Sunday, March 31, 2019

Okay, I Had to go Here

I blame Tara Sullivan Laramore, or her eldest child for this one.....I'd blame Dwayne, but I figure he's doing everything he can to keep the wheels on the truck.

Seriously, I have been wanting to write on this one, when I came across this meme.

How is marriage too big of a commitment but having kids together isn’t?

I have never understood this, seriously.

You will have children with a person, you will live together and "play house" but you will not go to the courthouse and make it legal.

Don't you know that once you have a child, you're going to be associated with the person who you made the child......Pretty much 18 years.....if not forever when you decide who goes where for holidays?  Who gets grandchildren when? 

Now, I come from a generation in which if you make a girl pregnant, you had to marry the girl. I know people I went to school with that have been married for 40 years due to that.....

But now, with all the birth control, and I know it doesn't always work, but some of you are not even trying. You're just hoping there won't be a pregnancy.

In the last few months, I have married 2 couples who had children and they had been together years. One couple had a daughter 14 years old and it was the child who made them get married.

You don't have to have a "dog and pony show" wedding. Save the money and spend it on something you actually need....Heck, I'll do the wedding for nuthin'.


Friday, March 29, 2019

The Highwaymen

Just watched the Highwaymen on Netflix.

The movie is the story of retired Texas Rangers Frank Hamer and Maney Gault hired by the state of Texas to track down outlaws Bonnie & Clyde.

In typical Hollywood fashion, the movie was full of historical inaccuracies, a good deal of hyperbole, case in point, the movie acts as if the Texas Rangers at some point had been disbanded, they were however made to reform, and become a more professional modern agency after the First World War. ( The discussion of the Porvenier Massacre is included in the film, but was not completely and accurately explained how it contributed to the Ranger's reform.)

The movie was slow in parts, and I often lost interest. I was able to wash a couple loads of clothes and not miss a thing.

The movie was correct with Hamer using a .35 cal Remington Model 8 in the final shootout and I found that interesting. ( It's an odd, odd gun)

Is it worth a watch?

Yes. At least once.

The movie is 132 minutes. ( 2 hours and 12 minutes)

I would give it 3.5 stars out of 5.


Housecleaning......I don't know what else to call this blog? If you can think of something else for the next time I do this, please let me know.

1. I have had two very upset letters from people that I deleted on Facebook. Very upset.

Both of the letters were passionate.

Both were sort of ugly towards the end.

I generally decide who I keep by thinking, could I sit down and have a meal with this person? Or do something with this person for a day?

Now as much of a hermit I am, it probably won't become a reality, but you know....."If."

2. By now, most of you know we are going to Scotland in September. We bought the tickets 36 hours ago. ( We will spend a couple of days in Northern England)

That said, we are concerned about traveling to Britain in the next few months.

If you are not watching the news and keeping up with what is going on with House of Commons and Brexit......Well, it is a royal mess.

After I complete this blog, I will start to stream the Commons out of London. You need to watch, the place is out of control with the members yelling at each other.

3. Concerning the Jussie Smollett business. Here is probably why the Cook County DA dropped the case. Two Reasons.

First- The case would cost the county a literal fortune. The county needs to be dealing with murder rape cases, not some lunatic. A matter of economics. ( This happens all the time.)

Second- They did not think they could get a conviction. ( And the DA's Office thought he was guilty)

4. If you have not heard, my brother retired from the DA's Office in Llano. He is going to set up a private law practice in Llano.

5.  I think there will be a "lesson" this weekend from the theological side of the old Govteach. I may step on everyone's toes.

6. Finally it is turning wet and chilly on Sunday. Stay warm.

Thanks for reading the blog. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

I Ain't Going to Make It

You know, I am doing pretty good, or I thought I was anyway.

Been trying to do one of the most un-Baptist of things, fast, try not to eat meat on Fridays, all for Lent....and The first two, I have been doing pretty good on....( I already get up at 4-5am to pray.)

I lost about 10 pounds. 

But, I also decided to quit cussing for Lent.

I ain't doing so good here.

I have not swore verbally that I can think of....But, I've been cheating on social media and on the blog.

Stars, pound signs, anagrams, letters where swear words should be.....Someone post about flat earth today and I almost lost it.....

