Monday, August 24, 2020

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry

 No, not Coach Mac. 

The Rt. Rev. Jerry Falwell Jr. 

You just knew this guy was up to "no good."

It seems that The Rt. Rev. Falwell watched another man have sex with his wife for a number of years. 

What the hell?

Now, I am one that believes that whatever people do to one another behind closed doors well, go for it.....BUT

 Bringing a 3rd party in to screw your wife so you can watch and get your jollies? No, this is not going to end well.  I don't understand watching someone else having intercourse with your significant other. 

Now, I defended the Falwell's when pictures of her in lingerie emerged. They were meant to be private and anything online, even hidden isn't always so.  Look, ministers need to have sex. It's why we Protestants allow our clergy to marry. It is why I think the Catholic Church should allow their clergy to marry. ( A thousand years ago the Catholic Church allowed their priests to marry. It was a business decision why they stopped them from marrying. I'll write a long blog on it one day.)

But you know, there is certain conduct expected of ministers. There is certain conduct expected of teachers. If you can't do that code of conduct, you need to find another job......Especially clergy, if you've been preaching to people about their sexual activity. 

Take that plank out of your own eye.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The "Govteach" Gets Letters!!!!!

 In the last few days I have received a number of PMs, emails concerning the blog.....Here are some excerpts.

" Speaking on your sex with kids..............Have you seen the Cuties movie that is supposed to be on Netflix next month?"

- Eleven year old girls twerking? Short, shorts? I'm sure I'll write a blog on it later. Those damn French. But watch it? A big pass.

" Did you actually listen to Cardi B?" 

- I watched the video. Not my type of "beat" as the kids say, the girls were a Rubenesque once again proving that what is old, is new again. 

" I thought WAP" was a racist term for Itlians. "

- That is 'WOP.' It comes from the South Italian term guappo or " dandy " and is pronounced wah-po in the Southern Italian dialect. Younger Italian workers would call each other playfully guappo. And to the Anglo ear it sounded like " Wop" and eventually was used as a derogatory term for Italians.  ( It doesn't mean "without papers")

If you're going to be a racist, learn the terms and use them correctly. Especially when your racist ass goes after East Asians.  

" Why don't you post what you're listening to every morning?" 

- I don't listen to music EVERY morning. 

" When you going to write on the election?"

- I'm trying to avoid it. Might write the week thereof.....Or not....Too much like work. 


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cardi B " Controversy?"

 So, there are members of the " Right Wing" all upset about the "sexual " suggestiveness of Cardi B's latest musical release. 

It of course is the song, " WAP" of course referring to a female " Being glad to see you."  

One the the Right's talking heads even saying, it wasn't possible.....He'd ask his wife if it was a " thing" and she, according to her, isn't. ( BTW- The wife is allegedly a doctor.......All I could think was , you just don't " do it" for her do you?)

Don't get me wrong, I have conservative tendencies, especially concerning firearms. 

Another talking head was all upset about the "downfall" of American youth through this music. 

You know, all I could think of was....Do you know what your grandparents listened to back in the 70s? 

I have this CD in my player in my vehicle right now....( Yes, I still use CDs I'm stuck about 1990 with some of my musical technology.)

Led Zep IV

And of course the song I listen to more than all others.....

Black Dog

The lyrics include. 

Hey, hey mama said the way you move
Gon' make you sweat, gon' make you groove
Ah ah child way ya shake that thing
Gon' make you burn, gon' make you sting
Hey, hey baby when you walk that way
Watch your honey drip, I can't keep away
"Gon' make you burn, gon' make you sting"
" Watch your honey drip, I can't keep away"
Come on man.....What's old is new again....And guys, I HOPE you can get your women " going."
The kids will turn out alright. 

Scr*wing Your Students

 So, we are not even a week into school and a local district here in Orange County already has an employee on " paid administrative leave" for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a student. 

I hope for the sake of employee they are innocent. 

That said, this blog is pretty much for teachers. 

Don't be fuckin' your kids this year......Literally. ( Grades, well, some of them deserve whatever they make)

I am amazed at the people who are willing to risk their career, their family, marriages just to " hump" a teenage cutie. 

