Thursday, December 31, 2020

Please Jesus Let This End.....

 Normally I do some sort of "Predictions for the Coming Year" for 2021. But, I don't have a clue what will happen in '21. Not a damn clue. 

I am a little gun shy about the future. 

I am afraid that as someone posted in a Meme that said, " Maybe 2020 is just the start of a bad decade?" 

The way things are going into 2021, that might be true. I don't see anything positive going into '2021, other than 2020 is end, and perhaps 2021 has got to be better? 

Anyway, I am going to stay positive on this last day on 2020. 

It's GOT to be better next year than this one. 

Hope you have a .......

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Your Second Stimulus Check

 So, you may need to start looking for your second stimulus. I have received messages from people who have already gotten their check in direct deposit. 

Some people are getting messages saying the direct deposit from the IRS is 'pending.' This is in-spite of direct deposits not "supposed' to be in your bank account before Jan. 4th.

Again if you are single and made less than $75,000 you will get $600. Married with less than $150,000 income $1200 for the two of you. $600 for each child. 

This of course is half of what the government gave us earlier this year. 

If you received a check last time or a debit card, you should receive it by Jan. 15, 2021. They are not sure if you got a check last time you'll get a check this time or a debit card.....And if you got a debit card like we got here at the Compound last time, they are not sure if you'll get another debit card, or a check. They may even split up the money. Give one spouse a check and the other a debit card, or checks for the parents and debit cards for the kids. Or vice-versa. 

If you do not receive your $600 by Jan. 15th, you may be able to write it off your taxes as a deduction. 

The IRS is supposed to start mailing checks today, Dec. 30th. 

The CASH Act is still in the U.S. Senate being held up by the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. He won't allow an up or down vote in the senate.

The CASH Act already passed the U.S. House. It would give people $2000. ( I am assuming adding $1200 added to the $600 already coming) 

I know some people were all upset saying everyone shouldn't be getting $2000, much less the $600. 

Again, there are people hurting. People need the stimulus check. They are behind on bills.

The money is to be spent by everyone to help small and large businesses. Especially small businesses. Us spending the money may help some people keep their business open and may keep them from being forced to lay-off people, or if enough money flows into the system, they may be able to hire some people. ( The economy is not that good in the Golden Triangle people, that old " One Trick Pony" the oil industry, is not doing super well right now.)

If you're that unhappy about receiving the money, give it to your "favorite" gubmint teacher. I am sure he can find a way to spend it to help the economy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 It has been a long time since I have enjoyed a Christmas like this.

I think the last time I enjoyed the holiday like this was when I got a Iwo Jima battle set in the 5th grade. the island, Mt. Suribachi, hand painted Marines, Japanese Naval Infantry....I'd kill to have that set back. ( Always loved history, even as a child)

But again, I digress. 

We rolled the dice even though we probably shouldn't have, packed up Grandma and went to College Station with the kids. 

And the kids killed the "Fatted Calf" ( Luke 15)....

For Christmas they had duck, Prime Rib Roast, Ham....I can't even tell you the veggies as I overloaded on duck. ( I love duck....Took Reid and April 2 days to fix. Reid slow cooked it at 255F for 8 hours, and every hour pierced the skin to let the fat out. He and I wanted to fry potatoes in the duck fat the next day, but our female relations were worried about our cholesterol level.)

The next day, April fixed a traditional Chinese " Hot Pot" in which you cook food in a grill and two pots of broth. Again, a salute to meat. Lamb, Pork, Beef, Fish, Sausage. Cabbage, Lotus Root, Chinese cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms and of course rice and noodles, it is a 3-4 hour meal. It was the first time my Mother( Grandma) has ever eaten anything Chinese. Seriously, my Mother has never been to a Chinese Buffet. Scared to go. She enjoyed herself, especially the lamb and pork....and surprisingly, she liked the Chinese mushrooms mixed with noodles.  ( This of course is REAL Chinese not the stuff you get at an American-Chinese buffet. )

