Friday, July 31, 2020

You Waited 5 Days?!?!?

So, last night, this morning when I could not sleep, I get to surfing the net looking for anything and I come across this.

People waiting until the 5th day of their honeymoon to have sex?

Yes, that is right, day 5.

We were not rich when we were first married( Like we're rich now...Ha) and we barely made it to Houston for our honeymoon, but we got married on a Friday evening and were home by Monday. We had to work that week.

In those days, a lot of folks didn't have the money to spend for week long trips to Mexico's beaches, or Hawaii, or the Bahamas for their honeymoon.People in those days did Houston, or Galveston or Lake Charles, or hell, a bunch of people I know, went to a camp on Toledo Bend......Pretty much for the weekend. Hell, I knew a couple got married on a Friday and the in-laws showed up to the camp on Sunday. Dad in-law wanted to go fishing. And there was only one bedroom.

So, I thought it was a one off, when I saw the video, but apparently within the certain evangelical communities, the thing is is wait until you " get to know one another" before you have sex.

There's no making out, no touching, in many cases, they are not alone until after they have gotten married.

And two of the videos I saw, the couple got nekkid together on the wedding night, but other than kissing and he getting to " touch her breasteses" nothing else happened.

I'm with a woman.....Nekkid in the bed......I'm sorry, I could not handle it. I might just explode, in more ways than one.

And one of the wives only wanted to be nekkid with the " Lights off." Guess what, got imperfections ladies? We don't care.....Got a lot of imperfections, we don't care, we still want to see you nekkid. Sorry, we're going to love you imperfections or not.

Much less wait 5 days before we got " serious."

Hell, most people my age, male and female would have been disappointed if we hadn't " done it" on the wedding night.

And the thing is, the people in the community were " claiming" that neither male nor female had masturbated, neither had either touched or let a guy touch their breasteses. One of the guys said that he almost " wrecked the car" on the way to the hotel because he got to touch her breasteses while driving.

I can see the wedding night you not being physically able to " do it" ( Got likkered up, it's 4AM when you get to the room) But the next morning, " Hey baby, you want me to scrub your back in the shower/tub? How about your front?"

But wait 5 days? Especially with both of you running around nekkid?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I Don't Get This Either

So, I thought this advertisement on TV would go away fairly quickly, but I saw it this morning.

The commercial is for a hearing aid system.

It's the one where the girl asks " Charlie" her boyfriend......" Did you bring the condoms?" And she whispers because her parents are in the same room.

The boy is unable to hear because she is whispering and repeats herself several times.

Finally her dad, with the hearing aid says, " She said, did you bring the condoms Charlie?"

Don't think I have ever had sex at my parent's or in-law's house. Even after we were married. Don't know, maybe I am a prude. Maybe it is that damn Evangelical upbringing. Just well, didn't feel proper.

And I am one who thinks if swinging from the ceiling makes you both happy, you, "Go for it."

I don't know....Just a hang up I guess.

Anyway, stupid ass commercial. You could at least waited to ask when you were in another room...

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

What Happened Mr. Thomas?

I have received a couple of messages about where I have been? Have you shut the blog down?

No, no, just things right now are a goofy for me and goofy worldwide.

I am to the point I can't really watch the news very much anymore.

Yesterday, I tried to switch over and watch sports, but the headlines were 13 members of the Miami MLB team, players and coaches had become ill with Covid. We are what, 3 days into the baseball season and already a major outbreak.

I know some of you think this is a "conspiracy" surrounding the election, and will end on Nov. 4th.

Watch news and read newspapers from around the world. It ALL the British, the French, heck, all of Europe is talking about. It's the big news in the South China Morning News. That's the major English language newspaper in Hong Kong.

The British are quarantining their own people for 14 days coming back from Spain on vacation. That just started, again, in the last 48 hours.

There are parts of American cities on the verge of total civil war.

The economy is not as good as what you think. Half of American are without a job. And don't gauge what is going on here by the rest of the nation. Texas' unemployment is better than other states. The economy is often yin and yang between Texas and the rest of the country.

I don't know. I got a bad feeling this mess is about to spiral out of control....

No comments.