I spent 30+ years of my life with 16, 17, 18 year old honeys and did everything in my power to avoid them, and I'll be honest, some of you scared me. 

Hell, why do you thinking the " Cuss Porch" had massive plate glass windows? 

Why do you think when I had a female student alone in my class, the door was always open? 

Don't be diddling your students.....Who do you think you are? The Catholic Church? The Boy Scouts?

It's 2020. People are more 'open' today. Find someone your own age to smash. 

Hate to quote Pink Floyd, but....."Hey teachers, leave those kids alone."

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What the Hell Happened?

 I woke up this morning. Yes, it was 4am, but I get up between 4-5am anyway. 

I am 63 years old today. I look in the mirror and I see and old man....A really old man.

But, it's better than the alternative. 

My wife gave me two big bags of homemade chocolate chip cookies she made and a Leonid and Friends CD...Anyone who really knows me knows, I love chocolate chip cookies. I'll fight you for them cookies.  

Thanks to everyone for the birthday well wishes. I am hoping for a few more birthdays before I go on to whatever is next. 

Someone wrote on their timeline on Facebook " If anyone wants to give them a birthday gift, I'd like..."

Likewise, I'll take airline tickets to Europe...... :)

Monday, August 17, 2020

A Clusterfuck

 I am stealing this from the Univ. of North Carolina's newspaper. This is what they are saying about the re-opening of the Univ. of North Carolina. They are already going to online classes for all undergraduates. A massive Covid outbreak on campus. 

I am trying to keep from cussing so much on here, but the got damn situation is calling for it. Yes, Got Damn. Makes it sound worse. 

I say this as I and I am paraphrasing here, "I keep hear about illness and rumors of illness."

Apparently, the Evadale ISD sent people home this afternoon, due to a person becoming ill with the Covid in that district. 

This is after 2 employees of another district near and dear to my heart are said to be ill with the 'virus.'

This all being kept for the media. 

Someone from one of the districts posted " We need to not panic, but instead pray."

Yeah, I believe in prayer.......I also believe in science. And common sense.

 I wonder. If one kid dies is it worth it?  

It's going to be a " First Class Clusterfuck."


Remainder of 2020

 I am going to try and make some predictions for the remainder of 2020....Some of the predictions will be silly, some serious....Please, no waging on which is which.


-There will be 3 to 7 named storms in the Gulf.( August to end of season) I am staying except for a Cat. 5. May just lash myself to the big sweetgum tree that has made it through all the other storms, and play a Lt. Dan and cuss all deities, including all 33 million gods in Hinduism. 

-I will survive another birthday


-Worst "love bug" season in a decade

- I will not watch a football game this year. I no longer give a damn who wins or loses. 

- Some schools go back online, more than expected

- Hotter than normal Sept. 


-We finally get a meaningful cold front.

- Halloween which is normally the second largest holiday in America will lose 50% of their normal sales of items.

- The economy is still poor

- I will start training to become an opera singer. 

- I have a couple of major weddings to perform, one of which, I am actually anxious about


- I am very serious here. Be prepared. The election probably will not be decided that night( Nov. 3). It might be days.....perhaps weeks before we learn who won.....At least 50% of the population will be unhappy with the result, and I dread what will happen next. ( I am going to write a blog on this topic soon.)

- I am afraid Covid will return for a serious second act.

- Thanksgiving will different. A shortage of turkeys, cranberries, cornbread dressing. The only thing that will be in abundance will be fruit salad and that got damn green bean casserole. I wouldn't feed that casserole stuff to Mattison, Bunky or Tara...


-Everyone will be ready for this year to end

- Santa won't leave the North Pole

- This holiday season will sound the "death knell" for major retailers. JCP, Sears.....Others will be hurt. There will be a decrease in holiday spending again, around 40%.

- During the holidays we will have our first major arctic cold front in year.  A pipe buster, with it staying below freezing for several days. 

Seriously, I am ready for 2021....We got to hope for something better...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Men Are Trash?

 I saw this all over the internet and finally clicked to see who the Tomi Lahren was. Turns out she's another one of these talking heads on the 20 news TV channels. 