I got until like April 21st.

I ain't goin' make it am I?

Oh Man, Here We Go

I often wonder, maybe I should not be shocked, or surprised or anything of the like.

The Texas Senate is having a bill work through its halls called Senate Bill 17.

This bill will allow anyone who holds a Texas license, to not be reprimanded for not servicing gay clients, for religious reasons. 

This includes doctors, dentists, counselors, lawyers, real estate agents.......anyone who holds a Texas license.

Yes, it includes teachers.

I never have understood why this according to Christians why this is a worse sin than all other.

I don't understand.

There is a lot a stuff some of you straight people are involved with that hurts people a lot worse than someone who loves someone of the same plumbing.

What are they going to do in one of the rural schools when some kid who "comes out" and their government and economics teacher decides, " Well, I won't teach them, they are gay."

In Buna, for most of the time, who was  the only soul with that economics teacher's certificate?....Me. What would they do if I decided not to teach gay kids?

And I wanted to teach everyone. I didn't care who or what you were.......I was disappointed when you opted to take the college class rather than mine. I knew you'd learn more in my class.....Just would. ( Don't get me started on the classes being held today as university survey classes. They are all customer based classes which means they teach as little as they can.....We got to get that tuition money. I digress.....)

And there are sins I really have a problem with. I really do, but I'd never dream of not teaching you in class.  And I would treat you like every other person in the class.

How are we going to explain to Jesus our actions one day?

Didn't he tell us love our neighbors as ourselves?

He didn't say anything about a quantification.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019



So, I did my annual trek to the osteopathic physician I use as my general practitioner this morning.

He went over my yearly blood test, did my physical.

He was proud.

I was proud.

He said it was "pretty d#mn good for a 61 year old man."

I'm going to live forever.

Who knows, maybe I'll make a classroom comeback?

Now that's just crazy talk there.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Buna 2019

The world changes, and it is changing so fast we can't keep up. I know I can't. I don't dare try.

We can go anyplace in the world in 12-14 hours. I proved that this past year. I was literally on the other side of the earth this past October.

We literally carry one of the 7 Wonders of the World,  the Library of Alexandria( Our cells) in our hands all day long. I read the British and Hong Kong papers every morning when I get up. I stream the news from all over the world throughout the day.

The world is changing Buna.

More and more problems will come to the community whether you want them or not.

The school 'business' is now more concerned about kid's and staff's safety than it is with education.

That is just a sad statement. Sad, but true.

I know when I visited my son when he was teaching in Pineland, I had to be buzzed into the school, and had to go through a set of doors to get into the school. It literally reminded me of being buzzed into a jail. .......And it was almost that hard to get out.

This is the world today folks. You may not like changes, you may not like what is going on, but the world changes, and often things that have been done for years and years have to end. Just for safety's sake.

I know many of you want to do things "like we did back in 1952" but schools just can't.

Schools today with safety are caught between that "Rock and a hard place." No one is happy. 

Don't get mad. I know the change is upsetting. It always is, but it often it's so much better to be safe than sorry.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Just Lucky

I do not know if it is that or,  as you religious people, would say, I have been blessed or what....

Look at some of the problems that some of you have, you're on wife number three.....or Husband number four....

I don't have any kids by some other woman. I had my a/c fixed, last week, and the repairman told me he had 4 kids, by different 4 women.....

My wife is so good to me, let me teach school for my career, and not have to work in industry, she has always made more money than me.

And she's going to take me to the UK for the third time in the last four years. ( You really want to make Kerry Don Thomas happy? Take him to Britain, feed him a Full English Breakfast, fish n chips, and a pint in the evening and show him castles, moors, and a 15th century university......He'll be giddy as a Guamese Schoolgirl.)

So, about a month ago, she mentioned something about going with the church to Israel.

As many of you know, I am not a church goer. If and when I go, it may be for Easter, or Christmas, or a Episcopal/Anglican type service.

And Israel?

I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to do Asia again.....Anytime soon. ( I did like Hong Kong, but it still maintains an old British Crown Colony type feeling, including still driving on the left.)

