Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's

2019, I guess it along with other things, well, we just can't keep it from coming.

I generally do a predictions blog, and every prediction I came up with either upset me or disturbed me so much.....I don't know.

I am concerned about this nation.

I am not sure if we are about to just "come apart" or just what?

I see us very similar to the 1850s, ( different issues) but just as divided.

I am concerned about the economy. I look at the numbers, but the market looks artificial compared to actual growth..

Part of what is going on in growth pains. Our economy is changing so much to a technology based economy old economic systems are dying. I see the usage of actual cash as being less and less until it is no longer viable option.

Sears, JC Penney's, are in trouble. They close and 68,000 and 114,000 people are out of a job. ( JC Penny employs more people than the coal mines.)

On the political front, the congress will get nothing done. We have divided government. And I am afraid it is going to get ugly.

I don't know, I am amazed at how much hated there is in people's hearts, especially those who call themselves Christians. I often wonder if they have read Matthew 7:23, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."

Anyway, Happy New Year's. Enjoy your day off if you receive one. 

Friday, December 28, 2018

What Kind of Hoo Doo, Voo Doo is This?

I just knew this was bull. I had convinced myself that it was just a lie, and it is just an old wives' tale that has no bearing in science.

I tried everything to stop my cough yesterday. Musinex. Cough Syrup.

I even killed almost half a bottle of Irish whisky.

I wound up with Conor McGregor's brand of Irish whisky. Called " Proper Twelve."

Buy Bushmill's or Jameson Irish Whisky. ( I prefer Bushmill's)This stuff is awful. Just awful. Come to find out the whisky was distilled in Belfast, by a company that went bankrupt. McGregor bought the remaining whisky still in the barrels and he bottled it as his stuff.....You can see why the company went broke.

No, I thought this was bullsh*t...But I'll be damned if it didn't work.

Vick's Vapo Rub on the bottoms of your feet. And then wear a pair of socks. My cough stopped within 3 minutes.

I don't understand the science....maybe there isn't any?

Perhaps it is hoo doo/voo doo?

Now, I still have a low grade temp and hurt all over....but I have stopped coughing. 

And this is off the subject, but I am convinced my wife will make it to heaven. God takes care of her like no one else. I have a good friend who reads the blog who says this " I hope my wife puts in the good word for me in the hereafter. " ( And his wife is an absolute sweetheart)

I hope mine does too....

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Well, I Almost Forgot....

I got busy this morning trying to catch up from not doing housework over the last few days, and then, this morning I was trying to do work and watch English Soccer.

But for my readers in the British Commonwealth...

Happy Boxing Day!

I actually remembered that after I called Canada trying to do some business....But everything in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many other former British Colonies it is a holiday today.

Or if you prefer the relgious holiday....

It is the Feast of St. Stephen today....The first martyr in the Christian Church.

There is even a carol that discusses the day.  "Good King Wenceslas"

The song of course discusses the king braving the cold to give "alms to the poor." 

 Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen,
When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even;
Brightly shone the moon that night, tho' the frost was cruel,
When a poor man came in sight, gath'ring winter fuel.

And in Ireland it is Wren Day. A tradition of hunting a fake wren and placing it on top of a pole.( There are several possible stories as to why this tradition began. )

Boxing Day likewise, there are several different stories that suggest why this holiday began. It is a now a shopping day in the UK, NZ, Australia, etc. It is a day for sport in the UK as the English Premier Soccer League holds several matches. Test Cricket matches are played in New Zealand and Australia.

So, for those of you reading this in one of the Commonwealth nations....

Happy Boxing Day!! 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Okay, Former Gubmint Students.....Please Read This

THIS is why you need to get down on your hands and knees and thank whoever you worship that you are born here......Or you are getting to immigrate here.....

This is a city I know......Personally. 

" Police in the Panlong district of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province in southern China, circulated a notice that hotels, karaoke parlors, internet cafes, bars and other crowded places must prohibit Christmas-related decorations and activities."

And there is no religious attachment there to the holiday. It is ALL secular. 

I got to get my "people" the hell out of there. 

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the Compound here in Lemonville.