I can't do much news other than online now. I read the papers online and call it a day. 

So it seems Tomi has gone through a bad breakup with a fiance and the backlash was a online rant about men. Yeah, men have troubles, but be honest ladies, you got trouble too....It's called being human.

Good Lord. 

What next? 

In the 1970s it was hard enough to find someone to date. Today, well, I don't think I could even do it. 

Y'all think I am kidding, but it is seriously why I think I have a Chinese daughter-in-law. 

As I've said for years, something happens to my wife, I am living an even more life of a hermit. 

Just ain't nobody happy in this country are they?


 I was a member of the National Rifle Association longer than most of you have been alive. 

About 3 years ago, I stopped paying my dues to the organization and it had been coming over about 15 years of time. 

You see I am a member of both the Gun Owners of America( GOA) and the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights. (The Jewish organization was formed by concentration camp survivors, both were in Auschwitz during World War 2.   They believe you should be able to own any firearm....Both GOA and the Jews don't play with firearms rights.)

Over the last 25 years the NRA has become a spokesman, not of the gun owner, but the gun maker. And only in certain areas of the US. It no longer represents all members.

Several years ago the NRA became the person piggy bank of the NRA leadership. 

Including giving a retiring leader a $13 million dollar bonus and a paycheck every year for his 'leadership.'

They spent million's of the NRA money not on gun owners but private planes for travel, and limos. 

Probably the straw that broke the camel's back was the money spent on suit, using NRA by Wayne LaPierre. 

From 2004-2017 he spent $300,000 dollars on suits, using NRA money. 

His favorite suit? 


Zegna suits run from $3000 to 5000 dollars. 

Sorry, grown ass men shouldn't be wearing Italian suits. 

There are 3 major types of suit types men wear in America. 

British, American, Italian. Sorry, but Italian are for younger men. Not serious business type people who say... as it was said "N.R.A. is not fancy Italian shoes with thousand-dollar suits. N.R.A. is the backbone of this country, wearing bluejeans and boots.”

Now I like a good suit. 

I wear one often in public. 

But, I had not spent other people's money amounting to $39,000 one day in Beverly Hills on Zenga suits.  

So, I know people were upset when the state of New York sued the NRA for malfeasance of funds. I was not shocked. 

I was also disappointed with the Attorney General of Texas offered the NRA the ability to 'set up shop' here in Texas. I assume he is okay with the NRA using donations as their personal piggy bank. 

The NRA is no longer doing what it tells us it is trying to do.....Sorry, just isn't.



Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Buna ISD

 I generally write a " State of the District" blog at some point but you know, according to the Buna ISD calendar, this is the " First School Day".

It also starts the first day of year 10, yes 10 years retired from the Buna ISD. 

Oh, I keep up with what is going on, but you know, I miss it like a bum tooth. 

I've traveled the world since I've retired. 

Canada twice. United Kingdom 3 times. France, Germany, Belgium, Hong Kong...Spent a month in China. Was in New England for the Fall foliage. Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, New York....Waiting now for this " Virus" mess to end so we can go to Israel. And are looking at either Wales, Cornwall, Devon, or Switzerland after that. 

My child has completed 2 Master's and picked up a wife we love to death. And someone asked, they now are living in College Station. Their townhouse has 3.5 baths. I can't pee that much.

I did not know it would be this way, but I love retirement. Best job I ever had. 

This comes in the light of a former Buna ISD Superintendent's death, and this may be ugly to say, but she pushed me over the edge to retire. We were sent a massive academic department( History, English, Science, Math Departments) educational bullshit document to fill out. Massive 50 pages for everyone in the academic department to fill out. Stuff that never gets read. 50 pages each. Was supposed to take a month to fill out.

I filled  out everyone in the department's work one morning while the kids were taking a test. About 3 hours. I didn't want my department members to suffer. ( I told them " I got everyone taken care of " when they found out about the paperwork.....I was already upset when the History Dept. was told " You have to improve your TAKS scores".....Our scores were 100%. Highest in Region 5. We had no place to go.)

No, don't miss it. 

THIS is the best job I ever had....