I may write a humorous blog next on what you might do with the $1200 you may get, and I think we are going to get it.... 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

It's " Cuss Porch" Time

My I should have done this years ago when I had many of you sitting in my class.

Then again, it was GIGO for many of you, and you were trying to avoid the " Cuss Porch." Or at a minimum, being kicked into the hall.

And we've gone over this before, and I am not going to go into a long dissertation over 'primary' and 'secondary' sources of research, both of which are what historians spend literally hundreds of hours in the old days in the library digging for, and now, online and the library because not everything, is online.

Some of you refuse to do any sort of research on memes, or quotes, or any some sort of historical or scientific 'facts' to see if this is real.

I don't know, there is a lot of bullshit out there and many of you refuse to look and see what truths might really be.

I am not over the fact that some of you have fallen for the " Flat Earth" horseshit.

Then again, some of you think a world tour is a trip to Burkeville.

Just because you like what a meme says doesn't make it right.

You keep "fuckin' up" I am really going to get mad, and I may need to bring back a virtual " Cuss Porch."

Monday, July 20, 2020

Santa Ain't Coming this Year?????

I write this blog after I start to read that some places are starting to cancelled their Christmas Festivals?

Specifically in Orange County, West Orange's " Holiday in the Park."

They did so for fear they would have to at some point tell vendors they must cancel. And July is when they start to mail out notices to the vendors to reserve booths for the December event.

So, I go online to " Dickens on the Strand" the event that takes place in Galveston for the last 46 years.  I keep thinking I will dress as an " Oxford History Don" complete with teaching gown from the 19th century and walk around the Strand, but I never have....

And so far they are planning on having the event in Galveston.

It's 6 months away from Christmas and we're already cancelling  stuff.

I wonder what Christmas will look like?

One for the books including pictures, dolls, of Santa in a mask?

Or will this mess be somewhat over?

You don't know, nor do I.

And don't say it is political. This is a ' worldwide' event.

I got a bad feeling on this one man......

Sunday, July 19, 2020

15,000 Calories, In the End, I Have a Serious Question to Ask You....

The "Boss" and have started watching a girl through Roku on YouTube eating massive calories of 10,000-15,000 at one sitting, mostly, fast food like Jack-in-the-Box, Sonic, eating it all in under an hour. And the girl weighs 115lbs. Just amazing feats of gastronomy.

Last night she ate Panda Express. I've never had Panda Express, and to be honest, I have not eaten the American version of Chinese food since, well, since we were in China. ( Our Chinese DIL had rather 'Dad' fix a steak or a massive beef roast) The entire China experience ruined me on the American version.

So, the " Boss" offered to pick up some Panda Express one evening on the way home from work, so ole Kerry looked at the menu online.....No donkey, no sea slugs, no deep fried whole goldfishes....Without such fare, it's not really real Chinese food. Maybe a sanitized Orange Chicken one night with noodles? The Chinese love their noodles. 

So, here is the question I would like to ask you-

I was looking this morning at the number of people on my prayer list.


Now some of you are on the list whether you want to be or not, permanently. You've got a form of tenure, so no matter what you say, I'm talking to Jesus about you.

And I am happy to do intercessory prayer for you, if you actually need it. But for some of you, I wonder, do I need to keep praying for things like a new romantic personage, or that you find employment.I can't keep up with your private life....And don't get me wrong, I'll do it every morning if you want to me, but it took over an hour this morning to get through the list.

As Oscar Wilde once said, " I am not young enough to know everything." 

So, if you want me to continue praying for you, let me know, I am more than happy to do it.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Same to You and the Three Legged Mule You Rode in On....And Gossip

I do not know. Started to write 2 separate blogs, this morning, but I don't know, I just felt like rolling the 2 into one.

I caught hell from about 3 people last night over my post concerning the cigars and the whisky. ( Yes, I spell it whisky, like they spell it in the UK.)

They, all 3, were upset because I am ordained as a minister and I have not problem with a cigar and a good glass of an adult beverage.

I know you grew up as a Baptist or a Pentecostal and the " Evils of Drink" were beat into your head, but you've got to remember, ain't all of us in that theological philosophy/doctrine.