Eat something " not good for you" over the next couple of days. I personally am making the dressing for the in-law's Christmas party this evening. I might do such a poor job, I my not be asked again......personally, I am eyeing the " big-ass" ham we are carrying to the gathering tonight.

Tomorrow we are at Grandma's for our traditional brunch, AKA a salute to pork products. ( Most of you know, I could not convert to a religion that bans the consumption swine.....They are so tasty.)

Once again, enjoy the holidays. Enjoy your family. If you are of faith, go to Christmas Eve services. Or perhaps Midnight Mass.

You only get so many Christmases. Enjoy them all. 

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

I've Been Telling You People

I know this will upset some of you. We understand.

I understand some of you think it is a threat to your "way of life."

But you know, it just ain't worth it. It hasn't been for years.

I've been reading how bad it has been the last couple of days to try and "go to Beaumont" to shop.

As one put it, "you'll need Jesus, a gun, a Xanax....perhaps them all."

Another,  said, " I was stuck on Dowlen Road for 45 minutes."

And still another, " You know, I spent 3 hours in the mall.....and only bought lunch."

I am telling you, this Amazon, ebay, JCP, etc, is the way to go.

Everything I wanted I found and got delivered right here at the Compound.

Now, I understand that some of you feel like you've got to "try it on" to see if you want it, or if it fits.....

But the last suit I bought was online, and yes, the pants they sent did not exactly match, but you know that was on me for waiting until 2 days before the flight. And if I had one more day, I could have gotten the correct pants. ( I got to keep the wrong pants and they sent a new pair.)

Heck, I got a new black/white( grey) tweed jacket I am wearing to Christmas " festivities" next week. Online.( Fits perfect and if not, they would have paid to send back for a refund.)

But man, other than passing through to go to Houston, or perhaps a restaurant( My favorite restaurants are in Nederland/Pt Arthur), I won't have to deal with Beaumont....

Friday, December 21, 2018

Say It Ain't So Santa!!!

I do not think you know how glad I am gone. I get to write this and the numbers on the Facebook and blog are way down....and I no longer get ugly threats....

Our story this morning comes from the Beaumont ISD.

It seems that a teacher at the Marshall Middle School, (that is a junior high equivalent for you keeping score at home) asked the following question in their class.

" Do you still believe in Santa Claus?"

Three-quarters of the class raised their hand.

To which the teacher tells her students, " There is no Santa."

The entire event brings more questions than answers.

1. Why do 3/4ths of kids in a junior high still believe in Santa? Maybe it was just us, but we had to tell Reid in Kindergarten not to tell the other kids about the truth about Santa. He figured it out at about age 4. ( My son has always been a little different. He taught himself how to read at age 3. We gave him the basics and it went from there. )

2. Why did the teacher even take it upon themselves to tell them the "secret?"

You know, when I was in seminary a 100 years ago now, I was in the middle of a rousing debate, such a row, that a couple of Baptist preachers almost came to blows.( I thought I was going to have to stop Johnny Carter from beating an anti-Santa guy to death, Johnny was as nice as you could be, but Johnny was an older student, Vietnam combat vet, worked part time at the Dodge dealership in Weatherford as a mechanic in the afternoon/evenings, his arms were the size of my thighs.....I would have gotten killed trying to stop Johnny.)

The debate question was, " Maybe we should not tell our kids about Santa, or Easter Bunny, etc, because if we lie about them, are we also lying about Jesus?"

Now, we did Santa, etc, but you know, for some kids, I can see where it can be a problem.

But, I digress.

I think my wife summed it up last night pretty well, when she said, " People today are just looking for something to gripe about. 12-13 year old kids still believing in Santa? ( Unless they are special needs) " She seriously wondered if the " kids just wanted to try and get rid of a hard teacher?"

I don't know. Once again, I do not think I could teach anymore.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

One of My Favorite Jokes

In the light of the events occurring in Arlington, Texas, I am reminded of one of my favorite jokes.

So, a local coach is in a before school inservice and the Inservice Instructor asked the following question to the local coach.

Inservice Instructor: " Coach, who won the Civil War?" 

