Monday, November 30, 2020

The Older I Get The More I Don't Understand People-

 So, I had to go to orange this morning. Just had to go. Didn't want to, but I had to for odds and ends. 

I ran into more unhappy people working than I have in a long time. Other than the lady at the Dry Cleaners, everyone working I dealt with was just surly. Just did not appreciate they had a job. I am sure the people out of a job would love to trade places with them. 

The happiest person as I said, was the person of South Asia roots. Thrilled to get my business. All the " White" folks I dealt with were just pissed off. Pissed off so badly they were smart-asses. 

I was a smart-ass back. 

Now, when I taught school, I was a smart-ass, and will freely admit it, but teaching high school seniors, you had to be a smart-ass to survive. Just the nature of the job........That said, I was nice as hell when I spoke to your parents. It's called " Playing Politics" and I can "Play it" with the best of them. 

I know your job sucks. Every job does. Hell, I loved my job and there were times it sucked to high-heaven. 


I make it no secret I carry a gun. 

As I I have said, "I am too old to take an ass whipping, thus, I conceal carry." 

And I understand you can now "Open Carry" if you have a CHL. 

But, I won't. You'll be the first one targeted with an open carry weapon. 

But it seems everyone I see open carry isn't wearing a mask. 

How in the hell does that make any damn sense? 

You are afraid of an outlaw, but not afraid of a virus? I am thinking most of you who carry that way think it is a hoax. 

Keep thinking that way when you're on a ventilator at St. E.  

It means to most of us, you only care about yourself.

Wearing a fucking mask for the rest of us.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

How? Why? I Gots Questions-

 I know that this commercial has been on TV, well, since the first of the year, but the last couple of days, I have seen it more than I have in total.

It is that hearing-aide ad in which the couple are standing/sitting at the breakfast bar that separates the kitchen from the living room. 

In the ad are the girl, her husband. ( They are not boyfriend/girlfriend as someone has said in one review. They are married.  Both are wearing wedding rings.) And also in the scene are the girl's Mother and Father. 

You have seen the ad by now, the girl asks her husband if he " Brought the condoms." And the boy can't understand what she is asking, and she repeats it until her dad wearing the advertiser's hearing-aides tell the boy, " She's asking if you brought the condoms Charlie."  To the embarrassment of the girl, the boy replies " Yeah, I brought them." 

I know there have been what people reviewing and commenting on " Why are married folks using condoms? When other forms of birth control are available?" Well, look, some folks can't use other birth control, health, whatever, and in truth, sometimes they are cheaper than other devices or pills. 

My concern is, why are you asking that question with your parents in the same room? 

I don't think I've had relations next door to either set of parents in my life, too much of a risk of " Sex noises."  Thus the end of the end of the commercial in which when the couple retires to the bedroom, the Father removes the hearing-aides from his ears. ( Heck, haven't had 'relations' in my parents or in-law's house, ever. Call me a prude if you want...)

You know your parents know you are having sex. You're married. But throwing it in their face, especially the Father's whose job psychologically is often to protect his little girl, I don't know. While I laughed at the commercial, I had more philosophical questions about ad than answers....

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Charlie Brown a Member of the KKK?

 So, no one is happy. 

No one.

We're just looking for stuff to bitch about.

In Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Special, which was first shown on CBS back in 1973. ( By the way, the Thanksgiving Special was not part of my childhood. It premiered when I was a Junior in High School. Oh I remember it, but it is not as "classic" as the Christmas Special. I barely remember watching it in high school and I think I have seen the Thanksgiving Special one other time before I saw it the other night on PBS.)

The unhappiness comes from Franklin, the Black kid, sitting at the Thanksgiving table, by himself, across from everyone else. 

Heck, Franklin had the best seat in the house. He can speak to everyone, plus, he has plenty of room. It would be the seat I would want. 