Not really gung-ho about seeing the Mt. of Olives. Or the Sea of Galilee.  Or the Wailing Wall....Might be because this is not a super safe part of the world and citizens of that nation can carry an Uzi over their shoulder if they need to....As a citizen of the United States, I cannot. Might be because it is a "hot"( heat) part of the globe.

I always was looking hard at New Zealand in '20. 

But, I generally get to pick where I want to go in the world.

You know, I need to go to Israel.

Keep my mouth shut. Go to the sites, act like I have some sort of sense. She doesn't ask for much, and you can rest assured being married to me is at best is often a 3-ringed circus. ( Steve Tidwell has been of late telling stories about my class, in his classes and getting laughter and his kids wondering what kind of a bizarro-world was he subjected to as a youth......And he is right, I look at the world differently than most people, and often "pushed that envelope" in class. )

I can plan on New Zealand some other time.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Shooting Teachers

Yeah, I know there are several teachers I know too who need a good shooting....Perhaps some of you would like to take a shot at me.....Just remember, I carry...


A school in Indiana had the local sheriff's department come and conduct an active shooter drill. (I guess this is the norm across America)

In the drill, the teachers were placed on their knees, execution style, then shot with plastic pellets....Point blank. 

Blood was drawn, whelps left on skin. Some people had bruising for two weeks.

Most were shot 3-6 times with pellets.

( Reminder I have given up swearing for Lent)

What the ( insert whatever cuss word here) was BOTH the **** school and the **** sheriff's office thinking?

You know teachers put up with a lot, but you know,  this is so far over the line...

A Lesson This Morning

I am guess a little melancholy this morning, a little philosophical.

I was reminded this morning in a 100 years, no one will remember what is going on, either in the United States, or the world.

Oh, it will be taught in a history class, but your great-great great grandchildren will just GIGO.... Garbage in, garbage out.

Heck, my ggg grandchildren may not even live in this country.....May not even speak English.

A wise man who reads this blog told me one time when he pondered about what our ggg grandchildren might be like? He replied, " They might be so sorry we don't want to know."

Once again, I am a waste of a theological education and I am reminded of the old Latin saying.

Meminisse hominem pulverem de facto in pulverem reverteris. 

Remember man, from dust you come, to dust you return.....

All of us need to remember we'll all be forgotten. What time we have, we all need to make better for everyone, not just ourselves.

What did the Divine on Earth say? Matt 22:29- Love your neighbor as yourself. 

Thus endth the Lesson

Thursday, March 21, 2019


I often wonder why Google does the things it does. But to my suprise, today, I was actually interested in the " Person of the Day ."

Today is the 334th birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Baroque German composer. Born this day in Esenach, Thuringia, Germany on March 21, 1685....

At one time, he was my favorite "Classical" composer, but Handel, Byrd, and  Claudio Monteverdi, especially Monteverdi's  Madrigals became my favorites..... ( Nothing better than countertenor Phillip Jaroussky and soprano Nurial Rial singing Zefiro Torna, oh di, soavi accenti( It is a about the winds bringing Spring to the land....appropriate today....

So, today on the birth of J.S. Bach I leave you my favorite piece Brandenburg Concerto.   No. 6 in B-flat major BMV 1051- 3. Allegro. You may recognize it, it was for years the opening tune for American Public Radio, who originally produced A Prairie Home Companion.



Tuesday, March 19, 2019

I Make No Secret

I share a large number of what some would consider a "secret" in their lives. Probably more than I should, but hey, I have always been open about stuff in my life.....Good and Bad.

I make it no secret I like Britain, Ireland...We will have visited, if all goes as planned, the United Kingdom, 3 times in the last 4 years.

I know some of you may not think, or given a damn......But if you are not watching what is going on in the UK right now.....Well, it is better than any soap opera.

Look, Britain is our closest ally.  Since 1914, they have supported us in nearly every war.

We speak English.

Our law are called " English Common Laws."

Believe it or not our legislative body is based upon their legislature.

They are one of our largest trading partners, and they buy more of our stuff, than we buy from them. ( We have a trade surplus)

If they come apart, don't think it won't effect us here.....It will.

Edit- 8:15am 3/20/19. 

I just watched the Prime Minster's Question Time, this is where members of the Parliment can ask questions of the Prime Minister. I've never heard more malarkey in my life.