Coach sat and thought for a minute and then all of a sudden the answer came to him.

Local Coach: " Newton, 55 to nuthin'!" 

I got stuff to answer to in the hereafter.....

No, I Can't Do This For You

I am generally glad to help you the best I can.....Seriously.

I had someone call for a character reference on an ex-student a couple of weeks ago....and I understand they got the position.

And even though I have said I am cutting back I have done a couple of wedding recently, small affairs, glad to do them....

I even had a person who has been given a limited time by the physicians to do their funeral. ( I reluctantly agreed.)

But was asked to do a wedding for a former student......And they are still married to their first wife.

Now, I was not going to do this......But they wanted the wedding done, like 2-3 days after the divorce....The first Saturday afterward.

I couldn't do it.

Now, I understand if you are divorced, well, it always doesn't work out. But don't ask me to justify your affair. ( It seems the soon to be wife was cause of the divorce.)

I know some of you consider me an " Outlaw Preacher" and in many ways, perhaps, I am.

But there are some things I just won't do.....Think it through before you ask.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Even More....Them Decisions...Them Decisions

I wonder what my late father would have to say about this? Even though W.E. "Bill" Thomas was a blacksmith/welder by trade, Bill was a heck of a dresser. He bordered on what his son(s) have become , a fop, a dandy.

eDad believed in a coat and tie, and wore one often. Dad would often pass for a lawyer in his dress and demeanor.

So, I am looking at the weather for Christmas/ Christmas Eve.


I know you reptilian people are happy, but you know, Christmas is the one time of year it really needs to be cold.

So, I have a new black/white herringbone tweed jacket I am dying to wear to Christmas Eve church services.....Looks just like one the late Dr. Bill MacDonald wore. ( History professor)

But, there will be reptilian old people in the church, so the heater, even though it is tepid outside will be turn to blast furnace.....I would "Sweat like a hostage in a trunk."

Or do I wear a navy blue suit? I could wear a pindot bow-tie to complete the "rig." Look like a Tory Backbencher  in the British House of Commons.

But it is Christmas.......And I would like to wear a tartan tie......And I have two new ones, a Jacobite and a Stirling. Both associated with ancestors.

Or I could push it and wear the clergy tartan, pushing that "Outlaw Clergy" even farther.

Oh, them decisions.......them decisions....

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Best Thing Yet

I was in the middle of writing a blog on the local news when this piece of information came in on We Chat. ( That is Chinese Twitter/Facebook)

I have been in Ireland in 2018.

I've been in China in 2018.

I've traveled to to the Hill Country, Central Texas, NE Texas.

But as of this morning, my daughter in law has been approved by the U.S. Department of State an Immigrant Visa.

That means she will get a green card.

With the political climate between the U.S. and the People's Republic of China in the last few months, I was more than a little concerned.

Thank you to those of you who kept us in your prayers.

Thank you to those of you who kept us in your thoughts.

Monday, December 17, 2018


You know, it takes events like this to make you appreciate this.......Or even realize what on earth it is like in other places.

As many of you know, Grandma and I visited my brother and his family for Christmas.

It is quite a drive from Orange County to Llano, Texas.

You get to Austin and it is still 75 miles.

And I've traveled to most areas in this state.

El Paso. Amarillo, Heck been to Texline going out of the state several times. Been to the Palo Duro Canyon.

Brownsville, McAllen, Del Rio, Midland-Odessa. Zapata.

Big Bend and Presidio.

Texarkana and Temple.

Paris, Pampa and Post.....If you have never done so, you need to drive down off the Caprock one time in your life...

The only places I can't think of I have been to is Laredo and Waco.....Laredo is, well, sorry Leah, just out of the way.

And Waco....Well, just too many Baptists....

But driving in Europe, makes you realize just how damn big this state is......You can get across 10 counties in a day in Europe if you try...( Seriously, you can do 5.)

Here are European nations that can fit inside Texas.

Here is my beloved England, Ireland and Scotland inside Texas.....

Texas is huge......and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.....

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Could Not Help Myself

I could not help myself. There was a place across the highway from my brother's out in Llano, Texas that had these in  of all things, Dr Pepper Machine.