We received a 50 cent tour of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas( That's what my Father-in-Law's diploma says he graduated in '60. He graduated when there were 900 students there..Of course Texas A&M for you uninitiated  )

And I have a question for those of you who graduated from huge universities like A&M, or UT-Austin, or  Louisiana State, etc.....How do you make classes? The school is so large, how do you make it from your history class to your biology class which is totally across campus? I had a 'The Reformation' class( history class) in the Maes Building and next period, a geography class in the Hayes Biology Building,( Why they put it there, we did not know, I think it had space available at that time) on literally the other side of the campus, and I made it there in the 15 minutes. ( It is a pretty good hump from Maes and Hayes.)

How do you change classes at large universities?

Reid's office is near the meteorological building. In the middle of corps dorms.

Anyway, among my gifts was an Alexa. I am going to set it up in the next couple of days and cuss at it until I either make it cry or cuss back at me. 

We had a good holiday.....Hope yours was as well.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!!!

 Merry Christmas or as they say in Britain, " Happy Christmas!"

I probably will not write another blog during the next 2-3-4 days. Will try and mask-up and be with family over the holiday. 

Deb and my reign as " adults" was short lived. My son and actually my Daughter-in-Law have taken over as the " adults" in the family. Who knew the youngest of the group would become the most mature of the group. As I have said before, my DIL is "fancy, fancy." A different upper class than her college educated hillbilly In-Laws. We know better, but we just don't follow through. The hillbilly just comes out.

Of course, I had to be an " adult" in my teaching career, and to be honest it wasn't really in my make-up to do so, but teaching requires you to be an adult, especially in a small high school in which you are in helping or in charge of so many things from UIL Director to parades to dances to NHS to Dept. Chair to graduation. 

I am hoping you have a wonderful Christmas. I know for many of you, it will be " different" as these are very strange times we live in. 

Once again.....

MERRY CHRISTMAS...We love you all.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Where Trump is Right? And Where Trump is Wrong?

 So, Mr. Trump is threatening to veto the latest Covid spending bill because there was not enough money in the bill to personally give to the American people.

He wants $2000...The bill will give us $600. 

$600? Chump change when you read some of the other stuff people are getting as " pork" in the budget. Including bringing back you being able to " write off" the 3 Martini lunch for business. 

The bill which is over 5500 pages long( Ain't nobody read it) has $200 billion in money for the richest 1% of Americans.....93 acres to build the Theodore Roosevelt Library in North Dakota....A Commission on Horse Racing.....A $2.5 billion tax break for race car tracks. 

I know some of you are saying " Well, people need to cut back..." And do what? Stop eating? Live in their cars? Sell a kid? 

I understand, but it is a different time. You can shell out pork, help out the rich, but screw the average American who is hurting? 

Where Mr. Trump is wrong.

So, the acts of Pardons and Clemency has started. ( Clemency, you don't have to serve your term in jail)

One of the 20 people on yesterday's list was former Southeast Texas Congressman Steve Stockman. My former Member of Congress.

Stockman was convicted of stealing $1.25 million dollars from his campaign. He's spent the money on kennels for his dogs, personal hot air balloon rides, a new dishwasher. etc. 

He had been sentenced to 10 years and with yesterday's clemency, he will be out after 2 years. 

My biggest problem is this, if the average person in the street had been given 10 years, they would have done the time.....He's an ex- Congressman....Let his ass sit in jail.

Monday, December 21, 2020

This Should Scare You....Or at Least Make You Think

 So, in the last few days, there has been a lot of talk about possible "Martial Law." Particularly in the so called "Swing States." The talk is that the election would be " Done Over." 

Now, Mr. Trump has denied it happened, but it seems his aides were scared of talk about Martial Law by Mr. Trump and others in the White House. So much so, it frightened them so much they went to the press to tell them about it....These are aides who normally don't tell the press anything. 

Apparently the US Army took the reports seriously. So seriously, they issued a statement saying they  won't get involved in elections. 

Even the "My Pillow" guy is calling for "Martial Law." ( Doesn't he know he is losing half of his potential customers by taking sides?) 

