attended who were upset about several things. And apparently, there was a large number of people at the meeting last evening.

- Not being able to address the cheerleader Friday dress situation- ( I know this was not the meeting for this. But you need to let folks know.) 

 - About 30 minutes later they came back and adjourned the meeting saying nothing.

Man, you want to upset voters, especially in local electorates, keep them in the dark.  

You got to let people know what is going on, what is going to happen at tonight's meeting, and sometimes you need to take heat and be open. 

Legal or not, right is right, you got to do better. 

You got to be transparent. I know you " Don't have to" but I taught in a district that told the patrons what was going to going to transpire every board meeting, nothing hidden. Will Owen Moore saw that occurred. 

 It could get ugly fast, many of the patrons are not happy and you've got to remember, it's their taxes that pay for the Buna Schools, and often, we are soon to forget. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Again, Again, Again......

 I was told not to warn you, but I am going to warn you newbies.....

The blog is not what you think it is.....Yes, most of the blogs are on the Buna Public Schools, as I spent the majority of my career as the government/economics teacher there in the 90s to 2011. Thus the name of the blog, "Thegovteach".....It's sort of become my alter-ego....

I swear badly in the blog, I can string together profanity with the best of them, and often, you may think I could have phrased the statement without all the cuss words, well, in truth, I probably cut out most of the swear words.....and the thing is, I know better. 

Yes, I am an ordained minister, in a denomination most of you have never heard of. Studied at seminary and everything. Almost " fell from grace" while I was there, and I believe in the "P" of Calvin's TULIP.....I am there because they are pretty open about bad words, alcohol, and they are closer to my personal beliefs than most local denominations. 

At some point, I am going to write something and make you mad. Get ready, that blog is coming. 

This said, I may write on anything......I almost wrote one this morning on the Southeastern Conference this morning, but decided, nah, too many people already do this. One of my personal favorites was on the British National Election earlier this year. I'm a bit of an Anglophile, and my wife and I have been to the United Kingdom 4 times. 

Hang on, it gets rough on here from time to time, and read this blog at your own risk.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

So, You Want to Write a Blog?

 In the last few weeks, I've seen people talking about writing a blog. 

It's not all it seems to be. 

You have to constantly come up with something to write....Oh, you can take some days off, but if you want to keep readership, you have the grind out stuff that people will actually read.

And you'll make plenty of enemies doing so. Especially if you say what you think, and try and tell the truth. 

 It's not like you were going to drink whiskey with these people anyway. 

But it's harder than you think. It really is. 

You sometimes need to write with absolutely "No Fear. "

Many times, that it very hard to do. You know there's going to be "blow-back" and sometimes it comes from sources you never dreamed would be upset.  

 I've done it for 14 years now, and at some point I am going to get up and say, " That's enough." And that day is closer than you think. 



Friday, September 13, 2024

Cheerleaders....And Dress Code......

 So, it seems the cheerleaders, the twirlers, the drill team can no longer wear their " outfits" on Pep Rally Friday's. 

This is one of the " Papal Bulls" that has been issued by the new principal. 

Hell, back in '94 the girls were wearing their "outfits" to class. It was that way at Dayton, Magnolia in the 1980-1990s. 

The question is this.....Why now? 

I thought we were easing up on dress code? Isn't this a step backwards? 

Is someone telling the school leadership to do this? 

How is this any different than the girls wearing this on the football field during the halftime, in front of the entire town? Or at the school during the pep rally?

The last bunch I would want to " stir-up" is a bunch of Mama's

I am starting to think Buna may need to " clean house" and just start over.

The Reckoning- Buna Schools

 Dear Gentle Readers,

I need to get back into the habit of starting the blog this way-

In the last few hours I have received messages that refer to Buna ISD in some sort of " Fall." I am reminded of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" when I read these messages. 

Then, another reader wrote and called this entire situation, " The Reckoning." Thus, the title of this blog. 

As many of you know by now, the Buna Superintendent of Schools has resigned and is the " Lone Finalist" as Supt. of Schools in Waco ISD. 

Lone Finalist- Texas state law requires a 21-day waiting period before the candidate is officially hired.

They do  not stay long in Buna, do they? It is a step to more money, more power, make as much as you can before you retire. 

And the now former Superintendent says that they were not looking for another position.......

To which I " Call Bullshit." 

All administrators are looking for a better gig. They all are. It is just the way it is in 2024. 

As most of the community thinks, get out, while you can....

Something ain't right. Too much smoke for there not to be a fire. 

Rumor is that the newer elected board members are wanting to come clean with what is going on , but the older longer serving members are wanting to keep quiet.   

I am wondering if it is finances? 