They even had Diet RC Cola. ( RC's diet cola was Diet Rite Cola for years and years...) They also had Crush Orange, Crush Grape, and Hire's Root Beer.

I WAS going to get a Dr. Pepper, but could not pass it up, and the price was right. 50¢. Yes, 50¢ was the cost of cold drinks from the machine.

At one time a RC Cola and a Moon Pie was popular for lunch in the South.....or as a snack.  Part of it was the RC bottle was larger than Coke's or Pepsi's bottle.

Was not bad.

RC has changed their formula. Again.....And tasted very much like a Coca-Cola. ( Pepsi is still awful. I had one about 4 weeks ago.)

Anyway, it has been years since I had had an RC Cola. And out of a machine? I couldn't pass it up.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

You Know, I Wish You People Had Let Me Know

You know, I miss stuff from time to time. Don't mean to, and to be honest, I don't pay-attention like I probably should now.....Trying to worry the " kids" in from China.

But, I look at the Facebook and I see several of you finishing either nursing school, or college, or some sort of vocational/trade school.....and if I had known a little sooner, I would have tried to go to your graduation.....Heck, I am thrilled when I see you get a promotion in the military. ( Heck, I am getting more and more of you getting your 20 into the service and it " paying off." ( Getting to retire...I have a student from another school I taught in just retired after 32 years in the US Army.)

Let's face it, I am pretty proud of you when you go another step beyond.

Most of you are doing pretty dad-gum good.

And it and I mean this seriously, it makes me feel good all over....

Seriously, I am pretty dad-gum proud of y'all.

Friday, December 14, 2018

How Would This Even Work?

I don't understand this.

Maybe I should not worry about it, I no longer have kids, I am not sure what my "kids" will do about it when they have children. They may not do it.

They might just exchange presents.

The Christmas time " be good" was just an excuse to make the kids behave.


Santa Claus.

I heard this morning on the radio that 25% of the population wanted to make Santa " gender neutral."

Come on, Santa has a beard.

Santa has a 'beer gut." ( Sorry, that is not from milk and cookies, it is from type of beer he drinks. Long cold winter at the pole....Norwegian Ringnes.( Norway's best selling brew.) Greenland Brewhouse. ( It is closer and uses water from icebergs to brew their beer.)

The Greenland beer is easier to send the elves on a " beer run."

Santa has a wife. Mrs. Claus.....I am sorry, but I am convinced she was/is the brains behind the operation.

Come on, the Tooth Fairy is female. The Easter Bunny is, well, who knows. ( No it isn't Peter cotton-tail, it could be just as well, Petra cotton-tail.)

What's next? The Statue of Liberty isn't "Lady Liberty?"

Brand New Wedding Photos

Just in from the " Branch Office" in Kunming, China......Brand new wedding pictures.

 Yes, my pants do not match my jacket, the suit company I ordered from sent the wrong color blue pants and I did not have time to send back to exchange.....They have sent the right color blue, and I got to keep the "odd" color pants.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Not It!

I think it is a a game of " Not it!" Or as someone tried to explain it, "Think of a plate of spaghetti. Only the plate is missing, it’s all over the table and someone is crying,"

This is British Politics. 

Britain, hence forth, called " England" because they are the largest of the 4 states that make up the United Kingdom,  AKA as Britain. And England pretty much controls the other 3 "states." ( Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)


Don't feel bad, most Americans do too. 

England is trying to leave the European Union. It is a common market made up of most nations in Europe where there is free trade. 

Trouble is, England is wanting to leave without any pain. 

They want to "do their own thing" and still have free trade with Europe. Have an open border, between Ireland ( Which is a member of the European Union(EU) and Northern Ireland which is part of Britain.)

When we were in Ireland in March of this year, we did not know when we crossed from Ireland into Northern Ireland. There was not even a sign. Going from one nation to another with no customs. 

By the end of March, 2019, Britain is to leave the EU. It may cause a mess. 

It may shut off much needed pharmaceutical products made in the EU. The Germans may not be able to export cars to England after March. ( They export 800,000 a year to England)

There is a fear they will not be able to get food into the nation. Especially things like fresh vegetables and fruit. The government is already storing frozen veggies and fruit just in case.  