So, you want Martial Law? Here is how it would look-

1. Not long after President Trump gives the order, armed units of men with automatic weapons move into all 50 state capitols with the goal of seizing election records and voting equipment. Rest assured, this would not go unchallenged as states resist what is literally an extra-Constitutional exercise of military power.

2. Police forces might attempt to block the takeover, but the military has been given their orders. The result will be violence. Police will attempt to arrest the soldiers carrying out their orders. Soldiers will resist being arrested.  No doubt the military forces will win, as they not only outnumber police but also are trained to close with and destroy the enemy — they are not and have never been a police force.

3.  Civilian unorganized militia — most likely organized under Antifa — will spontaneously emerge either in conjunction with or in opposition to local and state law enforcement to secure the ballots.  

4.  From there, the situation would deteriorate quickly, as images of dead police officers and civilian officials spread into the media. Military leaders would be forced to take over major media outlets and implement censorship to keep those scenes from reaching the public and inciting more violence.

5.  But the information will get out and violence will spread. Now the military is faced with an even greater problem — a very well armed resistance, with unknown firepower behind every door. Their response would be automatic — door to door searches and confiscation of firearms to remove the danger facing the troops until their election mission is finished.

 I don't think you want the country to look like Argentina.....Or Chile.....

Democracy is ugly. You don't always win. But you have one party running everything? Read about Germany, and Italy in the 1930s-1940s.....Or Spain from the 1930s until the 1970s.....Or Portugal 1933 to 1974....

Saturday, December 19, 2020

I Was Kind of Insulted

 So, the meme on this page was posted and said that we need to protect guys in their 20s from teenage/underage girls. 

Sorry, but it works both ways. 

Debbie had barely( I mean barely) turned 18 when she " set her sights" on a 22 year old fellow baritone horn player in the Lamar University Band. 

I mean seriously it was less than a month before I realized, " I am done.....I've been hooked." 

And she was the one who asked me out. 

She initiated the first kiss. 

If she'd been an "older woman" people would have called it manipulation. 

I literally didn't have a chance.  

Now, her parents and my parents were VERY apprehensive at first. Her Mom thought I might be preying on her and my parents thought she was MUCH too young ....That was until they got to know us and then, her younger brothers about 3 months into the relationship would ask " When is Kerry coming over the play ball/video games with us?"

The entire situation was foreordained, predestined as the Calvinists would say. We've been married, or seeing one another for 42 years now. 

Best thing ever happened to me. 

Now there are creepy guys who go after young girls so they can control them.....But in my case, I've not been in control for 40+ years. Everything is not what it seems....



Friday, December 18, 2020

Oh Baby!!!

 I have not heard any complaints about this song this year......I am telling you, I do not understand how Red Skelton resisted Betty Garrett, she'd be the type who'd go deer hunting with you the next morning.....And then kill a much bigger buck than yours with her .270 Winchester she personally owns....

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Buna ISD Would Have Fired Me.....

 And heck, Buna should have fired me about 15-20 times in my career. How I made it to my pension, well, it is a miracle out of the Bible. 

The story is that during the Port Arthur Memorial Titans play-off game one of the announcers said that..." As the game rolls on, that noose will be tightening up around the Titans' neck."

Ouch, not a wise choice of words to use for a traditionally Black school. 

The announcer was fired after people became outraged.  ( He worked for KBMT-12)

Did the guy mean his words to be racist? Probably not. If he'd used the term with say Vidor or Orangefield or a predominately Anglo school, no one would have batted an eye. 

And besides, the guys you can rest assure would have loved to continue being employed as an announcer.  

Should he have been fired? I don't know. We are so wanting to play " gotcha" now, you can rest assure he probably didn't even know he said anything wrong until the controversy emerged. 

Which brings me to another story concerning KBMT-12. 

In the Fall, they hired a new meteorologist for weekend work. 

As some of you know, I am somewhat of a " weather geek." And read the forecast models every day. 

So, out of curiosity, I look to see where the new meteorologist got her meteorology degree. 