I am ordained in a church that has not trouble with a " nip" and certainly won't come down on you for it. They use actual wine during communion, and believe that when Jesus turned the " Water into Wine" it was actual wine, not some sort of Welch's Grape juice like the old Baptist Standard magazine proposed back in the 1970s. Like Jesus is making grape juice for a wedding....

Damn Baptists believe in the "inerrant"  teachings of the Bible, but won't follow the Greek says it was actual "wine" not grape juice. Nor will that not stop eating catfish, or shrimp, or bacon, or wearing mixed linens together......And don't get me started on what it says about divorce, or fornication, or adultery.....But you got to go after people who are homosexual.....Leave them alone....


You know, I hear stories from people all the damn time about who is playing " slap and tickle" with someone they shouldn't be.

And if I was unscrupulous, I would tell one of the " involved" to leave 2 round trip open ended tickets in the mailbox to London....( What the heck, I can rent a car in London and go where I really want to go) So I won't won't "Spill the Beans" to one's spouse.

But that's not me.

I don't name names. Nor sources.

I wonder what you are thinking playing " hide the pickle" during a pandemic?

I don't think you know how I easy I could turn this blog into a gossip rag.

" Slippin' Thru the Slough." " Nekkid in Gist" " Fornication Down 1004" " Sneakin' Down 253"

But I am not there......

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

It's Come to This

I don't know.

I know some of you think that because you " pay the taxes" you somehow own teachers, and you really don't care what happens to them. Lip service and we teachers know this when you talk about how you appreciate them....

And if teachers don't take up for teachers, well, no one else will.

And I don't think some of you understand that schools, no matter what you do is just a human Petri dish. And good luck keep kids in masks, washing their hands, trying not to spread an illness.

This story comes from a Texas teacher.  

( On a side not while writing this blog The Doors " The End" started playing. The 11 minute version...Talk about apropos.... )

It seems teachers are really preparing for this year, and not by buying the $400-600 worth of stuff you always need just to be able to teach....Yes, on your nickel, not the ISDs.

-They are making sure their will are up to date or writing a will if they don't have one-

-Getting medical power of attorney established. 

- Taking out extra life insurance.

Just something to think about this morning...

No comments this morning.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How Many Gov. Abbott?

So, I am assuming the Governor of Texas the TEA, whoever is in charge is going to be okay with the opening of schools here next month....

The question is this....

How many kid's deaths are acceptable?( On Sunday the Sec. of Education said the deaths of 15,000 kids were acceptable)

How many teacher's deaths are acceptable?

Is it just the " Cost of doing business?"

Makes you wonder what is going to happen this Fall?

Let's face it the opening of school is a psychological one.  It mean that the " illness is under control, and it is back to Business as Usual."

But at what cost?

And is it really " business as usual?"

Makes you think.....

Question & Question for the Ladies

So the first question is this....

Is the sock drawer from the following

A. GQ Magazine

B. Esquire, the fashion forum

C. Julian Kaye ( American Gigolo, the first 10 minutes with Richard Gere being bought clothes by a " customer" and he picking out the clothes to wear together are perhaps my favorite 10 minutes in ANY movie. I did that when I was still teaching...often. Would have 3-4 outfits on the bed deciding which one to wear just like Julian. )   

D. The Govteach's sock drawer

Of course, the answer is D. I have two drawers like this. Fop, Dandy, whatever, I want to out-dress you head to toe....I am looking on Hockertey's website as I write this for a grey " Quinton" tweed suit for Fall. Look like a professor of PPE( Politics, Economics, Philosophy) at some university....Wear it to a wedding I have in October.

The other day,  one of the dozen or so men's dress sites re-posted this meme.

A well tailored suit 
    is to women
what lingerie is to men

I don't know ladies if this is true.

Then again, there are a lot of "older" women who "talk" to me when I am dressed like a "Philadelphia Lawyer" as my late grandma used to say.

I thought the were just being nice.

Then again, in seminary we had a class in which we were told to watch ourselves around females. There are females who "LOVE" preachers."

I say say that women " my age" are " awful nice." 

But I am naive, very naive concerning the " fairer " sex as Edwardian England would say. 