So, you ask, who not just import cars from America? Or fruits and veggies from America. 

Well, the way the new deal to exit the EU, the wording has it to where the English can't import anything from the U.S. 

The leader of the British Government, Prime Minister Theresa May survived a "No Confidence Vote" last evening. That is a vote where her on political party votes whether she should stay as Prime Minister. She won, but there were 1/3 of her party who voted against her. The trouble is this, no one else wants the job right now. 

It may get so bad May just resigns to get away from the mess of trying to negotiate a better deal. 

Lost? Confused? 

What I have explained is a very simplified version. It is very intricate if you really look at it. 

It gets much worse and I watch British news about an hour or two every day. I sometimes get lost with the wording on the minutia...and some of that minutia is  very important to England.....and the EU....

Okay....I may write on this later.....

Sunday, December 9, 2018

I Know Some of You Don't

I know that some of you don't, but I still do, I figure it won't hurt in the long run to cover all my bases, and I know some of you get all upset because as someone called me, I was an " Outlaw Minister." ( They think I am going to Hell.)

I don't, and they are judging something they don't know.

Anyway, it is getting close for my daughter in law to get her getting her so-called " Green Card." They both seem to think it went and well, and marriage green cards seem to be easier than others.

That said, we are in wait period.

She has been through the interview portion at the US Consulate and waiting.

So, if you would please, those of you who are of faith, remember them in your prayers.

If you are not, think the "good thought." We need all the good karma we can get on this right now.

They are planning to come to the U.S. in the first 2-3 months of the new year.


Friday, December 7, 2018

Now, THIS is NOT What I Wanted

I guess I did not make myself clear. Or this was just easier for them, or they hear so much unhappiness, they just do this in an attempt to either try and make it " all better." Or make me " go away."

The Scoops Frito's have been on sale at Market Basket the last couple of week, actually, all the Frito types have been.

And as many of you know ( or not) I am a fan of the Scoops Frito. Actually, I liked the old King Sized Frito from the old days. I do not think they are made anymore. Or if they are made, it is in such small batches, we no longer get them in Orange County.

I just think the larger Frito has better flavor. Put one in your mouth and let it dissolve and it has a sweet flavor regular Frito's do not.

So, the last two bags of Scoops have been awful. They were almost the same size of the regular product.

And in an attempt to find out why ( It could be why they have been on sale the last 2 weeks. Someone screwed up badly ) I sent them( Frito-Lays) an email asking if this was going to be the way Scoops will be from now on.....I even enclosed a photo of the smaller Scoops.

Today in the mail was a letter from Frito-Lays containing the following.

- Two coupons " Good for any Frito-Lay Product"( Up to $4.29)

- A coupon for $1 off any Frito-Lay Product.

- A coupon for 55¢ off any Frito-Lay product.

- And a "boiler-plate" card that says, 'Thanks for contacting us."

Now we'll use the coupons.......But.

Frito-Lays did not answer my question about the Scoops.

You know, I may have to buy some other corn chip product. ( HEB makes a good "dipping" corn chip.....With Texas corn.)

But, I have a feeling no one read, or if they did, if they even took my email seriously....I don't know....Big corporations....And I know in many cases you can't avoid them.....But I just wanted my question answered....

For The Next Two Days....

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Now I am Serious Now....You Stop This!

I don't know who signed me up for this. Or why I am listed as an event for this......But whoever did this stop.

I am signed up for 2018 Jingle Bell the Woodlands. Allegedly.

I ain't going.

I don't run. Except two reasons.

1. I am about to miss a meal.

2. Someone or something is after me.

And according to the Good News Version of the Bible....

Psalms 28:1- The wicked run when no one is chasing them

Even More

So, after yesterday and people's hair catching on fire, I thought I would go here.

And if you don't know....Or don't understand where I am coming from.....

Here is the number of people I slept with before I got married.

Zero ( 0)

Here is the number of people I have slept with after I married.

One (1)

So, if you are keeping score at home, here is the mathematics.