And if you notice, Charlie Brown is sitting by himself in the station wagon going to grandma's,( A station wagon, who has one now? Perhaps we might come closest with Deb's Subaru Outback? But it's more of a crossover.) and Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown's love interest sits with Franklin. ( Don't tell me Peppermint Patty is a lesbian. She's bit of a tomboy sure, but in high school she'd crawl into the backseat down a lonely parking spot with Charlie Brown in a heartbeat....and you know plenty of tomboys who would crawl in a backseat with a boy they like in a heartbeat...I figure Charlie Brown winds up married to Patty and 20 years later and 4 kids he asks, " What the hell happened?")

But all upset about Franklin? Come on, we're just looking for shit to bitch about.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A " Do Over???"

 So, there has been some talk in the last couple of hours about a " Do-Over" for the Presidential Election. 

This has been suggested, demanded, whatever by actor Randy Quaid. ( Quaid was Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon's Vacation movies, starring Chevy Chase.)

The " Do-Over" was suggested in a tweet by Quaid,  in a rambling makes no sense for the most part video on Quaid's account.

Quaid of course was arrested for paying for a hotel stay with a fraudulent credit card and when asked to pay the $81,000 he owned he "went on the lam." 

He was later arrested for staying in a house he once owned  and to avoid the arrest, fleeing to Canada when warrants for his arrest were put out for he and his wife.

Quaid was fired from his last job for hitting and slapping other members of the play he was doing because he didn't like what they were doing. 

Then, in a move I really question " What are you thinking?" The President of the U.S. re-tweets Quaid's tweets on the Re-vote. 

Sorry, but the last person I would quote is Randy Quaid. 

There's not going to be a " Do-Over" no "Re-vote." 

That is not how a democracy works.....You don't like the results of this election, you try and change the results your way in the next election. 

If you somehow win in a "Re-Vote" how do you keep the other side from calling a second " Re-Vote." It can cause a vicious cycle. 

Sorry, there has been not been massive "cheating." If there had been, proof would have been shown by now. There hasn't been. There is no conspiracy concerning the election. Just saying " You think there was" doesn't mean there was. You have to show some sort of evidence. Even Rush Limbaugh has said, " There are no bombshells proving there is cheating." 

These complaints that the cities voted for Biden and " that isn't fair" sounds downright racist. You want Black people to vote Republican? Actively recruit in Black communities.  Heck, Latino, Asian communities. I know some of you will deny this, but deep down you hate/ are afraid of Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, and you think America needs to be a White Christian( Protestant, non-Catholic) nation. Well, it isn't. And Whites are quickly becoming the minority. ( In Texas, for every Anglo baby born, 7 Latino babies are born)

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and try again in 2( Congressional)-4( Presidential) years. The country will survive. I know you don't think it will, but we've had worse happen. Much worse.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Again, This Blog is for One Reader-

 And if you are female, it isn't for you.

First, let me say, if you call me, please don't call at 5AM. I've been up since 4AM....Yes, I am up, but not one else in the house is. 

I get some strange calls. Really strange, and while I try and help you, well, sometimes, stuff if just out of "My League." 

Had a call a couple of weeks ago from someone no longer in this area, and not involved in social media who asked me to perform their wedding. Sort of kids of people I know. 

The guy in his 20s, was all gung-ho to marry this girl he's been dating until she confessed her " Body Count." 

It seems it is close to 100. Not only boys, but also girls. And she confessed she had been with some females since they were " exclusively dating." She didn't see girls as " cheating."

He claims his body count is countable on one hand. Including the present girl. 

I do not know. I am of another generation. I can count my " Body Count" on one finger, and can my wife. And as I have said, as goofy as we were when we first got married, well, it often lead to us breaking down in laughter. As the late Paul Hornung said, you got to " Practice, Practice, Practice" 

I had no answer for the boy other than you need to find someone else. You're going to have heartbreak down the line, no matter how much you love this girl. 

It wasn't what he wanted to hear. He wanted to Zoom, Skype, whatever and me do "Pastoral Counseling" with them. ( Yes, I've taken the course)...I really do not think I can help and offered to find serious counselor. He didn't want it. This is a disaster waiting to happen...And I told him so.

