Tuesday, January 28, 2020

"If You Don't CUT THAT HAIR"

Paraphrasing the Beastie Boys this morning. I couldn't decide which group to go with this morning, The Silver Foxes, or more with my generation, Crosby, Stills, & Nash with " Almost Cut My Hair."

I see the Barbers Hill ISD is all in the news with a kid who won't cut his hair, and it wasn't as if the kid knew when school started those rules, the damn school board decided to change the rules at Christmas.

Kid's been wearing his hair for 3 1/2 years of high school like this and they up and change the rules 5 months from graduation.

Part of it I think, the kid has dreadlocks. Black kid. Actually, he was keeping it nice. I've seen white kids with greasy ass nasty hair that needed a bottle of shampoo ( the whole bottle) much shorter, but because it was within the length limits it was okay.

I don't know.

I was in the " bidness" for 30+ years and I never understood most of the dress code when it came to hair.

My senior year in high school, back when I had hair, I had shoulder length hair. I don't remember it changing any academic or disciplinary actions of myself or anyone on campus.  In college, I had the hair and a beard. ( Often wore either a button down long sleeved dress shirt, or a Hawaiian shirt with jeans and cowboys boots. Didn't really fit in the history major dress genre of the day)

Hell, until yesterday, I had not trimmed my beard since Thanksgiving. I had decided I would see how long I could get it. I was even trying to use oils and combed it. In the end, it looked like a bird's nest.( I have bad cowlicks in my beard) I trimmed it back to a more " academic" professorial look.  (Looking like old George Wall, long time philosophy prof at Lamar)

( Confession on why I made boys "shave" when I was at BHS. 1. The damn school district made me cut my beard. Once again, Buna stuck in 1952. 2. I had an administrator tell me not to get on one of the kids so hard about shaving because his "dad" was on the board, so rather than stop, I kept doing it. Got worse. And to seem fair, everyone got the same treatment. Say what you want, I tried to be fair. )

Now, I know, some of you think the clothing code needs to change too, and while some of the schools have stupid stuff like you can't have wording on shirts, and that cuts out kids wearing shirts that say " A&M" or "Texas" or LSU" or "Lamar" or even "US Army."

That said, there needs to be limits. Body parts need to be covered, if not just for the hormonal 17 year old boy sitting by you, but also for the 45 year old male teacher.

For the most part, we male teachers are trying to behave themselves. But looking out in the class and you can tell what color underwear your female students in skirts are wearing that day...or not wearing.....Well, it is why my podium was in the corner of the classroom. It was to try and give both of us some dignity. ( In loco parentis)

( And god forbid I send a girl down on a female dress code violation. Never forget a male teacher I worked in Magnolia with sending a girl to the office for wearing shorts with her "butt cheeks" hanging out. Her dad was at the office, called the teacher a "nasty bastard" for looking at his daughter and that he " secretly wanted to screw her." The male teacher in question was gay. He was just enforcing the rules, thus my lack of enforcing female dress code. It is a no-win situation.)

But hair?

Come on, even police now sport beards. If the kid is going off to college, some professor is going to probably have a worse 'hair-do' then anyone in your small town can dream of. I understand the lack of beards for safety reasons in refineries, or the fire department. But you don't have to work at a plant. You don't have to work for the fire department. Schools have a monopoly. And hair code is various from school to school. Don't like another kid's hair, ain't your kid. Ain't your business.

Monday, January 27, 2020

What is Going on With Our Schools?

So, I am watching Channel 12 News this morning, as I generally do, and this morning, I arise a little late, so I only catch the 6AM broadcast.

It seems both Hardin Jefferson ISD and Evadale Schools are both closed due to "threats."

Is this now the " New Normal?" ( Rumors of other schools have abound, but not confirmed.)

What has happened to us in this country?

What has happened to our kids?

And don't blame guns. When I was a kid, I had access to a WWII M1 Carbine with a couple of 20 round and a 15 round magazines and all the Remington ammo I could carry, but I nor an other kid I knew dreamed of shooting up a school, and guess what, we were not happy either. ( We all had access to guns and all sort of ammo and hell as I have said before, I duck hunted with my high school physics teacher after class.)

But what has happened to us that our CHILDREN feel like they need to become mass murderers?

Too many video games? Too much prescription medication? Too many movies? Too much entitlement?

What has happened to us? What has happened to our kids?

Friday, January 24, 2020

Okay, You Can Unfriend Me....

I know this will shock many of you reading this, but in truth, I do not care.

Not a fan boys and girls, not a fan.