They got a mess, and you ever want to see what it would be like if Texas left the union? You watch Britain leave Europe. And they've only been an EU member for 40 years, have Britain still has their own currency.....

No More Meat in 20 Years

The discussion this morning, aside from John Bercow's actions in the Commons is the fact we will be vegetarians in 20 years.

Not only the UK, but also, the good ole US of A.

I don't see it.

I eat meat like mad.

My father was in the cow business for years.

If I wasn't so crippled, I would still hunt. I see no problem in shooting and killing critters.

The British are talking this morning about laboratory grown meat. That just can't be good for you. It just can't. They are saying they can make a rib-eye that tastes better than a one on the get off a cow.....

But, I am going to eat meat until I can't eat anymore.

Then again, this is coming from a man who has eaten donkey flesh, and would do it again....

Monday, March 18, 2019

Fight at the Buna High School

Preface: I am trying not to swear during Lent. So far, I am doing fairly well. I am going to try and make it through this without cussing.

So, the "Top Story" on KBMT Channel 12 was a fight in the cafeteria at the Buna High School.

There are parents concerned that the administrators and security in the cafeteria did not see the fight.

And if you have ever been in a school situation, it was the worst of all fights, a girl fight. Generally when boys fight, they are glad to see people coming to break up the donnybrook. Girls, well, they don't care. Girl fights can be scary.

The video that was shown on KBMT was from the school's cameras, which asks the question, how did the TV station receive the video?

Also, in most fights, in the past, kids would run like sharks smelling blood to view a fight. In this case, not a soul moved from a cafeteria table. With today's video games, MMA, etc, are our kids that jaded? That normally gives faculty and staff a clue what is about, or is going on.

I don't know what happened.

You don't either.

I am not sure why the administrators did not intervene.

I am not sure why the security did not intervene.

I know I am generally not one to "take up" for administrators, but you know, sometimes stuff happens so fast and you're watching a couple of other knotheads in 2-3 other groups, across the lunchroom, doing some sort of knothead stuff, with you watching to make sure they don't get out of control.....

That said at this point, the Sheriff's Office needs to take over the investigation.

I know this is not a good answer, but in the school business, things happen you wish you could go back and change every day....

I'm sorry folks, but stuff happens.

No More Thomas

As Willie Nelson wrote in " Turn out the Lights." " All good things must come to an end....."

No, I am not dying.

No, I am not ending the blog......Yet.

So, we have a cultural difference in our family, and well, there are things that are done in the Eastern World that we don't do, or really understand from a Western World point of view.

In China, the wives do not take their husband's last names. ( Surnames) And I know it is done more and more in our society....

But April, for all legal reasons is still Yu Zhao. ( Or as her parents call her, Zhao-Yu......Which, I call her more and more. If that is what her Dad calls her, Well, Dad in Law just goes there. )

So, she is not Mrs. Thomas, but rather, Mrs. Zhao.

The questions was brought up about children. Whose name do they receive?

They could get " double barrelled names."  Two last names.

A couple of examples-

 In Germany, double surnames are taken upon marriage, written with or without hyphen, combining the husband's surname with the wife's......These double surnames are "alliance names" (Allianznamen) and as such not heritable.

And there is a real possibility that the name may be done in a British tradition, a double surname is heritable, and mostly taken in order to preserve a family name which would have become extinct due to the absence of male descendants bearing the name, connected to the inheritance of a family estate.

And I can see the British tradition being done.

Both are only children. I am sure they are concerned about the "family name" in China more than we are.

So, the grandkids could be.


Or Thomas-Zhao.

I don't have a problem with either.

It is no longer the 1800s. The world changes. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

New Zealand

New Zealand is on my "Bucket List." Perhaps the last "great adventure" will be there. I feel like we have to go there within the next 5 years or I will not be able to cross the Pacific.

You should have heard by now 49 people were killed in Christchurch.

Christchurch is the largest city on the South Island of New Zealand.

They were attacked at two separate mosques and was hugely organized.

The people and there were more than one, they have at least 3 people in custody, were far right wing, hate groups. 

It was even broadcast live on Facebook by one of the shooters.

Once again, do not think this could not happen to you.

It could happen anyplace.