-And here is the part for the " One Reader" and I assume they will read it. 

Your wife loves you. 

She'll do anything for you. 

She is " Lonely."

You need to get off that damn internet looking at nekkid people doing whatever. 

She is will to do that nasty ass stuff they are doing online. Apparently, she's offered, but you'd rather watch some girl who doesn't know you are alive do it. 

When you were in high school you would have killed to have a girl that would have sex with you just for asking. Well, you got one, and you are not taking advantage of it. 

What the "Cornbread Fuck" is wrong with you?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Texas, It's Time to Ignore the Baptists, Pentecostals, All those Other Denominations that Fall into This Category.

In January of 2021, the Texas State Legislature will meet in it's 140 day biennial session. 

Already, there are a number of members of the Texas House, the Texas Senate who have introduced Bills to legalize marijuana in this state. 

It is time. 

Legalize it and tax it. 

Due to the Covid 19 situation, the state is going to be short funds for the coming session. Legalizing pot and taxing it will add $1.1 billion dollars to the states coffers. And this is the year to do it. 

I know some of you religious people's head will explode at the idea of people being able to smoke pot legally. You got to keep telling people other than yourself what to do. 

Sorry, but I remember the start of the so called " War on Drugs" by Nixon. That was 50 years ago. The war is lost. 

If you're not going to legalize it outright, make medical marijuana legal. The writer of this blog would go to his doctor the first day of medical legalization and get a prescription. 

For 63 years of my life I heard Baptist ministers preach again "the drink" but in those sermons they conveniently ignored Jesus' first miracle. The water into wine, and the fact that even Paul drank wine " For his stomach's sake." 

Tired of pick and chose theology. Preach on Micah 3 every quarter to get that tithe up. Never mind we're under a "New Covenant" and  say bacon, shrimp, catfish, wearing mixed linens, living in the house with your wife during her cycle is "Now" okay....Pick and Chose Theology.... ( Need to write on what Micah 3 really says)

It is time Texas. It is time....

Monday, November 16, 2020

Stop it, Just Stop it Now! Who You Think We Are? The Rockefellers?

 I was seriously pondering yesterday watching the ballgame which of America's business will not make it through the holidays. 

I keep thinking Sears is done every month. Heck, I can't remember the last time I've gone into a Sears. 

I know JC Penny has had a buyer in the last few months with money, but I wonder if even that will be enough?

Then I see that truck maker, GMC has brought back this advertisement for the holiday. 

A man buys his wife and he, his and her vehicles. Of course he thinking she would want the SUV, instead she "hugs" the pick-up he bought for himself. 

Seriously, who amongst us can afford to buy 2 vehicles at once?  Taking on 2 notes at once, and I am sure there are wealthy people who can, but most really rich folks I know drive beat to crap old vehicles. It is how they got rich. ( I am like Delmar in O'Brother Where Art Thou? " You ain't no kind a man, if you ain't got land."  Look how many really rich people are in real estate-)

Then again, I would not dare buy my wife a car....Wrong type, wrong accessories, wrong color, and to be honest she likes to wheel and deal. 

Would I like a new car for Christmas? In truth, not really. If we go anyplace far away we go in Deb's Subaru. Or if I am driving Grandma, her 4Runner. I looked and I have not put 1000 miles on my Honda in 5 months.( AKA " The Toaster") I keep thinking if I keep it long enough it'll become a "classic." I've not left Orange County but 2 times in that time period in my vehicle, both times to a wedding in Buna. 

Then again, if one of you bought me one of those new Ford Broncos or new Land Rover Defender, I'd kiss you "flat on the mouth" ( Always got this thing about boxy vehicles.)

I don't know, I just can't get all excited about the holidays this year.....

Friday, November 13, 2020

Not a Damn Clue....

 I have gotten good and old in a rapid fashion. 

It seems the NFL has invited " The Weeknd" ( Yes spelled that way) to be the halftime performer at the Super Bowl. 