I would would be single if my wife had not asked me out. ( First date? Sonic on Washington Blvd after the Lamar football game. Chili -cheese Tater tots and "cokes") I classes it up on the second date to old Patrizi's maybe the "classiest " restaurant back in the 1970s.

So ladies, the question is this, and I know, most of my readers are in SE Texas, which is a bit different from the rest of the state...Hell the country....SE Texas is still fairly " rural."

Is a man in a well tailored suit that sexy?

Friday, July 10, 2020

Conspiracy Theory?

A conspiracy theory?

So, the older I get the less I believe in these. I have heard about these theories for years, and most, well they're bullshit.

But this makes you wonder.

It seems there is a shortage of coins in America, and it is due to according to the experts, Covid-19.

A combination of the US Mint being shut down and people just not spending coinage like they had in the past. And banks can't get coins from the Fed. So, businesses can get coins.

Some stores are requiring you use either credit or debit card, even checks, rather than cash, or if you use cash, don't expect exact change( coin) or coins returned in general.

Now, I buy stuff still from time to time with cash, but have not been told or seen signs, " No Coins will be returned."

And I like a lot of men, throw my coins at the end of the day into a coffee can, so I can cash them in for free later for travel money at the coin machine at our credit union.

It is a nationwide problem.




Charlotte, NC 

Albuquerque, NM  

I am wondering, is this an attempt to go 'cashless?'

I know, we are to the point even when we travel overseas, we don't need cash, even in China. We use plastic. It is taken worldwide.  ( The Chinese take the Discover Card)

I know in places like Denmark, they are ending paper money/coins. 

We wind up spending all the money we exchanged the day before we come home.

Heck, I still have Hong Kong Bank, Bank of Scotland, Bank of England, Chinese RMB in my wallet. Just did not need them.

I wonder, how much trouble have you had getting coins back in change?

Thursday, July 9, 2020

You Knew This Would Come Up PNG

For years when the PNG-ISD was asked about the nickname used by the school's teams, the Indians, the school district would wave around a " blessing" they had received from a Chief in the Cherokee Nation from 1979.

41 years ago.

So, in the last couple of days, the present Chief of the Cherokee Nation has sent a letter to the Supt. of Schools and the Board of Trustees asking them to stop using the name " Indian" in their nickname.

And of course, the people in PNG have gone nuts.

Now that the Cherokee Nation has revoked their "blessing" PNG is basically telling the Nation...." Fuck You" we'll do whatever we want.

I don't know. I live with a PNG grad. When I met her she bled PNG purple. It has changed when an eye opening event occurred to us in the early 2000s, in an event that upended our lives and in reality, getting out of PNG was the best thing that ever happened to us. Literally LCM-ISD was a Godsend to us.

But never say never PNG.

Demographics in the state are changing.

I can see at some point the UIL mandating change. ( The world changes folks)

Oh it might not be tomorrow or next year, or the year after, but you know it is coming.

Let me suggest new names.

The Refinery Rats
The Fightin' Coonasses( The places is full of them...and I am part Coonass, that way I can be " offended")
The Explosion( TPC)
The Melanomas

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Alright Church People....Explain This

In the last 2 days, it has come to light that churches are applying for and receiving money from the Small Business Administration. ( US Treasury) for the Paycheck Protection Program ( PPP).

This were loans, that could be forgiven, that were established so small businesses could continue to pay their employees.

Church like the First Baptist Church of Dallas, First Baptist Church of Arlington, TX, along with Catholic, Episcopal, Assembly of God, churches in the Dallas area received these PPP loans to pay employees. 

First Baptist-Dallas is on record receiving between $2-5 million dollars for PPP.

When did these churches become " businesses?"

If they are "businesses" why don't they pay taxes?

It's not just Christian churches, the Scientology Centers in several cities including New York City received these loans.

You know, I came through and was in that world for a while. I couldn't look at myself in the face any more. Money for nothing in many cases. ( Oh I know you're Preacher and earns his money)

I am of the old Pauline view of preachers and work. St. Paul earned a living as a tent maker.