Well, she doesn't have a meteorology degree, her degree is from Northern Arizona University in some sort of Communications/Journalism/Mass Media. 

And that's fine, you can take online classes from Mississippi State University to prep and do TV weather. 

As I was looking at her social media, I come across this photo-( Sorry Instagram has their photos copyrighted or I would posted it) Here is the link below-

It is of her shooting the finger in protest of sexual assault. Women, men, gays, trans, whoever. 

It makes you wonder if KBMT-12 really vetted potential on-air staff? Or if she just got a pass? Couldn't get anyone else to work for next to nothing weekends doing the weather?

I am sorry, but a lot of people find shooting the finger offensive. 

Good message, poor execution. Especially if you are wanting to be a public figure. I have told you for years to warn your kids about stuff you post today can come back in 5-10-20-30 years and bite you on the butt.

If I was her employer I would ask her to "take it down" and chalk it up to "youthful indiscretion."

Now, Buna ISD would have "let me go" if I had posted that on any social media. Hell, we were told not to post photos of us drinking " adult beverages" and " wearing swimwear" or any other "questionable photo."

It is why many teachers, police, other people working in the public's view either do not have social media or are very careful, so careful.

I no longer work for well, anyone, so, I can say whatever I want.....

I am going to explain this to my liberal readers and you're not going to understand, or don't want to understand....This is part of Trump's attraction. Their supporters don't understand why some people can say and do things and get away with it. You've not done a good job of explaining.  And it is hard work trying to do so. And some people won't ever understand. But you got to keep trying. And yelling and jumping up and down ain't going to do it. 

I do not see it ending well in this nation. I really do not. We got to "get it together" both damn sides, or the Chinese are waiting in the wings to lead.....I don't know. Perhaps this is our time to no longer be the leader?

No More Confederate Flags? B*llsh*t.....

 So, and you knew this was coming. 

The Governor of New York, Mr. Cuomo, has signed legislation passed by the New York Assembly banning the sale of the Confederate flag on public property...Such as at fairs, carnivals, etc. 

They do that, but allow overt and not so overt sexual shirts, bumper stickers, etc to be sold at these fairs carnivals, etc. 

Come on man, not a lot of stuff I agree with when you start flying the Confederate flag, but you know what, you got the right to fly it all you want. And keeping people from selling it on public property, well, what is next? 

Betsy Ross flags? Live Free or Die flags? 

I am sure it is okay to sell Che Guevera shirts at this public events. 

Look, the First Amendment protects unpopular views as well as popular views. 

You know, a bunch of this "Woke" business is bullshit-

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

This is Another Reason Why the Church is Failing

 I was reading the Houston Chronicle this morning and I come across this story. It seems Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church received $4.4 million dollars from the government's Paycheck Protection Program( PPP)....

It was not only Osteen's church, but 1000 other Texas religious organizations.   

 When did a church become a business? When they started taking in so much money they can hire 350+ employees? 

Methodist and Catholic Churches received around $50 million total.

Baptist Churches received $100 million. 

I know that Osteen lives in the exclusive River Oaks section of Houston in a 17,000 sq ft home, for his family of 4. I didn't see him put that up for sale to pay his workers.

I didn't see Osteen offer to pay the employees from his personal estimated $60million in personal wealth. 

I already have trouble with churches getting involved in politics.  I seriously doubt Jesus would be either a Democrat or a Republican. 

But not pay taxes, and then ask the government for a hand-out? 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 So the Wall Street Journal, the " Daily Diary of the American  Dream" as it called itself at one time is all upset because Jill Biden is calling herself " Dr. Jill Biden." 

She has an earned doctorate.. 

The Wall Street Journal had an opinion column in which the writers attacked her using the term. " doctor" because she wasn't a physician. 

Last night, Little Lord Fauntleroy on Fox News gave the opinion that her doctorate was about as useful as " Dr. Pepper's." 

It's a lot of bullshit to hop through to get an academic doctorate. Ask Leah.