Not a damn clue who/what that is. 

A man? A woman? A group? 

Don't explain to me who/what it is, if I want, I have the "Library at Alexandria" at my fingertips. 

I did find it interesting that Billboard magazine had a poll on its site asking who should be " The Weeknd's" special guest at the Super Bowl. Of the 10 people listed, I knew only one. 

When I was teaching I " sort of" kept up with what the "kids" were listening to. Now that I am retired. Well, I don't give a good damn. My musical choices are sort of end around 2000-2009. ( I still think the 1970s were the best time period for music, but then, that is the music of high school and college for me.) 

So fans of " The Weeknd", enjoy the halftime show. I don't see me watching the Super Bowl. No one I "support" will be there.  ( I used to tape the Super Bowl for the ads, but you can see them all early on YouTube, so why bother?)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Okay, You Can Ask But, the Answer is Still " No"

 In the past month, I've been asked by a number of people to do wedding they are planning or now for the guys, " they can't get out of." 

And unless my calendar has something else, my answer is " Yes." 

So, on Sunday, I pulled out my old " waste of a divinity school" education out of mothballs and did a semi-sermon. 

Well, apparently a couple of people were so impressed they suggested I set up some sort of " ministry." 

I can just about imagine what kind of "outlaw" ministry that would be. It'd make the stuff the late Gene Scott did look like " Ned in the 3rd grade reader." Look up Gene. " Get on the telephone."

I'd do stuff like have a "craft beer" and "Scotch Whisky, Irish Whisky tasting" just to make the Baptists and Pentecostals mad. 

I'd give a month long sermon series on the Song of Solomon explaining in a nutshell that " God really wants you to enjoy sex." 

Communion would have real wine and we'd do a series on "Is it actually Christ's blood and body?" In the Greek Jesus is saying it really is. Hell, in seminary we had a discussion on Consubstantiation and the end, I'd let you make up your own mind. 

I'd keep them guessing what I'd wear. Most of the time, a suit and tie, but on special occasions like Christmas, I might get a rig to rival the Archbishop of Canterbury's. 

I'd have a hard to allowing people under high school age into the services. Too rough a talk sometimes. 

No, I am on a razor's edge now avoiding Hell, and if it wasn't that whole Ephesians 2:8, well, let me put it this way, it's my favorite verse. 

Thanks for asking, but I don't need to go there. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Morning After.....

 I know I am writing this after a Saturday night " Date Night" for some of you, so you're probably thinking I am reminding you to take your " Morning After Pill." 

But alas, I am not. 

I've not been in the pulpit for a long, long while, and in truth, I don't want to be there. 

But if I was preparing for a sermon, checking my "Geneva Gown. " This is what I would say. 

Matthew 18 21-35

It's the old forgive 70 times 7. 

I know SNL mentioned it briefly in the monologue last evening. 

I have a hard time forgiving people. I always have. I know I am not perfect and it's something I need to work on. 

It's time to start loving each other again....Or at least tolerating each other. 

We have more in common that we care to think. 

Come on, we're Americans. 

America has always changed. 

America has always remained somewhat the same. 

And it always will. It's just the way it is. 

Stop fighting over two men who don't know you from Adam.  Nor will they probably ever. 

Look, this is the most unique nation on earth. Don't go totally nuts over one election. We'll survive. There will be another one in 4 years.

We all need to appeal to our " Better Angels" as Lincoln said. 

Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13 says " So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." ( Quick Greek lesson αγαπη (agapeÌ„) is translated to mean both Charity and Love in the Greek. In Thayer's Greek Definitions, I am sure you have one on your coffee table at home ;) agape means "brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence.", this is for you KJV fans.) 

So folks, love each other. Take care of one another.  

We are about to go into the holiday season and I am sure there will be some uncle, some aunt, some brother or sister who'll just be all in arms over the election. Try and not engage them. Neither one of you are going to change anyone's minds at this point. 