It could happen because you are a certain religion. You go to a certain school. You work at a certain place.

And don't blame just one religion. There are practitioners of your faith that could go here in a heartbeat.

There is so much hate now.......And so much fear of people of different religions, races....

Why some would do this knowing their life as they know, will end...Forever?

The Chinese have a saying " May you live in interesting times."

I don't know if this is interesting times....Or scary times?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

So, People Have Been Wondering This in Buna, Evadale, Gist, K-ville, Lemonville, Etc

I had a completely different blog written for today, but I looked at it, and it was somewhat complicated, and in truth, the situation is still working itself out.....

No, I decided to change gears when I read this morning that 750+ families had cheated or bribed their children's way into an elite university.

And I wonder, if those colleges in the end are actually worth it?

I know part of it is the parents get to brag on their children.

But, how much are these kids actually learning at these schools?

There are degrees in subjects in which you look at and ask, "This doesn't even help them in law school, or medical school, or getting a job teaching school.......or getting a job doing much of anything."

You get out of college what you put into it.

I read where one of the wealthy families' child had placed a video online in which they planned to spend their college time, " Partying." And she was on a yacht owned by her universities' president during spring break. Her parents had spent $500,000 to get her into the elite university.

Looks like she really is taking advantage of a situation that other kids would give their right arm for, if only they had not been bumped by money donated so a rich person's kid could get into that college. ( Sarcasm folks)

I have told these stories I know, and I am sure times have changed. This was 40 years ago.

When I went to divinity school, I worried about " Am I bright enough to 'hang' with these people."

There were Baylor, UT-Austin, A&M, Rice, LSU, OLE Miss, Virginia,( there was even a Yale) grads in a Church History class I was taking. In those days, Church History was a "weed out" class. A way to get rid of students not serious.

Within the first two weeks, I realized I was as bright, if not "brighter than this bunch."

Several were history majors, and the Yalie was a religion grad.

They either learned, or were taught nothing in their classes.

I earned one of the few "As" in the class. A large section of the course, I had already been taught in ole Dr. Bill MacDonald's Reformation Class at Lamar.

Look, I ain't that bright, I am not really.

But, it made me feel really secure about my Lamar education. Lamar ( and I can only speak about then) turns out good products. 

Second story-

When I was at Lamar, in order to get a government teacher's certificate, in those days, you had a take a Political Philosophy class.

The course was taught by a professor who had received his PhD from the Univ. of Geneva in Switzerland. And his notes were in French. He translated them as he lectured in the course.

In college especially in history, government classes, all exams were in essay form( sounds familiar doesn't it Buna grads.) and the essays were to be written in what was called a 'Blue Book" which was a composition book  made just for writing essay tests.

On the day of the final in the class, the professor walked in, wrote the questions on the chalkboard and we went to work. ( Also sounds familiar doesn't it Buna grads)

One minute into the test, a student in the class turned in his "Blue Book" and left for the holiday. ( It was Christmastime)

The above student was from a prominent family in the community.  So prominent, they named streets after the family...The student was at Lamar because he was trying to "get his grades back up" so he could return to school in Dallas...He had been booted for poor grades from the Dallas school.

About 3 hours after the examination had completed,  My friend Leonard and myself decided to venture to the professor's office to see if he had completed grading the finals.

The professor had, and after we saw our scores, Leonard made the remark, " What is the deal on XXXXXX's test?"

At which point the professor reached into his desk, pulled out the prominate family's student's Blue Book opened it, in which nothing was written.

From the center of the book, the professor pulled two First-Class Tickets, Air France, to Paris round-trip.

Leonard made the remark, " well, I guess XXXXXX passed."

To which the professor replied, " Oh no, he failed, but my wife and I will be in Paris when he receives his grades."

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My Profession...and Buna

I am not really a Calvinist. I have flirted with and was taught at the knee of a man( my maternal grandfather) who had very Calvinistic tendencies. ( Calvinism believes God has predestined everything before the earth was even formed.)

From time to time, I often wonder if I should have taught school, or do something else.

Don't get me wrong. I loved teaching school. I really did. I really enjoyed teaching seniors. I LOVED it.

I also knew when it was time to go.....Time to retire. I know I upset some people when I did retire, but within a short period of time, I knew I had made the correct decision.