Now, I know some of you remained a virgin until marriage. But you must admit, that is no longer the norm in most cases.

I did not expect it from my offspring. The world changes. I understand that. ( We always thought it would be a red-haired green/blue eyed Irish DNA.......That is all that was dated high school through university.....Never would we think the DNA would be Han Chinese, Japanese, and Mongolian.....and we could not ask for and could not be more pleased with our daughter in law. We love her to death.)

But, I digress.

I no longer understand the rules.

I could not go on a date now, I don't know what is expected. I don't know what to even do. ( I think I could not survive this.....In high school, I went to kiss a girl good night on the front porch she turned went into the house and I missed and fell off the porch into the Azalea bushes. That fall would kill me today.)

I mean seriously, the way things are you'll both need lawyers, notary public sealed papers, filled at the courthouse. And I have access to an attorney, 24-7....But is where we are going?

You all I could think yesterday was....." Is romance dead?"

You know, I am not for sure it isn't 'Deader than Dillinger." 

Don't explain them, I am never going to use them.

As I have said, if something happens to my wife, I probably am not long for the world.

I don't want to marry again.

I don't need to take up with another woman.....Don't want to. I could never replicate what I have now.

( I am not alone here, I speak with one of my favorite all time students, as a matter of fact, I performed their wedding, and she is in her 20s and she says " I'm done."  Will never marry again if something happened to her spouse.)

As I have said, I will sell everything and move to.....I don't know, Vermont......The Olympic Peninsula.  Maybe Austin.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Baby, It's Cold Outside

So, we are all uphappy about this song now.....Was supposed to make people think they guy is trying to "date rape" the girl in the song.


I listened to it yesterday.

Yes, the guy is trying to seduce the girl.

Yes, she is trying to talk herself into leaving....and is trying to convince him into her going....And if you listen, she is wanting to go......or not....

Look, ain't a guy reading this not tried to seduce a girl.( Or for my gay readers, another guy)

Some of us successful.

Others of us......well, struck out like Casey at the bat.

Would it be any different if the girl was trying to talk(seduce) the boy into staying?

Then again, he probably wouldn't be so hard to convince to stay......

Then again, maybe not....I know guys who left.

Including the author of this blog.

Dammit It Stop It...

 I don't know why people get all upset this time of year. I really do not.  This is a time of peace on earth, good will toward men. 

But we get all upset. 

We think there is some sort of a " War of Christmas."

"Another variation on the same thing is the outcry over the use of X-mas instead of Christmas, again trying to say that people are quite literally trying to remove "Christ" from the celebration.  This could not be further from the truth and ignores the history surrounding the X.  For starters, the letter is not an X at all, but the Greek letter chi (C/c), which is the first letter of the Greek work Χριστός which in English is "Christ." The abbreviation has been used from at earliest possibly 1551.  The X has been used in abbreviation of Christ's name (specifically as part of the Chi Rho - ⳩) possibly as early as 312.  "Xian" and "Xtian" have even been used to abbreviate Christian.  Far from a removal of Christ, the usage is part of a long tradition of remembrance.

We even get into debates over what decorations are displayed, spreading lies about particular administrations and their "removal" of the Nativity scene.  In case you doubted, the White House Creche has been displayed in the East Room every year since 1967, including during the Obama administration.

"Those are good reason.  Christmas is not only getting too commercial, it's getting too dangerous."

Linus Van Pelt

In truth, biggest reason why there is no "War on Christmas" is the very thing that most endangers our religious observance and most attempts to remove Christ from the holiday - Christmas is too big of a money maker to be ignored, downplayed, or warred against. Too many business and people depend on the spending on the secular and religious observances of Christmas to make ends meet.  It's one of the reasons given for the name Black Friday; Christmas shopping after Thanksgiving would bring companies into the black (myth it may be)."
Come on man. 
Do you people NOT understand what you got here in America? 
There are 4,000 different Christian denominations in America alone
I have been to nations where there is no "Freedom of Religion." 

I was asked if I had a Bible with me when I entered the People's Republic of China. 

Come on, there is no one asked anything about their religious literature coming into the USA. 