I can't remember the last time I ate crawfish and you know, I don't I will eat any this year, or any year in the foreseeable future.

Oh, I have not a problem with you eating them. You want to eat them, you go ahead. Same as with eating Sashimi.  Or what some of you call Sushi. The raw fish is Sashimi.  (Sushi is not raw fish, but rather vinegared rice that is mixed with other ingredients, which may or may not include raw fish.)

Not a fan of Sashmi, not a fan of Sushi. Once again, you want to eat it, you have at it.

Not a fan of lobster. Too tough. 

Crawfish is a lot of shell for not much meat. I'd just as soon eat shrimp.

And there is nothing wrong with crawfish, just not my choice of shellfish.

I like crab, but you can eat crab in the shell all day and then afterwards, have to order pizza in order to get something to eat.  

And with the prices now, I certainly don't want to eat it.

The supply and demand on crawfish comes into play. The more people who think it is cool or "tasty" to eat crawfish, the more the price will rise, and then, 1.4 billion Chinese are starting to eat crawfish putting even more of an economic strain on the price.

I understand it is in many cases a social event. People gathering together to have a crawfish boil.

Well, as "social" or anti-social as I am, that pretty much leaves me out.

Sorry for those of you all over Facebook losing your mind because you can now get " crawfish." I am sorry I don't understand those of you losing your minds now because the season is "upon" us.

I'd rather just have a good steak.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


It never ceases to amaze me people's view on the Buna ISD either positive or negative.

People seem forget that the school district is a government entity. It operates on taxes. It has elected officials who are supposed to be running the ISD.

You people forget this because you " know" the people involved.

These same people would throw you, your kids, teachers, staff, administrators etc, etc, under the bus if they needed to in a heartbeat. Especially if they are afraid it might hurt them in some way. Forget about doing " The right thing."

 So, here are some of the messages I received.

- " Damn the school, damn, damn, damn. You know some bigshot's kid fails the test, it will get lost, or we'll never hear about it." 

No, No...Surely not. ( I'm being sarcastic here.  )

- "  Your correct the rumor mill would be crazy for staff."

Yeah, you've got to remember a bunch of staff is older and of course are taking all sorts of prescriptions, some, pretty damn serious. And it isn't anyone's business what we are taking in order to survive. 

- "  damn Baptists"

And how long has Buna been "wet" now? They have influence on other people's lives.  

-"They do not want to be tested. I know several in kirbyville, they threw a fit when kirbyville almost did it. You would be surprised who would pop for smoke, pills or coke after a long weekend or holiday that's a teacher "

I've been a proponent of the legalization of marijuana for years. I wonder what they will do when medical pot is finally legalized in Texas? I know I plan to be among the first to get a prescription.  But not shocked who is, and who isn't under the influence. Trouble is, who you going to replace them with? You can't get people to do the job now, and those you do, are often not worth a damn.   

-" You opened up a can of worms with the drug testing. "

My pleasure. My job is to get you people to think and let people who are afraid to say anything know, " They are not alone in their thinking." 

 Let me remind you people, I liked what I did. I may not have acted like it, but I like the kids. I think I did a pretty good job. But I taught in 5 different districts. I trusted none of them as far as I can throw a Kansas City Southern freight train.
Like your school district. But keep an eye on them. 


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Buna...Drug testing?

You knew I had to go here. Just had to.

It seems the Buna ISD is going to install some form of a drug testing for students.

From the wording on the website, this will involve people in extra-curricular activities. Not the general student body.


And it makes me wonder.

- What about a kid who gets a "false positive?" Sorry, those tests are not 100%.

- I wonder if this will actually be enforced the same way for all students?

- What drugs will be tested? Marijuana?  Cocaine? Opiates? Speed( Meth)? ( There was a state-wide test for steroids for athletes, cost millions of dollars and so few kids tested positive, they dropped the program)

- I know we had the testing done in our local school district and the night before, our charge took a large dosage of a prescription strength hydrocodone( Vicodin) cough syrup.  Prescribed by their doctor. I assumed I would be taking the bottle to the school with the prescription. But no, it didn't even show up.

- And this won't even include about half the student body not even involved in any extra-curriculars.

- And then, what about the number one drug used by most high school people in school? Alcohol. Most drug tests are not even included and even if you do test, drink Friday and Saturday night, by Monday that stuff is out of your urine.

- And those who fail, what type stigma will be attached and haunt them 30 years later?( You know word gets out) How many who fail will decide, I'll just go to school and to heck with extra-curricular.