And over holiday meals pray...Pray hard for each other. You know, we only get some many Thanksgivings and Christmases in our lives. Don't hate.  Love one another. 

Thus endeth the lesson- 




Saturday, November 7, 2020

God Save the Republic

 Apparently, some of you did not understand my meaning of this from my earlier post on Facebook this morning. 

It is a play of the British saying after the King or Queen of England has passed away and there is a new monarch. ( Ever the Anglophile, Covid kept us from Britain this year, and probably best.)

" God Save the King" ( Or God Save the Queen)

Unless something dramatic occurs, we will have a change in the White House. 

And I know some of you do not understand this when I say this. 

I've been a Republican since, well, since before most of you were born. I voted for Gerald R. Ford in '76. 

I cried when Reagan gave his " Shining City on the Hill " speech.( From Pilgrim John Winthrop, you need to read him.) Something I strongly believe in. Come one, come all. Become an American no matter your race or creed. " If the city had walls, the wall had doors for those with the will and heart to get here." I am sorry, this place is big enough for anyone who wants to come and be an American. ( I still consider myself a Reagan Republican)

Some of you in the present supporters of the " present" administration  don't " get that." 

Maybe it is because I have taught kids of all races and creeds in my life. I still am in contact with a follower of Hinduism from a teaching position I had in the Houston area.  

Maybe it is because I now have a Chinese daughter in law and her parents can't even come and visit because they are Chinese. ( They ain't staying. They love China, they are not moving here. It is strange I  hold a Visa to pretty much stay in China and they cannot even get to come and visit.) 

I am tired of the hated from the White House from a man who couldn't be a minister or a deacon in the church I grew up in. Hell, he couldn't be a minister the the church with historic ties to the Church of Scotland I am presently an licensed/ordained minister in. (And they are pretty tolerate.)

Am I worried about the President Elect? 

Hell, yeah. 

I own firearms and believe in a literal interpretation of the Second Amendment. 

Hell, I have a literal believe in all 27 Amendments. Even the 14th, which some people have trouble with. 

You want to continue with Trump with all of his ugliness, his hatred. This is what you get. A defeat. Sorry, it is the result. ( I have never understood the Trumpism support. Reminds me too much of 1933 Germany.....Sorry Trump supporters. Outside the Tudor-Stuart England, Victorian England, I spent a large part of my life studying Nazi Germany, and it is scary. Very Scary. And I don't understand how you don't see it happening here.....Unless you deep down want a version here. Sorry if I often you, but I've spent a large party of my life studying dictatorships and absolute monarchies. And you scare the shit out of me. So much, I have seriously looked at moving to Ireland more than once.)

I am praying my GOP can come up with the next Reagan in 2024. 

As I end this post I must say...

God Save the Republic. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Calm the F*ck Down...And I Chew Some of Your Asses Out-

 Seriously. Calm down. 

I don't remember reading so many posts with people losing their minds because they are about to lose an election....Hell, you ain't even lost it yet. 

Guess what you are seeing what elections are like, in the country forever, and in every democracy in the world. 

You are witnessing the sausage making and it ain't pretty. Never is. 

You sometimes put you hopes and ambitions on the wrong horse. 

You ain't going to win every time. It's just life.

Now, I am going to chew some of your asses out now....Some of you have been borderline racist in your comments about where the votes are coming in. 

I don't know what you want, some version of the old ' 3/5th Rule' I guess.  It makes me ashamed that I even taught you. 

Again, this is a democracy folks, don't like the outcome of this election, there will be another one in 4 years for President. 

Quit hollering " Cheating!" just because your candidate lost, and don't give me some sort of bullshit facts you found on the internet someone pulled out of their ass that have not real facts to back them up. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sorry If I Don't Answer You

 I have had about 24 PMs from people in the last 24 hours concerning the election.

Most all upset. 

I just can't answer. 

I got no answers, so I answer nothing.

Sorry, I can't. Hell as of 10am this morning the counting is still going on in several states. 