I guess if I wanted to, I could could myself Rev. Kerry Don Thomas. 

But I don't, and that is a personal choice. 

I know long time GOP advisor /National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger called himself " Dr. Henry Kissinger " and he wasn't a medical doctor. 

His Ph.D. was in a political science/history area....

Let's do a little teaching.....

The term " doctor" comes from the Latin term " docere" which means to "teach"( It had nothing to do with be a physician. ) " Docere " in literal translation means ' I teach.'

The first academic doctorates were awarded in the 1200s through the University of Bologna in Italy and the University of Paris( Sorbonne if you prefer)....  

So, Jill Biden has a doctorate in teaching....What the first doctorates were all about, and carry through until today.

She wants to call herself Dr. Jill Biden, go for it.




Monday, December 14, 2020

Thomas vs. Daniel Whitton

 The odds makers in Vegas are wrong. They have the MMA match with Whitton winning in the 4th. I'm taking a dive in the first. 

Seriously, and this is just how nutty my life is. 

In the last 3 months I have had 2 people tell me that people who got married by Whitton when he was JP Pct. 4 are not as good as you who are somewhat an ordained minister. 

I don't know. I often feel at some point my denomination will discover that somehow I am a fraud and de-frock me. ( I'd have to do something really bad to get de-frocked.....But still.)

I call B.S.

Serious B.S.....

According to the State of Texas, both are legit officiants. 

Now if you are saying this because of the " religious" aspect of my performing a ceremony.....Well, I am sure Whitton would have prayed at the ceremony if you asked, heck, he may have done so. 

And let me tell you a quick story....

In the 1920s, a young couple in Franklin County Texas wished to be married. One was Southern Baptist....The other, Cumberland Presbyterian. Neither minister would marry them because it would be a bad due to the different forms of Protestantism. 

So, the couple at their lunch hour went to the local JP in Winnsboro, TX to get married, and told no one except his brother who he pick-up to be the witness. ( In those days you had to have a witness, no longer in this state.) 

That couple was my maternal grandparents.....5 kids and 50+ years of marriage and my grandfather taught me more about religion and politics than I learned at either the seminary or university. ( My grandfather was about a big a character as I am...It is where I got it from)

So, Whitton vs. Thomas.....I'm just glad you got married in this day and age.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Liberals, Progressives .....You May Need to Buy a Firearm

 Okay, this one won the question this morning.....

I know there are some of you "Progressives" who won't own a firearm for nothing....And some of you do....

That said, this country is different than any other time than I have seen in my life. 

I am sorry, but right now, "People Ain't Right."

Now you don't need Firearms like I own, ones that can " Take out a Helicopter" if need be. 

Nor do you need tens of thousands of various rounds of ammo like I have....( Yes, my biggest concern is a fire)

But things can get out of control fast. Really fast. Times are crazy. 

Might I suggest for non-gun people something like a Ruger 10/22 or a Marlin Model 60. Yes, only a small .22 Long Rifle, but no one in their right mind wants to go up against any gun and both of those will shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger. 

Want something a little more substantial? Get a Ruger Mini-14 or an Auto- Ordinance Carbine rifle. Both can be handled by smaller people.   ( I carry the Mini-14 everyplace I go at the Farm)

You know I understand some of you are scared to death of guns, but this country is changing, and I am afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. 

Much worse.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Texas- I Ain't a Lawyer

 So, as many of you know, my brother and I were groomed as children for what we were supposed to be growing up. I was supposed to be a preacher...He a lawyer. 

I didn't really make my goal( sorta), I've always said I was foreordained for something else. But you knew that already-

Again, I ain't a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. 

The State of Texas ( and the AG's of 17 other states) are suing Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia to delay the counting of the Electoral Vote. They want this to see if there was irregular voting. 

There are 4 problems with this-

1. According to the US Constitution, Article II Section 4, " Congress shall make the date the the Electors meet and vote. Dec. 14th. It would be unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to change the date. 