To those of you who think the faculty should be taking the same test, there are many of us on serious prescriptions, many of which that would show up in a standard drug test, and as porous as most schools are, I can just see the fact that Mrs. XXXXX is on a serious anti-depressant. Or Mr. XXXXX takes a serious opiate just to function. Or Miss XXXXX is on Adderall and has been since they were a child. I can see word being leaked out about what teachers are taking...You start getting rid of these people, who you going to replace them with? Buna can't find teachers now.

 In the end, I wonder what money will be spent on this involving  extra-curricular activities which could actually be used for an academic classroom.  ( I wonder if every social studies class has their their own set of chart maps?)

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

WTF Beaumont?

I cannot remember the last time I have been to Beaumont, Texas. I seriously cannot. I THINK the last time is when we passed through on the way home from Scotland when we landed in Houston and drove back home. That was September.

I've been to PNG a couple of times because my in-laws live there, but you know, I generally go north through Tyler or just stay in Orange County. Heck. I can't remember the last time I was in Louisiana, and I live what, 7 minutes away on Hwy 12? ( I keep saying, we all need to go to Pat's of Henderson)

So, last night I am watching the local news as I always do to find out that they really don't know anything, nor are they actually trying when I see this.

It occurred at a pizza parlor that caters to children.



And you look at it and say to yourself, "Yep, Beaumont."

There is a a local blogger who is forever saying " Jefferson County( Beaumont, Pt. Arthur, etc) is dying", and the more I ponder this question, the more I agree.

Why would anyone live there?

And I am to the point if I drive to Beaumont, we may as well, drive on to Houston...

Monday, January 20, 2020

Tales from Uncle Thomas #255

So, it is time to gather round the fire boys and girls for a tale from the past, a tale of misery and woe. ( Actually it isn't)

So, I've been watching people answer questions on Reddit, on YouTube. Strangest stuff ever happened to them in various situations, and one of the questions was....

"Delivery People, What was the Strangest Thing Ever Happen During a Delivery." 

Of course, I watched it and while so were interesting, none were as good as what happened to me when I was work for old South Park Pharmacy on Washington Blvd. when I was working afternoons when I was a lowly undergraduate at the Lamar University.

I had been a delivery driver for old Rainey and when they were bought out by now out of business Magnolia Pharmacy 2 blocks up the street on Magnolia in the North End of Beaumont.

The pharmacist/owner at South Park just offered me a "better deal" so I changed drug stores.

About 2 weeks into my tenure at South Park, I had a delivery in a fairly unknown section of town for me, on the other side of what is now MLK down 69/96/287. A very small tree lined neighborhood of very nice homes, that were at the time mostly occupied by professors at Lamar. ( This was 40 years ago)

I knock on the door and an early 30ish woman answers the door.

Panties only.

No shirt, no pants, no bra, no shoes.

Breastests just out there. 

Don't know how I kept my composure, but I said, " Delivery."

To which she said, " Let me get my purse." And went toward the back.

I figured she'd put on a shirt, a robe, something, because surely, I was not the intended party.

No, when she returned still just Pink panties. ( Never forget the color)

She paid, I thanked her, and " Got the hell outta there."

So, when I returned to the pharmacy I told the druggist about it and he looked at the girls at the front register, and said, " You didn't tell him did you?"

Apparently Mrs. XXXXX was an exhibitionist, and this was a pretty common deal. Apparently her husband knew and "got off on it."

Now, I went back a couple of more times in my career at South Park and she was wearing some pretty racy stuff. But nothing like that first time.

Which in the end actually confirms the validity of the "Milkman" the Mailman"  being some kid's daddy.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Man, I am NOT GOING to Make It

I am not, I don't know how I am going to handle this, I really do not. I am of the philosophy now, leave me the hell alone, I am going to do just fine.

I'm pretty smart, I can figure stuff out on my own.

That said, last night I received a phone call from one of the people(a man) who is running the tour we are taking in April/May to Israel. Again, I am doing this because, I love my wife. I don't do well in groups unless I am in charge. Or, have some sort of control. Teaching school for 178 years does that to you.

So, the man introduced himself as " I am Brother XXX XXXXXX." ( To make matters worse, he called AFTER 9PM. I am of the old school, call after 9PM only if there is an emergency, or someone has died.)

Oh man, you want to NOT impress me? Call yourself "Brother" or "The Reverend" so-and-so.

Part of the reason why, so many people who call themselves that, well, I know these people.

And I understand that you need to show people respect. Doctors, dentists, professors, teachers, accountants, etc, etc, but this guy is in the business of taking people to the Holy Land and part of the " sell" is he's " Brother" so-and-so....