No one is being dragged into the streets and shot for proclaiming Jesus. 

No one is fired from their government job because they are Christian. 
The public schools allow Christian groups to meet and pray, often with the groups being lead by faculty.
Christmas is a holiday for everyone in this nation. More people are off, stores closed, than any other holiday. 
War on Christmas? 
I think some of you are just looking for something to complain about. 
You really want to be unhappy about something, worry about our homeless veterans. Kids who don't have enough to eat. 
I seriously wonder why some of you are so unhappy. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Personal Request for All You Nursing Majors

Now, I am not to this point yet, and I am several years off, but I know it is coming at some point.

But if you are my nurse in either the hospital, or God forbid the nursing home, I have one major request.

Please, make sure there is an extra blanket on my feet.

I wear socks 24-7 now and while I have ALWAYS had cold feet, they have gotten worse here in old age.

Yes, I have had the doctor check the circulation.

I know, a strange blog, but in 15-20 years ( maybe sooner, I don't have a crystal ball)maybe you will remember this....

Monday, December 3, 2018

Saturday Weather

I have been watching the American model for the weather this weekend, it looks like a low pressure area will move over the top of us on Saturday.

Every time I look at the model, the storms looks worse.

Here is Noon on Sat.

Here is 6pm on Saturday.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I hope this letter finds you well, and I hope Mrs. Claus's gout is better.

I understand you solved your labor problems with the International Brotherhood of Dwarfs, Elves, Midgets and Trolls without having to import scab Trolls from Iceland. I know the last thing you want to produce is inferior Play Stations.

Santa, I have been better than normal this year. I know you have a hard time believing it, but I have not shot anyone, and have not cussed out too many people.

As a matter of fact Santa, I have been somewhat a benefit to my community performing a number of weddings without screwing up too many times.....I was even called upon to perform a funeral which, well, if I don't have to do another one in 2019,2020, 2021 well, that's okay by me. You don't know stress until you say the last words over someone.

With those things in mind my Christmas list is as follows.

- World Peace, a White Christmas, the end to illnesses.......Like you have a meteorological, medical or a doctorate from the Fletcher School of Diplomacy. But I have to ask to avoid looking so mercenary.

- I no longer want a Land Rover or a Jaguar vehicle. We have been to the UK a couple of times in the last few years and you often see vehicles of those makes with the hood ( bonnet as they say) up....That said, if you come over a 1957 MG A 1500 in Spruce Green, well, I would look good tooling around town in it.

- As always, I am a fan of cash. I will take American Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Swiss Francs, Canadian Dollars.....I would in a pinch take other currency.

- A large bag of pecans. Oh I know it might be easier for you to bring me bars of gold considering the price of pecans now.

- Finally, it brings me to what I really would like. Airline tickets. I would prefer the UK or Ireland, but just about anyplace in Europe, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, or Canada would work.

Once again, I hope this finds you well. And I am glad to hear all of your sexual harassment lawsuits have been settled.

Yours truly,


Saturday, December 1, 2018

Just Dumber by the Day

I was not planning to blog today....Or this weekend actually. I lobbied this morning and Iceland to the Highlands of Scotland looks like the trip....Just could not get sold on South England/Wales. I think the Southwest tour of Ireland may have ruined us....Hills, coast, whisky....Come on baby, come on....

But I digress.

So, it seems a man is in our nation's capital attempting to get a marriage license. ( That is Washington D.C for you who fall into the title's category..)

He is from New Mexico and when he presents his New Mexico driver's license as ID, they ask him for a passport. And then rejected him as a "foreign national with no passport."

He asked for a supervisor and the supervisor agreed with the clerk.

The clerk even complemented the applicant from New Mexico on his "command of the English language."

Neither knew that New Mexico was admitted in 1912 as the 47th state of the United States.

I mean seriously, we are failing in our schools.

Now I know it is the District of Columbia.( Then again, I have heard of officials in other states seeing driver's licenses from the District of Columbia and them thinking the person was from South America. And D.C. has changed their licenses to say Washington DC in 2017.)

But seriously, are we really this stupid in this country?

Wait, don't answer that....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...