Monday, August 10, 2020

I No Longer Care

 Don't care, don't care, don't care.....

Since pro baseball, pro basketball, pro hockey has "resumed" this Summer, I can name the number of games I have watched on one finger. 

Have not watched a basketball, nor baseball game this year. I saw the the Toronto Maple Leafs were on NBCsn and I am a Maple Leafs fan, and I watched one period. Just one. The stands were covered with tarps and they had "piped in" fan noise. And it sounded so artificial, I could not watch. I changed the channel. 

And over the weekend, the FCS ( Those are colleges the size of Lamar University) called off their football playoffs they had scheduled at the end of the year. Two of the major conferences, The Big Sky( Montana, Montana State Idaho, Idaho State, UC- Davis, Sacramento State Weber State, 13 schools in total) and the Missouri Valley ( North Dakota, North Dakota State, South Dakota, South Dakota State, North Dakota State has won the football championship the last 8 of 9 years...This is after a number of other FCS conferences postponed football until the Spring. Over 50% of the conference. 

This of course all revolves around Covid. 

That said, the Southland Conference, Lamar, McNeese, Sam Houston, SFA, Abilene Christian, Northwestern Louisiana, etc.....Still plan to play football. But if the championship playoffs are not until April or May...How would that work? There probably are kids who graduate in Dec, would they want to come back and practice 6 weeks after they have left school? I am sure some will, but what if they have been offered a quality job?

So, the news this morning, is that the 5 major football conferences, the Big Ten, Big 12, PAC, ACC, SEC had an emergency meeting Sunday to discuss playing football in Fall. 

I am not going to shocked if the Big Ten ( Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc) and the Pacific Athletic Conf. ( USC, UCLA, Stanford, Washington, Oregon, Oregon State, Arizona, Colorado) cancelled or postponed football. 

What the Big 12( Texas, Oklahoma, TCU, Baylor, West Virginia etc) SEC ( LSU, Texas A&M, Alabama, Ole Miss, Tennessee, etc) ACC( Clemson, Florida State, North Carolina, Virginia, Boston College, Miami, etc) decide to do, is unknown? 

I am wondering if in the end, the liability factors of the Covid and long term effects the illness my cause?

As I said, I don't if I will care if we have college football. I don't care about any other sports right now, but no college football? It could happen. What would we do at the Thanksgiving and Christmas family gathering to avoid carrying on a conversation with Aunt Lucy and Uncle Skeeter? 

 2020 just will not keep giving us strange and disappointing news. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Coming Soon to the Buna ISD?????

 I was sent this a few days ago and had planned to blog on it when several other stories came up....

Anyway, this comes out of the PNG-ISD. 

This is to be signed as part of the package needed to enroll your kids in the PNG-ISD. 

 It seems the Pt. Neches school is upset about patrons of that district complaining on Social Media or in public about the district. And they have determined if you make remarks " defamatory, offensive, or derogatory, you will be ejected from school sponsored events under the " Criminal Trespass Codes." 

So, who is going to determine just what is defamatory....Or Offensive......Or derogatory? The school district? 

How in this world can a taxing government entity, run by elected officials take it upon themselves to stop people complaining about the actions of the said school district, either the people in the school, or the school's action itself? 

 So, not only does this include social media, but the men griping about the coaching at the Friday night ballgame at the barber shop also fall under this... 

I know good and well, when I was teaching I was the subject of the my teaching style at the beauty shop. And you know what I did? Nothing. I knew it'd pass.

Sorry folks, this is a violation of the First Amendment. 

 And don't think other school districts wouldn't like to be able to do this....

I am sorry, but it makes you wonder what in the world PNG-ISD is thinking? I wonder if this came out of the photo of the PNG-ISD retreat at the beach in which a number of people were taken close together not wearing masks? ( It made local news) 

Sorry, these school districts think they are too good to be included what is acceptable " Free Speech?"

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Preacher on Vacation

So, I am minding my own business when I am sent this photo this morning on Rev. Jerry Falwell Jr.

Falwell, is on vacation on a yacht with 'friends ' when the picture was taken.