Look, I have a problem with the title business in the " religion" world.

I went to seminary. I am ordained. Don't you dare call me" Rev. Thomas" or "Brother" Thomas.

Most of you now are my age and you want to call me " Kerry" feel free, but we've gone over this all before. ( Tara has to keep calling me Mr. Thomas because, well, she just does.)

" Brother XXX XXXXXXXX" called because he wanted to make sure we understood overseas travel. I started to be an asshole and say, " Sure, what do you need to know?"

Man, I am NOT going to do well....

This is Just More of the BS in This Country

I don't know what is wrong with us? I really do not know. Everyone is unhappy, or they want to "get rich quick."

People just do not "get" that this might be the "best of times."

A guy out of Arizona is suing a porn site called " Pornhub" because he is deaf and there is no closed captioning on the site. 

And yes, he is asking for damages. 

So, the deaf guy is looking at porn, so he can hear what is going on?

Does he not understand the verbiage is all the same?

" Aaaaaaahhhhhhh"

" Ooooohhhhhh"

" Give it to me baby."

" I'm about to c*m." 

What the hell will people be unhappy about next?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Killer Inside

From time to time I came across things of Netflix worth a look, and in this case, I found a 3 episode show that I'll honest, was fascinating.

Killer Inside, and the life, career, criminal trials of former New England Tight End Aaron Hernandez.

It is a good documentary, you can get through all 3 episodes in about 3 and 1/2 hours.

It isn't so much about football, but his life, what made Hernandez "tick." Why he may have been drawn to murdering people. And, the possibility that his struggle with his sexuality may have contributed to his suicide.

4.7 stars out of 5.

Wow! Just Wow!

I don't know about the events of the last 48 hours, but they've been good. Or bad depending on your point of view.

First, I want to thank everyone's input into the "Pistol for April." I'll be honest, including the emails, the PM's, the comments from Facebook, I have received close to 10,000 words. ( seriously) It hit a chord with a lot of folks and I really appreciate it, because each one of the emails, comments, PMs is going to be looked at and thought over...( 10,000 words is about 40 pages double spaced.) It has been a bit of an information overload. And honestly, I like a lot of info at once. Makes the old grey cells work.

As several of you suggested, I am going to need to take the Chinese girl to a gun show, gun store and let her see what fits her, hands, her likes, her wants. Then see about borrowing, renting, etc a couple 2-3 of those pistols and letting her shoot them.

While this was going on I discover a letter in the mail from my nephew in Llano with a DNA test I need to run, well, right then. ( For his AP Biology class)

The instructions, I am sure written by the instructor left a bit to be desired. About the same time I was reading the instructions, my mom calls, also reading the instructions wondering what a couple of the instructions actually meant.

Mr. Taucer would have never sent home a mess written like this....

Which makes me wonder if the instructor out there is a graduate of a university in Central Texas more concerned with sitting on the river, " drinking beer and chasing tail?"

So, we get that done and email the results.  Apparently, we are some sort of subset.

Then I got into trouble for using the word ( Girly-Girl) I know the correct term is feminine, but you know, there is nothing wrong with being a girl's girl, if that makes sense. So, I apologize the Ashlee Haefs and Yu "April" Zhou-Thomas for calling them girly-girls. ( That said, I think James would agree with me on the first one.)

I also hopped the tracks and another life I had reared its ugly head in the Facebook comments section. I apologize to Tara for embarrassing my former student-teacher.

Finally, and this is how my mind works, I put on my extensive Christmas list a "Kitty Keychain." Never expecting to get it for a gift. Low and behold, my Mother-in-Law had about a dozen back-ordered, and they arrived from China yesterday. She did not have a clue they are used to poke people in the eyes with during a defensive situation. She though they were "cute."( By the way, until Sept. of 2019, they were illegal in the State of Texas.) I think she's going to give them away to family.

Heck, next year, I may ask for "Brass Knuckles" and tell her they are a "paper weight."

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Okay Ladies( And Men Too) I Have a Question?????????????

The trouble is, this blog is only for a selective group of readers and once some of you read, well, you'll stop, rather quickly.

You know we have that Chinese trouble.

Well, not really a problem, in truth, it is quite nice. I am sort of amazed at how fast she is adjusting to certain aspects of American society, in this case, Texas society.

She wants a pistol.

Nothing says "Texas" faster than that statement alone.

We are a little concerned in a multitude of ways.

She grew up in a society in which there was no public gun ownership. And we wonder if she really understands that it is a danger tool. Very dangerous.

She has not fired a weapon yet as I have received "blow-back" from various family members concerned.