Last night, I had a random conversation on the phone with a former student.

Let's face it, everyone has rough spots in their lives.

I know the old Govteach has them from time to time.

The person I spoke to is bright, and in his heart has a good soul.

We spoke for a while, they felt better, I felt better.

Sometimes, you are put in situations we do not understand that 'play-out" years if not decades later.

Last night, I was reminded why I wound up in Buna ISD 25 years ago.

Not True

Until you are actually there, you do not know how much stuff is, " Not True."

This morning in the Kroger's ad, I notice that they are selling Corned Beef Brisket for the St. Patrick's Day on Sunday.

Not true. There is no such thing in Ireland.

Yes, the Irish eat potatoes. You order a pizza, you get a side order of fries. But other than Irish stew most of their meals are very similar to ours, or what they eat in England. They are big into a roast with potatoes, and carrots for a meal, especially on Sunday....Sounds familiar.

Fish and chips? Just like a fish fry here. Fried fish and french fries.

The Chinese have rice with every meal.

Not true. Towards the southern coast, yes, but you get inland, they raise wheat and potatoes and they are served in great numbers. The wheat comes in the form of noodles.

The world is getting closer and closer to what it is like here in America.

Especially in cities. 

Most folks have indoor plumbing. They have restaurants just like ours.

The major highways are just like our interstate systems and in most cases are better maintained.

Of course there are cultural differences, and yes, the scenery is often so much different it is breathtaking....

But the more I travel, the more I learn....

"Folks are just folks."

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Aunt Becky Goes to Jail???

I have to be careful with this, because I have an 'Aunt Becky' in real life, never mind she is not far from my age, she wants to be called 'Aunt Becky" so I humor her....

No, "Aunt Becky" from Full House Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman from Desperate Housewives have been charged under an elaborate scheme in which they and about 50 other people have been charged with  cheating to get their children into elite universities.

Most of the folks helping their kids were wealthy business-people. 

These colleges include, Yale, UCLA, USC, Georgetown, Stanford, Wake Forest and the University of Texas at Austin.

To get the kids into the colleges the following happened.

- College coaches were bribed to say that the bribers child was needed for their sport at that university.  They even said they needed the kids, even if the kid didn't even play that sport.

- There was help on SAT/ACT scores. This included being able to take the test with people giving them "help" in a private room. People looking at and changing test answers. People taking the tests for the wealthy person's kid. 

- And then, SAT/ACT test administrators were bribed.

These people were cheating the system to get their kids into colleges, leaving out other kids who were bumped from slots as students in those universities.

Once again, rich folks get stuff we commoners don't.....

Rich Guy

I don't know how much you know about this man's background. Perhaps you know, perhaps you don't.

Tucker Carlson.

He is an heir to the Swanson Frozen Foods fortune.....He's a trust fund baby.

His radio show is a "shock jock show." I suppose if I was still doing a radio show, we might have gone there.......Or maybe not.....

I am gong to talk about the one part of his radio interview. The one that actually made me cringe.

The support of Warren Jeffs and his "arranging marriages of underage girls." ( At the time, he was arranging the marriage of a 14 year old girl to her cousin. The girl did not want to marry, she was forced to marry her cousin.)

(Jeffs was President of The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints....they allowed men to have many wives)

You know when he did this, his approval as a leader of a religious organization, you know Jeffs was attracted to young girls......

I am an ordained minister and I wouldn't dream of marrying a 14 year old to anyone...

And he( Jeffs) was convicted for child rape in San Angelo, TX including for sexually assaulting a 12 year old girl he made his wife. ( Jeffs is in Powledge Unit near Palestine....Doing life)

No, I am sorry, for that alone, if he hasn't apologized, he needs to go...

Monday, March 11, 2019

Two Concerns

I got concerns this morning. One immediate. One, well, in the future. Well in the future.

I got jury duty....Again, I am being challenged in this stopping cussing for Lent.....

And I got to the question, " Are you of sound mind and character?"( It reminded me of the old song phrase by Arlo Guthrie from " Kid, are you moral enough to join the Army?"

I kept wanting to have them answer the question with a question...."Have you read the blog?"