Is the district broke, really broke, so broke we are going to have lay-offs in the future? I know a lot of Texas schools are having money troubles right now, so, it would not shock me if Buna ISD was one of those districts. The question then would be, is the Buna ISD worse off than most other school districts?

Then, the next question is, what else is going on?  What is being hidden to avoid turmoil? 

Are we due a "Reckoning" in Buna Schools? And how unpleasant will it be?



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Buna......We Can't Do Math?

 It seems there are a number of parents all upset with the new Math Curriculum.

We go through this every 5-7 years, at least since I have been teaching, until now. 

None seem to work. 

Let me repeat....


I am so glad I was able to write my own curriculum for government and economics. 

This new curriculum was pushed on the teachers according to my sources and everyone is not happy with it. 

Parents who have "Honors" students are upset because the kids are near failing, or they are failing. 

It seems the teachers are used as facilitators in the learning processes. 

I am being told that the students are supposed to teach themselves and each other by turning to one another and asking questions.I can just about imagine how well that is working. 

And allegedly, teachers are saying they have not been trained properly in the new curriculum. 

Administrators spoke Monday evening at the Board of Trustee meeting and said....spoke last night and said that, "yes there are some bumps at this time," but they have a plan. Their plan is to bring in a math guru from Region V to visit classrooms and observe. The principals cited the usual phrases such as, make the students become thinkers, adjust to the rigor, become problem solvers......".

Yeah, Region V, like that bunch has been in a classroom in the last 20 years. 

Coming in a future blog? Is the board keeping secrets from the general public? 



Monday, September 9, 2024

Fire Those Buna Coach(es)......

 So, over the weekend, I saw a few people already calling for the "head" of the Buna High Coach(es.)

The head coach has been here a grand total of 2 whole ballgames. And one of the schools Buna played is classified 2 UIL groupings above Buna. 

Look, give the man time enough to even find out where to hang his coat up. 

And in truth, I come from a philosophy that academics should be above athletics all day long.....That people should be hired based upon whether the kids in the classroom are going to know history, be able to do math, be able to be educated enough that they will do better in their next step in life. 

I really think more money should be spent teaching welding, mechanics, CNA etc to kids who are looking at going into those fields after high school.

Most kids playing ball are not going to play at the next level. 

I want the kids to be able to be good citizens. Understand math for their next job. Understand science for their next job. 

If they are going on to college, I want them to be able to do well in their economics class(business major), understand math and science if they're going on into healthcare fields, or engineering. Heck basic economics to understand why this country is going broke. 

Understand history, government enough that they understand enough how our government functions. Why history in America is why we do certain things. 

I want kids to be able to read and write. 

I am more concerned about that than how many ballgames we won. 

A large number of kids are not involved in sports. There are kids you could ask today on all hs campuses in America who have not a clue who won the game on Friday, or Tuesday.....Or whatever. More than you know. 

Is it nice if the ballclubs win? 

Yes it is. Of course it it. But it is not the be all for everyone. 

And in truth, a school district should be more concerned about teaching in the classroom, ballgames are secondary. 

But fire people? People that just got here? And if they don't win, in the scope of life, is it that important? 

More people at Buna HS get academic scholarships than  sports scholarships. More that a college paid for their education for academics than sports. And as a patron of Buna ISD, you should be proud of that. Very proud.

Fire a coach? 

It's a hard enough job as it is. And Mr. Third String High School Tackle is yelling from the crowd his expertise at coach. Like they know.

The older I get, the more I wonder about people?

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Blog? I Might Be Done?

 Looking hard at stopping blogging. 

Not worth the "hassle" anymore. 

I'm making no money here. I can't take advertising for obvious reasons, and I don't charge any form of remittance. No one ever offers any form of help either financial, nor, and what I really would like from time to time, an " attaboy." 

Heck, I'd like someone to do the physiological equivalent of  buying me a Coke, a cup of coffee, breakfast at Leslie's Place......something.

Oh I get a thanks from time to time, but it is from the same people.  

Same damn people....Over and over again.....

And it's not that I do not appreciate the thanks from you, I really do, but I wonder and ask myself, " What the world are you doing Kerry Don?" 

It gets tiring. 

COVID has really pointed it out. I don't think you know how much....

And I know you are reading because well, I can see the numbers. 

Most of you only say something when you have something critical to say. 

It is often like I am out in front, on my own. The military would call it " On the point." A friend of mine who was in Vietnam and served for a while in an infantry platoon called it " Purple Heart Country." ( He was in Vietnam 4 months. Wounded 2 times and sent home. Second time seriously. )

And I know there is a big difference, but lately, with some of the implications I have received, I wonder how long before some lunatic takes it one step beyond talk.  