I have to remind one of the family members that while she grew up in a household with no firearms and actually a fear of said, weapons, she is very comfortable around guns now. ( Has to be, they're spread all over the house.)

My Mother-in-Law won't be in the same room as a gun. I have to "hide" them when she comes over. I think she seriously believes they will magically " go off" on their own.

This is in contrast to my 89 year old Mother who carries a Smith & Wesson .38 spl. at all times and NOW has two loaded shotguns on either side of her bed, to which I ask her, " Mom, why two shotguns?" To which Grandma( My mom ) answers, it depends on which side of the bed I might be on....I am my mother's son. College, graduate school hillbillies.

But, I digress....

My daughter-in-law is a girly, girl. Very dainty.

I am afraid of what to get her.

She doesn't carry a purse like my mom, large enough for half a cow, a cord of wood, and starter for 1976 MGB. With a speical hiding place for the revolver.

 She carries tiny purses.

So, I am concerned at what gun I ( yes, I said I) should be looking at getting her to carry?

One of the mouse .380s? Ruger LCP, Kel-Tec, S&W, Sig, Springfield? ( I have ONE .380 in my arsenal. An old Colt Pony I inherited. Not impressed. )

How much "kick" do they have?

A .32 Beretta Tomcat?

I have even considered looking at one of the Charter Arms .32 H&R revolvers. ( Too much kick?)( I carry a Charter .44 I trust with my life)

Then there is a question of color. I could see her (the Chinese coming out) with me at the gun show, gun store picking out a pink, or purple, or sea foam colored pistol. I think my son would  veto that.

I am a fan of  revolvers, but the size might be too much.

And take into the consideration she is a girly-girl. She's not one of the petite girls from Jasper County whose been driving a tractor since age 7, and can drop the transmission from a 1967 GMC 2500 pick-up.

This is a city girl, actually as Garth Brooks wouldn't say, she " Has been trained in Social Graces."

I am a gun guy, but here I am totally at a loss? I have considered a Walther PPK and call it even. She's a clothes horse ( Like someone else we know) and good enough for James Bond 007, good enough for her. And even though she wears skirts 95% of the time, I could also see her wear a Men's Tuxedo because it is " Très Chic".....

Suggestions folks....Especially you ladies.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I Know Buna, I Know.....

I understand Buna. I know many of you think that it is some sort of "State Secret" but it is not.

There were people making remarks about " knowing where I live" this morning on the Facebook.

Well, yeah, I've lived here long enough half of Buna knows now.

And I don't care you know. I know it is a "mystery" to some people because, well, we don't invite a lot of people over to visit.....I think both of us grew up this way.

I had a former student come by the house to borrow an item(s) of clothing from me for some sort of party they were attending, and heck, I didn't even have to tell them the address. They already knew.

That said, if any of you just show up " unannounced" especially if I do not know your vehicle, you're probably going to see me come out with a firearm.

This happened yesterday.

It's funny how stuff happens, I thought I was going to be doing a wedding yesterday, and once it was cancelled, I put on my PJs and was "done for the day." Or at least I thought I was done.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the the kitchen door, and I thought it was the UPS man, but as I looked, I saw a strange truck, so I grabbed a .44 and put it behind my back as I opened the door.

Come to find out, it was couple who were " anteloping." ( eloping) They had been sent to me by a relative/ex-student. Just showed up.

Adults, second marriage for both is what he said. License out of Jefferson County. Was issued last Thursday.

So, I married them.

( I know some people have questions about people eloping without telling family. Hey, eloping worked for BOTH sets of my grandparents. One set of grandparents had 11 kids, the second set, only 5.)

I'll bet they talked about that rough looking "preacher" in pajamas, carrying a revolver, beard untrimmed since Thanksgiving when they left. ( The beard is starting to make me look like a Civil War general.)

So, if you ever come over unannounced, there ain't no telling what you might see, and you might find me pointing a M4 assault rifle in your direction.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Well, Damn, What Next Snowflake?

We just not happy in this country.

I don't understand this country anymore. It's like we are not happy unless we hate people on the "other side" so much that we got to make everyone miserable.

This story is in that same vein.

It seems that the the "One Million Moms" is all upset because Burger King has used the word, " Damn" in their latest commercial for their "Impossible Burger."

It seems someone in the ad says, " Damn, that's good." 

What they need to be protesting is the fact the a burger joint is serving non-beef burgers.

You know, I am glad they didn't come to my class back in the day, they, their kids, probably would have heard worse.