2. Texas has no right to tell another state how to conduct an election within that state. 

The U.S. does not have a national election for President. It is a series of state elections, and no state has any right to challenge how a state runs its' elections. It would be like Delaware challenging how Texas elects its' Governor. 

3. While the Supreme Court is the place for a state to sue another state, the Supreme Court, states you have to ask permission FIRST to sue another state. They have not done that. The SC has not granted permission for any such lawsuit to take place. 

4. The lawsuit is full of mistakes. It looks " slopped together." Example- saying that the 4 states have 72 electoral votes. They only have 62. 

I am thinking the Texas AG is fishing for a pardon. He has been indicted for securities fraud and is being investigated for  other federal crimes-



Stay Away from This-

 So, as many of you have seen, there was a really horrendous wreck on I-10 between Orange and Vidor yesterday. 

If at all possible, I stay off I-10. And I certainly do not go on I-10 between Orange and Vidor.....

Yesterday as you may have seen there were two wrecks in which a total of 5 people were killed including a stillborn baby. 

Not only is it the Never-Ending construction on I-10 near Orange, it is people from out of state who don't have a clue what they are doing as they "go-through" the area.....and they refuse to get over into a far lane and they drive in the left hand, "Fast Lane" at 65 mph or slower. ( It's posted at 75 outside the construction) Invariably, it has license plates that say " Florida" in the "Fast Lane" driving slower than Christmas....

When you get on I-10 East of Vidor, you know what it is like being on the NASCAR circuit at Talladega waiting for the " Big One." ( Multiple car wreck)

Be careful folks-



Monday, December 7, 2020

Buna ISD.....What's Happening?

 I knew this happened a while back. But I have not commented or said anything because, well, I could not think of anything ugly to say....Or good.

It seems that 3 of the 7 Buna ISD members of the Board of Trustees are former students of mine. 

What the cornbread heck? ( I am trying not to cuss right now. It is Advent. The 4 Sundays leading up to birth of Christ, a time of watching.....and waiting. I try and not cuss during it and Lent. That said, I am liable to cuss a blue streak forgetting......I know I am a Paulinist. Grace, grace, grace... But I often wonder when I read what James wrote...." Faith without works is dead. " So I am trying to cover all my bases here.)

I look at the 3 on the Buna ISD Board of School Trustees and go...." I would have voted for 2 of the 3. "

Now you and if they find out, the 3 on the Board of Trustees will wonder...." I wonder if that one out is me?"  

I guess this was inevitable. 

Don't foul this up boys. ( They're all male) 

I wonder if I was still employed at the Buna ISD which would have made the motion not to re-new my contract?  

Probably all 3.

Flunking, Bigger Than Dallas

 That was the saying at a school I taught at in the Houston area when you were asked about your grades in a particular class. 

" Flunking, bigger than Dallas." 

It seems that more kids are going to get the letter grade F the first semester in '20-21 than ever. 

This is all over the country-

Houston and its suburbs-  

North Carolina-



It seems the kids just aren't doing the work at home. 

Lazy, can't get motivated, no one at home to "crack the whip" over them....Etc....Etc....

Damn Snowflakes......This is why I question homeschooling. Oh I know some of you are doing a pretty good job, but other parents, well, the little offspring are doing nothing.  

And in high school....Do you really understand how hard it is to fail a class? 

Let me re-phase this.....DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HARD IT WAS TO FAIL GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS WHEN I WAS TEACHING?  Miracles happened at the end of every semester.  

And yet, some of you accomplished it......And still blame me for YOUR failure. 

I seriously wonder how many parents are telling their kids, " Oh, you don't need to turn in that history, or English, or economics schoolwork."

And then are all upset because their Spawns of Satan flunk......Bigger than Dallas

Friday, December 4, 2020

So, I Dreaded Posting This Blog-

 I often times get knocked to the ground by the person I married. 

I am certain she has kept me from shooting people.

She's kept me out of Huntsville.

She's kept me alive this long. 

I had a couple of students from the Class of '06 who referred to her as " Debbie the Good, St. Debbie." Terms she hates for me to use. 