Some of you, even though we discussed in in high school do not really understand Amendment One of the Bill of Rights. 

You don't understand how Freedom and Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion is supposed to work....Oh, you say you understand, as long as it is YOUR Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion. 

But you really don't. 

You live in an "Echo Chamber." 

Echo Chamber- You only want to hear what you believe, you don't want to hear what someone else is saying, and think someone in opposition to what you are saying should be shut down. 

Then, there are people who want to come on MY BLOG, use MY BLOG to spout their own views, after I have spent years building it up. That somehow because it is "them" and I do not get it, they should be able to use my platform to say whatever they want to say.

Build your own blog. Don't just write 2 little posts and quit. Post almost everyday for years. Take the flak.Be a man, be a woman....

Build up your own site. 

At a minimum here folks, I need a sabbatical. I need rest. Could be the COVID talking, I've never had anything like this. and I now understand when some people say, it is so different than anything they've had. I am convinced it is somehow a military grade bio-weapon.  The combo of the vaccine, the illness itself, is it going to effect us 10-15-20 years from now in ways they set it up. ( I've never had anything like this, I thought I was turning the corner yesterday.....But today?)

Folks, when I ask for help, please, at a minimum, give me a little moral support. I'm right now just tired, just so tired. 

I had someone on here talking about how " Easy it was for me to write the blog and stir up everyone."( And in reality, just tell you what was said and done......)

It really isn't easy. People don't want to hear what's going on....

It's like Francis Bacon in 1597 referring to  Pontius Pilate in the Gospel of St. John......" What is the truth? And he would not stay for an answer."



Wednesday, September 4, 2024

And Who Will Do the Job?

Trouble is, how many stories now will kids make up to get teachers into trouble? 

I wonder where you now go to to get your reputation back? 

And in this day and age, the day of AI, what is true, and what is fabrication? 

No one in their right mind should teach today. 

No one. 

I wouldn't do it today. I couldn't do it today. It's why we went on the porch. Large glass windows, everyone can see. 

You can't trust administrators, the kids, the parents, heck other teachers. 

And how do you know today isn't the day you as a teacher won't get fired or shot. 

How do you know your kid won't be gunned down by some un- happy 14 year old. 

The thing is, it's going to get worse before it gets better. 

Anyone thinking about teaching,tell them no, just no, the risks outweigh the rewards. 

Today, I asked a friend of mine who teaches in a large rich Houston area ISD...." Who do you trust?' His answer? " No one." Literally no one."  

He retires at Christmas. And is praying he makes it.

If you're a praying person, now is the time to pray. And don't be blaming the other political side. There is plenty of room to blame both sides, heck, everyone.  

After some of the almost threats I've received lately, I seriously need to rethink writing the blog.....

Monday, September 2, 2024

Buna Schools....New Bond?

 Going to write a brief blog today, I am still recovering from COVID and will make this blog somewhat brief.

Allegedly, there is a move afoot to start supporting a bond of a new junior high. This of course would be placed in the new school-complex which has been the long term goal of the district since the elementary and the "new gym" were built years ago.....And again, where is the new theater promised with the " new gym." ( I will call it that always because that is what it is, an athletic complex,....That happens to have a stage, like may other gyms across this and other states.) 

I know you don't want to think about it, but a lot of kids " thing" is not sports, or music, it is art and drama. We have in the past taken 40 kids to complete in One Act Play contest. Also, a UIL event. 

And, has the elementary bond been paid off?

And how long has it been since the old high school was remodeled and repurposed as the junior high? Has it been 10 years?

What will become of the old/new junior high/high school? I am sure, there will be another re-model there.

And Buna schools have not really grown....

And while the tax rate has not increased, how much has your home appraisal increased over these years? 

Has it gone down?

Money has to come from someplace, and even if it comes from the state/federal government, who do you think is going to pay for it? The money is printed " Out of thin air?" 

People in leadership were also happy that the cost of wages has gone down......That tells me that any teacher with any experience, is moving to a better paying, or just a better district that is better to teach at, and money isn't always a reason for teachers to stay. ( More on this at a later date.If the story I am working on is true, well, you'd just have to fire me, I am not following this rule.....My students were grown-ass people, and I am going to treat them as such, not 4th graders.) 

And there are people upset at the number of new teachers.

Sorry folks, but older teachers, veteran teachers generally better teachers. New teachers generally don't have a clue what they're doing their first few years in the classroom. 

Okay, I am wiped out writing this. 

More at a later date...


Okay, Okay, We Go There......This Blog is for 'Some' Buna Folks.....

 So, over the last week, I've had more people show up in my DM's and PM's that well...... These are people I have not a clue who...