In the 1970's, one of the American History textbooks in Texas high schools quoted Mark Hanna, US Senator from Ohio when Theodore Roosevelt became President after McKinley's assassination...." Now that damned cowboy is President." 

There is stuff to be unhappy about in this country. This ain't one of them.

Well, This Saved Me a Bunch of Money

For some of you, this will be boring as hell. Some of you will immediately click off of this blog once you see what it's about.

I had been saving for a while when I heard rumors that Colt might introduce this firearms again.

I was pretty excited when I saw the Colt was reintroducing the Python Revolver in 2020. And knowing Colt, I knew they were going to be expensive.

The Python was the premiere revolver when I was a kid growing up. It was the revolver that most police officers wanted to carry. In .357 magnum, it was serious stopping power.

The old Pythons cost from $3000-5000. ( Some more)

The new one MSRP in $1499......Okay, an investment...If I ever have a grandkid, I leave it to them, if not I got a nephew....

Then I saw who might have the best firearms show on the YouTube with a brand new show on the 2020 Python. (Hickock45. )

Damn gun broke.

The cylinder stopped rotating after shooting it for a while.

Here is the link.

What kind of quality control do you have Colt?

I lost my taste, quick....And don't tell me get a S&W or a Ruger or a whatever, I got revolvers.....

I think I just spend the money and go on a trip.....Maybe Wales? New Zealand? Hell, Scotland again?

Friday, January 10, 2020

No, No, No,No.....

I seemed to being this more and more in my life and I guess I need to remember that people no longer understand sarcasm, or satire, or irony in America.

I tried to post a funny about my wife cooking today and to be honest, she is a pretty good cook, it is just, since I retired, I cook nearly all the time and that i am puny, well, it is good to get some relief.

Yes, I am still sick, but I am not on my deathbed ...Yet, as a matter of fact, I have been looking at our next trips. Yes, plural. I am having a hard time deciding on where I want to go in 2021.

And yes, I would like Jake to do a eulogy for me. He's about the only licensed minister I am on speaking terms right now, and I hope he tells some jokes on me at the service. But, who knows, I may have to attend his funeral, I hope not...But one never knows?

No, I am not dying. Just got the flu. Taking my meds. Taking care of myself. Letting Mrs. Thomas take care of me today, and it's quite nice. ( She had the day off)

Those who wrote concerned, thank you. I will not tease about my health anymore. I know, as one wrote, " Mr. Thomas, you are getting a little older." 

They're right. It isn't a "kidding" matter. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Be Afraid, Very Afraid

Don't think this isn't something to just not to be concerned about, because, well, it is.

I don't know if you know who Joe Rogan is. He was the host of the TV show "Fear Factor" and he is a color announcer for UFC fights.

He has a podcast and well, sometimes it is good, and sometimes, well, it is slop. It just depends on the guest.

His latest guest is a journalist by the name of Ed Calderon.

Ed goes into Mexico and does reporting on the Cartels that have basically taken over many of the states in the country just south of our border.

Here is the link to the podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPBejhoKlb8&t=4s

Mexico had the most violent year ever in 2019. And at some point the central government in Mexico City will collapse.

What does that mean to you and I?

The US Army, Marine Corps will be sent in to straight out the mess. Especially if the country breaks down into a civil war between the cartels.

Stop worrying about Iran, Iraq, the entire Middle east, you need to worry about what is going on about 7 hours drive from here. ( I know it is 7 hours because I used to do the drive)

I wouldn't go to Mexico on a bet, even the tourist places on the beaches who are supposedly " safe" for nothing.  Who do you think keeps those places safe? It isn't the Mexican Government.

Hell, I have a niece who is wanting to get married in Costa Rica this Summer and I ain't so sure about even going there. I know my wife wants to go, but hell, it'd be a lot cheaper if they had a small wedding, let "Uncle" Kerry do it for nothing, spend the dough they saved on a house. ( Then again, I am so eurocentric, I think spend that kind of dough, do it in Scotland or someplace else really cool....Ireland....Then again, my ordination pretty much is good for Murica only....as are most American ordinations. )

But seriously, watch the podcast, some spooky stuff.

Then again, the world has always been a scary place, just don't like this happening this close to home. 

Getting the Hell Outta Dodge

I guess at some point we all have thought about this and wondered what it was like to just "start the hell" over in our lives.

I know the "apple didn't fall far from the tree" here as my son has re-invented himself several times in his life.

But now, it seems, part of the British Royal Family , Prince Harry and Princess Meghan have "quit being members of the Royal Family" and it seems have moved to Canada.

Why the hell not?