When we are giving government money so the preacher, worship leader can keep his payments up on his Long-wheel-based Jaguar XJ in British Racing Green....Well, no, just no.....( There's a minister in the area who drives one, you'll have to find out who...)

Call yourself a business, pay taxes like a business.

How the Hell is This Going to Work?

I know the Buna ISD is giving the option of kids coming to class, or kids staying home and receiving online instruction. And every six-week time period you have the choice of which one you will have your child do. And you must keep doing it either at school, or at home during that six-week period. You can't change in the middle.

I feel for the teachers trying to come up with instruction for two separate groups of instruction. I am guessing taping the lecture and putting it online? Maybe set up your own Youtube channel?

Science teachers who teach Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry,  AP Chemistry, Physics, AP Physics, and some other science would have to come up with 10-12 different preps to teach kids at school and online....

But how will tests work? How will the kid not cheat during exams? Will the tests be sent to the school via snail mail? Or sent online?

What happens when a kid gets sick during the middle of the six-week period? Do they go home for 2 weeks until they are cleared?

What happens when a bunch of older teachers start to get seriously ill? Will they be eligible for work's comp? What happens when the lawyers get involved, or is it, " We don't give a damn about teachers anyway. Who cares about them." " Some frickin' guy who can throw a ball is more important than every teacher in the State of Texas. "

The TEA has also announced that students over age 10 will be required to wear masks  as long as the executive order exists.

Just what are we going to do when we have a Covid-19 outbreak and it can be traced to schools? Keep going? We need schools open to babysit?

Again, teachers are expendable in our society.  If you can, and were still teaching, I would retire.

You know, I am so glad I am retired.

This is going to be a mess....

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What Are We Going to change Lamar University's Name To????

I know you don't think this will happen, but at some point, it is seriously going to be looked at.

Already the news the last 24 hours out of the City of Austin is the city is looking at changing the name of Lamar Blvd. to something else. 

Lamar Blvd. is one of the major streets in Austin. Back when you could drive in Austin, my wife and I often had one of our favorite restaurants on Lamar. If I went now, I need to get Reid and April or perhaps Corey to take us to a good restaurant.  ( We like Mexican food...or just about anything else...)

They are also talking about changing Lamar Street's name in Dallas. 

Let's talk about the Father of Education in Texas- Mirabeau B. Lamar.

Before coming to Texas, he conspired with the Governor of Georgia to swindle the Creek Indians out of lands in Georgia. Lamar was the governor's private secretary. After the governor lost reelection, Lamar bought the newspaper, the Columbus Enquirer and was elected to the state senate. While involved with both, Lamar became involved with one major issue, the nullification of national laws in order to support slavery.

 After moving to Texas after the death of his brother, and serving at the Battle of San Jacinto, Lamar was elected President of Texas  in 1838.

It is while there he establish lands to be used for education in Texas.

In Anderson, Gary C. The Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land 1820–1875, Lamar is quoted in his first address to the Texas Congress that he believed the "total extinction" of the Indian tribes was necessary to make the lands available to whites.

Lamar was even more racist than the average person of the time. In 1840 he signed " An Act Concerning Free Persons of Color" in which it required all Free Blacks to leave Texas within a 2 year time period. Or they would be sold into slavery.

You of course should have learned of Lamar bankrupting Texas, in your 7th Grade Texas history class and in 1844, Lamar supported joining the United States, not for reasons you believe. He was more afraid of the banks in London... Texas had borrowed money from England and they would make Texas as a part of their bankruptcy restructuring give up slavery.( Britain had become abolitionist in the 1800s) He wanted to join America as a state to keep slavery.

His support of the Union lasted only about 5 years when the Compromise of 1850 was passed. And Lamar supported an independent Texas once again....It threatened slavery.

Why support slavery? For Lamar it was an economic one. He owned a large plantation Southwest of  Houston in Richmond, and needed slave labor to make the business profitable.

Now, the ugliest statue in America is the one of Mirabeau Lamar in front of the Setzer Center and my understanding is a 2 lb Largemouth Bass stuck head first into Mirabeau's eyes, well, it is a perfect fit. At least it was in the 1970s.

Don't say never, because the world is changing. Changing quickly. You are going to wake up sooner than later and realize Texas demographics are so different, so different and you'll be whining, about " What happened?"