That said, if anyone is going to make it to the heavenly afterlife, it will be her. 

I told her the story of me marrying the couple, and he giving $15. 

Her answer was......" Maybe it was all he could afford?" 

15 singles makes you wonder. Being the jaded senior government teacher I am, I thought..." Didn't use them all at the strip club last night did you?" 

It is close to $70-80 for a license to get married in this state. ( Different counties, different prices.)

I don't know. 

For people I do not know, I feel like I should charge something. I know most ministers do. I know local judges do. I jumped through some hoops to get ordained.

Anyway, it got me thinking last night....Maybe need to re-think things....

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Pay Attention- Effective today, I Got New Rules

 So, as many of you know, I went to Orange today and discovered there is a Starbucks at I-10 at 16th. Normally I go down 62 to Old 90 and go to Orange, but today, I made the mistake of going through the NASCAR Road Track of construction. 

I had some dry cleaning. ( New suit) and hit Kroger's while in Orange. 

When I returned home, there was truck sitting in the drive at the Compound. Older Dodge. I immediately was concerned. As people like Paige and Tara will tell you, you got to make a pretty good decision to drive down my drive to my house. 

Come to find out, it was a couple wanting to get married. Older folks, in their 40s-50s.

Glad I went to town. I looked presentable. Looked like a professor in the history or English department of some smaller Midwestern college. Khaki pants, pull over sweater with elbow patches, tweed flat cap, Sperry Topsiders. I looked good...Academic....

Asked them in the house, and they declined, just wanted to get married quickly. I just so happened to have an old beat up copy of the " Book of Common Prayer" in my Honda. It has the vows. 

And we married them in the drizzle. 

And he asked me "How much do I owe you?" To which I replied "Whatever you think she is worth."

He gave me $15. 

Not $150.


In $1 dollar bills. 

You can't make this up. I wonder what he'd done if I had said $200? 

So effective immediately. 

If you are an ex-student, family, friend, you're reading this on the blog....It is still free. Oh, I'd like a good bottle of Irish or Scotch in payment, but I know some of you might have a religious problem, and that is okay. But nothing is expected. Call it a ' wedding present.'

But if you are sending me someone to the house, it is $100.

And this is for people I do not know....

If I have to go to a church or someplace, it is $150. $250 if there is a rehearsal.

I'll Probably Get Personal Blowback for Writing This One

 But I don't care. 

And the older I get the more I don't care who I upset. 

In the last day the CDC has suggested that Americans not travel for the Christmas Holidays. 

Now I know many of you don't give a good shit about anyone else but yourself, so you're going to do damn well whatever you want to do.....Or if you make someone else sick....Or whatever. 


So, as many of you know, I made an executive decision not to go to my in-law's Christmas soiree.  Too many people at once stuff into too small a place for too long of a time. 

This comes on the news of family members of mine who gathered at home for  Thanksgiving party that shouldn't have occurred. 

So now, some of the older attendees are now sick....Bad sick.....Concerning ill.

Think folks. 

I know you want to visit people for the holiday. I do too. But I wonder if it is worth it in the end?   

Something to ponder this morning.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Who Knew Screwing Someone Else's Wife Was Trouble?

 You know, back when I was teaching I often would say...."You can't make this stuff up."

So, the church is evolving to attract more " younger" people. I guess it always has in some way or another. 

And in the larger city suburbs many of these "Cool" churches are popping up. Often non-denominational, often a version of Southern Baptist that many of us over 60 no longer recognize. Lets face it, I couldn't tell you a a Lead Pastor, from a Teaching Pastor, from a Lead Groups Minister. And to be honest, I don't want to know....So, don't even try and tell me. And God-forbid you're a preacher now in one of these churches you wear a suit and tie......You can at least try and look "professional" and tuck in your shirt? ( Maybe I need to get me one of these " Senior Adults Lead Pastor gigs, 65+ it's where the money is in some of these churches....Shut-up Kerry Don, you're borderline of that 'Fall from Grace' as the Methodists would say.)