Apparently they did felt "left out" somehow because let's face it, Harry was never going to be king. Too many people in line in front. 

They have been renting a $14.1 million dollar mansion on Vancouver Island while they are " thinking things through."

Now, they are saying they are going to be "independently wealthy?" Whatever that means.

Didn't work out so well for Harry's Great-Uncle, the former Edward VIII, who gave up the throne for another American, remember, Meghan is an American.  and became the " Duke of Windsor." He spent the rest of his life getting a stipend from the royal family and "selling their story to magazines."

That and Harry has inherited money from his Mom's( Princess Di) and his Great-Grandmother's estate. But, they'll blow through that in a few years...Gotta live that lifestyle.

And in all of this, he didn't even tell Grandma( The Queen) they were leaving. ( Gutless move right there.....Then again, she is the queen, screw up too bad, next thing you know, your head is sitting on a spike on the gates of the palace...)

But I wonder how long before we'll see Harry and Meghan hocking vacuum cleaners, soap, toilet paper?

I give the marriage another 5-7 years, and they'll be divorced.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Y'all Just Dumb As F*ck Aint Ya?

Do you know how many times I wanted to look out into the classroom and say that? I came close I know, but you know, the older I get the more I so wish I would have said it.....What was the only thing they could have done to me? Fire me? I was on borrowed time my entire time while I was there anyway. I got out while I could.

Why is Mr. Thomas throwing a tirade?

This comes on the latest survey where less than 1/3 of Americans can find Iran on a Map....This is a map of the region, not a global map, to which the percentage falls to about 23%.

If your going to fight the places, at least know where the hell it is....

Ambrose Bierce was right( Look him up, short story writer, Civil War Officer, adventurer, died running around with rebels in Mexico during the Mexican Revolution. Wrote "The Devil's Dictionary." one of the great piece of satire in American Literature Example-"Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage." .... Also  wrote"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge".... )

Anyway, this is what he said about the American people....

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."

Hey! Have Y'all Seen This?

I've been sick and in truth, haven't given a good crap about much of anything, but this tidbit of bad information crossed my screen a while ago....

Friday Night, Saturday morning, we are under a damaging wind event. 75 mph winds. A level 3 event. I was looking at the models a few minutes ago and would not be shocked if it was upped to a level 4 event......

Batten down the hatches....SE Texas....

Since when did we have storms like this......In January? This is a March-April-May event....

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Okay, I'm Going to "B*tch"

It makes me feel better when I do this, and I am already sick as a damn mule with a Chinese eye balling me for supper.

I am to the point, if you are reading this, you are about the only people I am willing to marry.

Had a couple ask me to marry them, one of those, friend of a friend's dealie in a few months.

Come to find out it is in some town north of Denton, TX almost to Sherman, TX. ( North of Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denton's home of University of North Texas and Texas Women's University) And they wanted a freebie. I told them, they'd have to at least pay gas and for a hotel. And they got upset.

It was a deal breaker. No one in their right mind wants to stay in Sherman. ( I am sure they'll find a minister up there to do it for $400. That is about the going rate for non-friends)

So, unless you are reading this, again, and I don't mind doing it, especially if it is in this area.. I'm not driving almost to Oklahoma for free. Especially if I don't know you.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Draft

I am sorry, I have not been active, but I am sick as a dog. I don't think flu, but going to doc first thing in the morning. Running a pretty good temp however.

The draft is the last thing that the Dept. of Defense wants is a draft because they know the following....

" The worst volunteer is better than the best draftee." A draftee doesn't want to be there and the military knows.

The military understand drafts hurt morale. 

The military tries to keep people in the military.

- Re-enlistment bonus.

- Then a "backdoor draft." People 60 days away from getting out are told, you are staying in, because we need you.....You should have read your contract a little better.

- Then people in the Air Force or Navy can be assigned to Army units, especially if you have a skill like military police.


- People who have gotten out of the military within a certain time frame can be recalled.

The bonus money is targeting low income communities. This is why "Free College" is not going to be passed in this nation. It is an incentive for the military.

Here is when you start to worry about the draft coming back.

The age limit of people joining the Army will increase.

People overweight to be taken.

People who only have a GED or did not complete school.

They start taking people with felonies.

At that point, they need to worry. So much of the military work is falling to contractors now (Mercenaries)

Until then, I would not worry about the draft. 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Iran War???

I am going to write this blog and see if I can keep it brief and not turn it into a 20,000 word dissertation.