It shows the good reverend with his pants unzipped with his underwear showing, dressed as Julian from the Trailer Park Boys. with his arm around a woman, who is not his wife, in a manner that that, well, in the old days, with your arm in that position, it said, " This is mine." The hand is just too close to the breasteses.

Since I have been with my wife, I've never put my arm around another woman in that manner. Just doesn't look right.

Now, Falwell is President of Liberty University. A school whose rules include the following.

-Girls not wearing skirts more than 2 inches above the knee to class.

- Boys not wearing shorts to class

- Students being fined $20 for going to dances off campus

- Students are not allowed to visit apartment, homes of members of the opposite sex alone

I wonder who is going around spying on students off campus?

For those of you who are not familiar with the "Trailer Park Boys" is is a Canadian TV Show about White Trash in Eastern Canada. Trust me, there are parts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia that look just like the White Trash in Orange, Newton, Jasper, Hardin, Tyler, Liberty, etc. Counties.

Why he has dressed as Julian complete with the "Rum & Coke." (Julian the alcoholic carries a drink with him at all times.)

You, know, makes you wonder.....And why are they taking these photos? And posting them on social media?

Folks, don't be going to church for preachers or the " exciting worship service." It is why I rarely attend church now as a 60-something year old person. I went to school with these people, and I trust them as far as I can throw a KCS Freight Train.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

99.9% of the Time, I'm Proud of You

Most of the time, I am very proud of your career decisions and I generally can see you in that job.

That said, I can't keep up with you. Sorry, just can't. I have about 3000-3500 ex-student and I can't keep up with job changes, college degrees, new spouses, divorces, new kids, grandkids, etc.

So, if I ask, don't get mad because you posted it on social media. I may have missed it. I may have seen it, but just don't remember, especially if you're on wife/husband number 2-3.

I also know some of you have made mistakes and some of you have been " Guests of the State of Texas."

And I am proud of most of you in your jobs, but on a rare occasion, I look at a job you now hold, and ask myself, " How in the hell did that happen?"

Sorry, but I am human, and on a rare occasion, I " Just can't see it."

So, I may look at you funny if you tell me what you are doing, but I doubt it.

And I wish you well in you new job......Even if it puzzles me how in the hell it happened.

Monday, August 3, 2020

240 or 250

I am sure I will insult someone with this blog.

Don't care, don't care, don't care.....

And I don't intend for the blog to become totally sexual in nature, and all I got to say is this, I gots to stay off the internet, especially the advice columns/vlogs.

So, I see where girls are wondering if they should tell their spouse 'to be' the number of sex partners they have had.....And the advice rolled over into guys telling their spouses/fiancees.

Now, I am older than a number of you reading this blog. I know the world has changed, but in the 1970s, we were often worried about getting a girl pregnant, so we just didn't. In those days, even if it involved a "one night" stand and the girl became pregnant, well, you had to get married.

So, as I have said, I can count my sex partners on one finger of one hand...As can my wife and trust me, even though we were both willing and able, well our first few times after we married were awkward. It was funny to both of us a few times. ( We had to complete university, both of us, before we even considered getting married)

And to improve, we both were willing to practice, practice, practice....

So, I read a letter from a girl who is wondering if she should tell her fiance about the 240-250 guys she had slept with, including going through 7 guys in 4 days. ( Separately? Or we talking 'trains' here?)

Now, I don't expect you in 2020 to remain a virgin until you marry. I really don't. My youth was in a totally different time frame. And if you've done several people, well, it is a different world.

But you've done 240 guys......Or guys have done 240 girls?

And the answer to the girl from most other females was, " It is none of his business."

I don't don't thinking my wife would have married me if I had "done" one other girl, much less 250 notches on the bedpost. And I felt the same way....

She might want to be honest. At some point, her " secret" is probably coming out. 

( Man, so much of my life has been foreordained I often wonder if the Calvinists are dead right? Again, let me remind you, I NEVER put an application in for the Government/Economics position at Buna High. I had another job lined up when David Hicks called and I interviewed. It was like Buna was " supposed to be."  )

I say this with my 39th anniversary later this month, and my 'body count' is still at "one."

And this may sound arrogant, I'm pretty proud of it.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...