So, in Plano, which is now a massive suburb of Dallas at one of the " We ain't telling you we are Southern Baptist" churches called " The Village" actually a plant of the original "The Village" it seems that two of the pastors involved at the Plano church were involved in " Wife-Swapping." ( The church is now called Citizen's Church.)

Two of the pastors were "trading wives." 

Here is Dee Parsons version of the story from Wartburg Watch-

And they were grooming other people for this wife swapping. 

They were "Let Go" without the average person in the pew knowing why. And the average pew-sitter kept feeding the couples, giving them money....until they found out "what happened. "

Now I am one that is a  Paulinist,  grace covers sin, past, present, future, but these guys are what  you call, into Antinomanism, they're not sorry for anything, and their sins can be "out of control. "( Think they can kill, rape, rob, do incest.....wife swap and still be covered by "Grace." Again, my Methodist family members would discuss their " Fall"....My Calvinist relatives would say, they were never the 'elect' to start. My old teaching would tell me, maybe they were not actually Christian....Or hard backsliders....You got to pay for your mistakes....I don't know, a load of #1 Buckshot to the nutsack will put an end to that foolishness. )

When I was in seminary, well about a 100 years ago now, there was not a class on this.....Maybe this "swinging" is something new they are teaching? 

First the Falwell's, and now this..Makes you wonder how much of this is actually going on? 

And who knew screwing someone else's wife would get you into trouble?

If It Weren't for Bad Luck, I'd Have No Luck at All

"If It Weren't for Bad Luck, I'd Have No Luck at All"..... Thought I'd do a throw back to Hee Haw.....Look it up youngsters....

Was, ( and still am) all over the place on what I should have written the blog(s) today over. 

I was going to do a political one, but I just couldn't stomach it. I'm concerned about the democracy...Maybe we'll discuss it tomorrow.

I was going to write one on " Wife-Swapping" between Southern Baptist ministers up near Dallas. ( Got your attention don't I?)

No, I am going to write on 2020, the year that just keeps " giving." 

I posted our Christmas tree this morning. And so far none of you have " made fun of it" because patches of the tree lights no longer work. Planned obsolescent.  A pre-lit tree.

We decided to wrap blue lights around the " bald patches" where the pre-lit did not light. 

It looks okay in the room, the photo really brings out the "bald."

The damn tree is 3 years old. 

So, we'll be getting a new tree for 2021. 

So, you think Kerry Don, ever the Anglophile, would want a tree that would look like something from Downton Abbey. 

But no, he isn't. 

I am already lobbying for an "Old-School, Retro" one of those aluminum trees from the 1960s. 

I know, I'll get hate from wanting it, but it is the type of tree I grew up with, however Billie Joyce( AKA Mom) only had a single blue light on the tree. Not the four color spinning light deals like most people had on their tree. I want the spinning 4 color light dealie.

I doubt I win, but I am lobbying hard. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

F*ck 'em. I Made an Executive Decision This Afternoon

 Feck 'em all as my Irish people would say. 

Yes, "Fuck" comes out as " Feck" in Ireland. 

I am going to get in trouble for this. But I as of Dec. 1st., I am doing this. 

Probably will have to sleep under Bunky's or Paige Stark's truck or Tara's van.

I was supposed to go to some sort of Christmas Party with my in-laws toward the middle/end of the month at some sort of giant barn like camp they have rented in Livingston. 

I have no business being exposed to this situation.  I don't know where this bunch has been and who they've been exposed to. 

I may have to isolate here at the house when my wife returns, but you know, I would like to spend Christmas with my Mom. 

Grandma( My Mom) is 90. I don't know how many more Christmas' she has got. I would just stay with her for the duration, but I can just about imagine how that would turn out. Two retired teachers stuck in one house, 24 hours a day, for days on end? I can see the disagreements now. Especially Mom and me. Now we get over the disagreements within 30 minutes, but they a ugly while they last....And both laugh abut it later. 

So, blow the horn as you back out in the morning. Or at least bring me a cup of coffee. I like it strong and black...Like God intended.


Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...