South Park, where Lamar is built, well, the demographics have changed since the 1950s when Lamar was established as a 4 year college ( Old Lamar Tech). South Park is no longer a White working class neighborhood. And how are you going to explain or support a university named after a racist in the middle of what is now a working class Black community? 

So what are we going to name it?

University of Beaumont? ( No)
The University of Southeast Texas? ( No)
The Harvard on the Neches?

And while we are at it, let's get rid of Cardinals as the nickname. Nothing scary about a Cardinal. And the damn slogan " Peck 'em cards"....Yeah that scares people to death.....And I know there is another college in the conference named "cardinals" but it is a Catholic school and I think originally it was named for the Cardinal, the Prince of the the Catholic Church.....Scary? Might be if you're an underage boy....

Monday, July 6, 2020

My Hypocrisy Goes Just so Far

My hypocrisy goes just so far......

This blog will probably get back to those involved, but I just don't care.

I had a conference call with literally a group of people wanting to get married in a couple of months.  And it had more people on the call than I expected.

They just " assumed" I would do the wedding, and a Buna person was involved( Don't ask) and it was going along until I learned about the particulars.

It seems the bride was on husband to be Number 6. And had 5 kids. All by 5 different husbands. ( That was my understanding, I might be wrong?)

I understand if you've had a couple of missteps, and you need to get married a couple of 2-3 times, but at number 6, well, it's time to stop.

I was stunned at the number of times.

Who you think you are? Liz Taylor? 

And the thing that pushed me over the edge and I told them, they need to find another ' officiant' was when the bride's mother got to talking about the wedding gown for the bride.


Now, I do not expect you to be a virgin when you get married. I know that ship these days has long passed. First wedding, I expect and think you need to wear white. I don't expect you to not wear white on a second or perhaps a third wedding, but at some point, you've got to be honest with yourself.

At 6 weddings, I'm sorry, " you've seen more peckers than a urinal."

I told them, I would not be able to perform the wedding, for ethical reasons and the groom and bride understood, it was the bride's family who was not so understanding....

So, if you hear someone bad mouthing me about not doing a wedding.....Well, it true...

Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Fit and Happy July 4th

Just wanted to wish you a Happy July 4th. I know we're having hot dogs and watermelon here at the Compound. Don't know about you, but I am a huge hot dog with chili fan. You can't beat 2 types of mystery meat on a bun.

Be careful. I hope by next 4th we can have a "normal" 4th. Hell, I am worrying about Thanksgiving and Christmas at this point, especially with older family.

Had someone want to get married on Thursday. Trouble is, they had gotten the license on Wednesday.

In Texas folks, there is a 72 hour waiting period before you get married. This was done so people wouldn't get married to someone they met that day. Part of it was due to soldiers during WWII getting married right before they left for Europe/The Pacific to someone they just met. I think part of it was done so they could get the girl to " Put Out." ( Different mores in those days)

Dodge the raindrops. Enjoy the weekend. I have a Betsy Ross flag flying at the Compound. Found it for a song online. Decided to put it up instead of the 15 star, 15 stripe US flag I normally fly for American holidays.

Friday, July 3, 2020

New Dark Ages????

I keep reading all the people online, on comment sections of newspapers who are are so anti-education, so anti-science.

I don't get it.

Maybe because I came from a world in which education was important and pushed from the day I was born.

It is like people are saying " I don't understand science or mathematics, or don't agree with it, so it must be either....."

A. Godless
B. Liberal

I knew we were starting to get into trouble when I read a couple of years ago people without college degrees, barely made it out of high school saying " I should be able to teach high school  English, or History, or Math, or Chemistry.......Simply because I want to. "

You do realize Europe( Hell most of the world) is not allowing Americans into their nations because the "virus" is spreading like mad here because we can't take the time to try and take care of ourselves and not keep spreading the illness.

We think that the entire "virus" is an American conspiracy only. It is effecting us only.  Never mind it is effecting the entire world.

I've been saying this for a while, I think we are done. It is someone else's turn. This is not going to get any better.

Maybe our time has ended. It happens to every nation, sorry, but it does.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...