Last night, early this morning, a U.S. drone fired a rocket and killed Iran's Major-General Qassem Soleimani. He was in Baghdad visiting the leaders of the people who were attack the American Embassy in Baghdad this past week. I am sure they were planning the next step. ( Which asks the question, we have fought Iraq two times, defeating them both times in recent history, however, they are now in the camp allowing Iranian leaders to come and go at will in their country.)

Soleimani, was commander of the Iranian Seals, Delta Force, Green Beret, Rangers, Marine Recon all rolled into one. ( They are the Quds, or the unit in Iran's Revolutionary Army who carry out unconventional warfare and terrorist attacks all over the world. Soleimani is Machiavellian in his moves, and many in the world expected him to become the next President of Iran.)

This is not a good guy, but we have for all purposes carried out a political assassination on foreign soil as he is both a military and political leader in Iran. He was basically number 2 in the Iranian government.( Almost like killing the Vice President of a nation)

The next question is this, what will Iran do to carry out revenge against the death of Soleimani? Everyone from the religious "Supreme Leader" to Iran's President to Iran's  foreign minister has said Iran will pay back the U.S.

Will it be terrorist attacks? Will it be some sort of military action? Will they attack our cyber infrastructure?

Will it be immediate? Or will it be down the road? Nations in the Middle East often play the " long game." Attacking after the heat has been turned down. After the initial event has been forgotten here in the Western world.

Will it be several attacks? All at once? Or strung out? 

You can rest assure, it is " All hands on deck" this morning at the Pentagon.

Israel has put their military on "High Alert." And their prime minister was visiting Greece, cut his visit short and returned home. 

You have got to remember, Iran has the ability to use terrorism anyplace around the world against Americans, yes, even American civilians around the world.....Asia, Europe, Latin America, and yes, even here in the United States. And they think nothing of killing civilians.

Anyway, as the Chinese say, " May you live in interesting times. " This morning is certainly interesting.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

So, I was in Buna Today.....And I Survived!

I was invited to lunch today by a former student and his wife.

I made the long trip and looped by the old Buna High School, ( now Buna Junior High) went down and turned left on the road just past the railroad tracks. Of course, the new school are gated off. I have never been by, much less into the new high school. When they had "Open House" when it first opened, I had written a couple of not so "positive" blogs about the Buna ISD and it was suggested I may not want to visit.....So, I did not....

Came out down the road by the old sawmill, and turned and went by the "Flame."

I met Travis Harding and his lovely wife and cute oldest child at Faustos.

Faustos was good as normal and they served today the best fried potatoes I have had since I have returned from Scotland.....Why can't we get good fried potatoes in this nation is a mystery to me. In an out of the way cafe, pub, truck stop in the UK and Ireland you can get wonderful fried potatoes.

I am proud of myself that I did not refer to Travis Harding as " Bobby Hill" and his wife as " Mrs. Hill."

I kept thinking Travis would excuse himself for a minute to go to the restroom so I could ask her "What happened?" " You lose a bet?"

Lovely young lady.

All teasing aside, they are a good looking couple, and a cute as a bug child. No doubt who that kid's dad was...

It was a good visit and good to see Travis and meet his family.

I was surprised, or should not be surprised, that as I turned down Hwy 62 South, the " Cock in a Box" Christmas decorations were out in full force.  I always wonder that some maiden aunt looks at those and is hopeful that someone will gift her one this holiday.

And I made it out of town unscathed. There was no ambush at 253 at 62 as I headed South, and I didn't go into any stores looking, and "got the hell out."

It is amazing while there are a few new stores, everything is relativity, the same.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to wish everyone a "Happy New Year" from the Compound.

2019 was, well, a different year.

It went quickly. We visited Scotland, and other than that personally it was not much of a change in the year.

We were blessed in that the Compound was not flooded by Imelda, and had a good friend up the road check on our home while we were overseas.

We got the kids back to the United States. I know China is now a 12 hour flight, but you know, you just feel better with them in Austin than in Yunnan Province.

I sort of dread this coming year.

Politically, we are coming apart at the seams. Not sure if this is a growing pain or if our time as the dominate nation is, well, done.

The debt alone has me concerned. It grew $1 trillion dollar in 2019. Our debt now stands at $22 trillion. At some point we got to pay this mess off.

I wonder how much more at each other's throats we will become?

I am afraid 2020 is going to get ugly. I wonder if this hated will filter into out national psyche forever?

This hatred is not good for the nation. And the sad part is, some of you relish this hatred of other Americans.

I have a funny feeling this is a going to be a year of turmoil.

Hug your kids. Hug your loved ones. Hug your extended family and friends. Let them know you love them. That is important.

Very important.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...