At this point I have been watching Andy Griffith on TV( I am sure Mattison approves).....I can barely watch more than 5 minutes of any cable news channel. They know nothing.  

Don't worry, you are not alone if you're all upset. The number one search on Google was.....

The nearest liquor store near me. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

We Ain't Going to Find Out Forever...Are We?

 I get up this morning and see that the Presidential election hasn't been called. 

The bad part is now the lawyers will get involved. 

The courts deciding elections, well, that ain't so good. We don't elect Federal Judges. So un-elected officials making decisions for us.....

And what kind of violence can we expect after the election? Already at the White House several thousand protestors have gathered and promised to be there for weeks. 

As I write this, there are still 26 million votes to be counted. 

Whoever wins, half the country won't be happy and who knows what will happen. And don't say" We'll win, we got all the guns." In the last year the other side has started to arm and learn how to use them. 

A little scary times folks. Makes me glad I live in a rural area. 

I don't know, maybe the Divine needs us to go through this to teach us a lesson we are all somehow missing. ( Read the Old Testament folks, God used to "kick the shit" out of Israel on a fairly regular basis. And they are supposedly God's chosen people. I need to be careful here or you'll think I will be discussing dispensationalism. ) 

Prayers for everyone this morning-

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Kerry Don, Kerry Don, What Ya Gonna Do???

 In the past, this was sort of like Christmas Day for the ole Govteach. But today, well, I am sure I will watch the results this evening, but not with the same excitement as in the past. 

I know I avoided the actual campaign rhetoric in class, and did so to avoid " disagreement" in class or someone misinterpreting my covering a certain campaign for fear of someone thinking I supported one candidate over the other, especially at the local level. So, we avoided local, state, and nation elections at all costs. 

I was asked yesterday if this was the worst election in the history of the United States?  

No, if you look at the election of 1800, you see where the President and Vice President turn out to be of two different political Parties, almost had a Vice Presidential candidate elected as President by the Electoral College. ( It caused the 12th Amendment to the Constitution to be passed)

The 1800 election was influenced by the French Revolution so much so that the Federalist Party said that if you voted for Thomas Jefferson there would be babies executed by the guillotine because of who the child's parent was. 

There was also stories that rape, incest would be openly taught and practiced. That school teachers would say it was okay to " Rape women." ( I don't think so) ( And....You can't make this stuff up)

I will watch the election results tonight....But to be honest, I do not look forward to watching. I feel like to be true to thine on-self, and support everything I have taught or supported, I sort of have to do so. 

I'll try and post election results by states tonight, as they come in on Facebook.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Thank You Jesus, This Shit is About Over.....

Or is it?

Tomorrow is the " Big election" or as the late radio personality Don Imus would say, the " Big Erection" showing his disdain for politics. 

After teaching government/economics/history most of my adult life, I am convinced that Imus was correct. It is nothing but bullshit. 

I seriously doubt we will know who the winner is when we go to bed tomorrow night. Or when we awake on Wednesday morning. Too many states with too many different ways to count their votes. Don't bitch about it. That's the way we've done it in this nation for 244 years. 

Then again, we might know by 10PM CT. But I doubt it. 

I am seriously looking at getting a bottle of " Good Scotch" for tomorrow's results. Hell, we may all need a drink tomorrow night.  Yes, I know, I am now an Irish Whiskey fan now, as the Irish call whiskey, the " Water of Life"( Uisce Beatha) but you know, a bottle of Scotch just seems right for the occasion. 

Tomorrow night if we know the winner of the election in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, we might know the winner very soon, if it boils down to Pennsylvania, well, because they have days to count their mountain of mail-in ballots, well, it will be days before we know the outcome of the election. If you want to know about what time all 50 states will have their votes counted, look at this link.

I don't know who is going to win, and neither do you. The polls have been right, and the polls have been wrong. 

Hell, I don't trust the exit polls from the voting sites at this point.

I worry that people will go " nuts" because their candidate did not win. The aftermath is very worrisome. If you try and change the vote because you candidate didn't win, well, we are no longer what the United States has always stood for. As I have said, when I was teaching, don't like the outcome? In 2 or 4 years, we'll have another election. Work to make sure your candidate wins the next time around. 

Don't fall for the idea " We were cheated" and you go nuts. Thinking that somehow drive through voting and mail in ballots are somehow evil. The present person in the executive office voted mail-in for years. Also, I am not a fan of the electoral college, but it is how we've decided elections again for 244 years. Don't revolt, instead, lead a convention to "do away" with the college. In the opinion of this writer, it need to be a vote decided on a popular vote, not some archaic system developed 250 years ago to keep the 13 original colonies from becoming their own nations.  

Also, don't fall for the believe that land mass and people in rural areas are more valuable than people in urban/suburban areas. I've never understood that concept unless in reality there is a fear of minority people. If you are a person of faith, how could you rationalize that thinking to you maker? 

In Texas pay attention to the voting changes. How many votes will the Democrats receive in this state? Will there be a great influx of Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives? Will the national election be closer that expected? Is Texas slowly but surely growing purple? After the census is counted, will this area lose a rep in the Texas House? Sorry, but quickly, the State of Texas is no longer a rural state. Drive from San Antonio to Dallas- Forth Worth one day. Other than the Hillsboro-Itasca area, it is a massive urban region on I-35. And is growing by the day. 

Remember, 94 million Americans have already voted. I have voted already. If you have not, get your ass off the couch and go to your polling place. Vote dammit it, vote!

Again, I would not dream of guessing who will win tomorrow. And honestly, you do not know either. 

Also again, don't lose you mind if it takes several days( Hell weeks) to "call" the election one way or another. 

If you get all upset tomorrow night or in the days to come, stop watching the news. Watch something on Hulu, Netflix, or Prime. Find a show to marathon. Take a walk. Pet the dog. Hell, don't watch the results as they come in. They'll keep until later. 

I for one am glad the political ads for candidates will leave TV. Bring back  good old fashion ads for insurance, soap, and cars....

All the above and let me reiterate......I seriously wonder about the aftermath....How will the nation, especially  certain people react? 


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Mom, Grandma, Memaw, Spinster Aunt, Crazy Uncle

 So, in the last few days since I wrote a couple of blogs on the " Going On's" at Buna ISD, I have had a number of people request friendship on Facebook. 

I am about to just let " everyone" onboard for the next few weeks who request it. 

I am going to start back writing the blog regularly, well, in the next 24 hours and will discuss Tuesday's election. 

And of course, will start calling states online( Facebook) as soon as the election numbers justify the election being called for one candidate or the other. 

Of the people, I have had a number of the request for friendship on Facebook that are....Well, I see them as perhaps a bit naive or a little bit overly religious, and they will see the blog or my posts on Facebook as " offensive." 

As many of you know, I have a religious background, but my views of worship are pretty varied, and I still arise fairly early in the morning to pray, and as many of you know, many of you are included in my prayers. 

I also am so varied in my theological views, one day I may one day come close to speaking in " Unknown languages" as Paul referred to them in 1 Corinthians 13( Perhaps I have in the past? You'll have to guess there, and don't guess in the comments.) , and the next day, light a candle and say 25 " Hail Mary's." 

I also have no problem with hanging out with people who are of non-religious beliefs, as well, as religions of a non-Judaeo-Christian background. As well as Christian denominations that many of you don't see as Christian. 

As I have said for years, I doubt Jesus would be hanging around most Christian organizations today. 

I get rough from time to time, in language and blogs.  Even though I am ordained by a denomination. Again, pull that plank out of your own eye. 

The reason for this  particular blog?

If you know your Mother, or Memaw, or Grandma, or Spinster Aunt, or Crazy Uncle has asked me for "Facebook Friendship." You may need to warn them I might de-rail like a Kansas City Southern Freight Train in Mauriceville-Lemonville.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...