Second, the American made Boeing 737 Max 8s that are falling out of the sky.

We flew from San Francisco to Dallas-Ft. Worth on an American Airlines 737 Max 8 this past October. Nice aircraft.

A second 737 Max 8 crashed upon take-off this weekend.

It was an Ethiopian Air flight.....Now you may say, Ethiopian Air? Well, it is one of the best international carriers. They have new aircraft. We have even looked at flying it from New York to London.

I may look hard at flying an Airbus my next domestic flight......

I am working on a lesson for the next blog....

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Not Again


I would insert cuss words here, but I have given up swearing for Lent....I'm doing pretty good so far...

That's how many hours there will be in the day tomorrow.

We "Spring Forward" getting our biological clocks all out of whack....Again.

Now, it won't bother me so much, I can get up whenever I want anyway, but it throws off meals.....and my medications. And yes, I can tell an hour's difference on some of that stuff.

We need to set this mess one way.....Or the other....And leave it alone.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Michael Jackson

If my life depended on it, I could not name 5 of his songs. I just could not.

I know he was big when I was in school with the Jackson 5. I might be able to name a couple of his songs.

The man is dead. Had a "doctor feelgood" pretty much kill him. Money and fame? He's still 6 feet underground.

If the story is right that his parents had him chemically castrated to keep his voice " as a child's" I would almost believe it...I don't know.

I know he is now being accused of abusing children. I know he was acquitted of those charges. I know HBO has a show on right now that has a couple of men who now claim they were abused by Michael when they were children.

Why did grown people, their parents, allow their children to stay with Michael? To them, he is basically a stranger? Were they that star struck? 

In this country, we have too much "famous folks" worship.

My dad made this remark, " I like to watch football, but I don't like football players." The players eventually made him quit watching. I am to that point now. I no longer care that much about sports.

We have the Kardashians who are famous because of what? ( I know one of them made a porn, but why are they famous?) I couldn't name any of them to be honest.

You know, I don't know what is wrong with folks....I just don't understand anymore.

Perhaps it is intended I do not....

Thursday, March 7, 2019


I guess we all knew this blog was coming. It just had to be.

I guess what sort of surprised me was how long it took for the lawyers to get organized to file the lawsuit. It could be, they wanted to get their " ducks in a row" before they actually filed the suit.

Folks, this could happen anyplace.

There is so much politics in schools. And the smaller the school district the more the politics comes down and effects the people in the classroom. 4A or smaller it is bad. I know, I spent except for 2 years of my career in small ISDs.

We seem to forget how political schools are.

There are people that the "upper" echelon want to "get rid of" for whatever reason.

There are people who they want to put into a job. ( I don't think you know how many people, all over the State of Texas are in jobs...teaching because they "know someone." And in truth, they are a  liability.)

There are people they just don't like for whatever reason...Sometimes, they get rid of people because they are too well liked and well, they may pose some form of a political threat.

I often wondered at what point in time I was going to lose my job to a local's child with a 'freshly minted' Political Science or  History BA/BS and I would be moved out of my position as "gubmint" teacher. ( And it was my understanding there was member of the community who wanted me put in another job, on a different campus, so their child could be "gubmint" teacher....Luckily, the kid did something else than teach.)

The lawsuit is out of Jasper County. It is in Jefferson County and Jefferson County is more often than not going to rule in favor of the plaintiff.

No, it is going to be interesting......I wonder if there will be an attempt to "settle out of court" so this suit will....." Go away?"

For whatever reason?

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Only in Jasper, Newton County?

I am sure I will upset some people with the blog. It's been a while since I have "hopped off the rails."

And in truth during my time "in county" I could not speak about it with most of the teachers as they were generally natives.....( I thought it was just me, but I got to talking to another non-native and they too were amazed at how stuff was different. And sometimes that different was out of the mainstream of the rest of society.)

And I am not saying that bad things don't happen in say, Orange or Jefferson Counties.....But is is like just to our north it is taken just a step beyond.

And I am not saying there are not good folks living up there, there are "salt of the earth" people there....


A lawsuit involving a Jasper County school district in which a resignation letter is alleged to have been "forged." And have " Best in the state" handwriting experts ready to testify to that fact.

A murder in which the body is hauled off. And thrown in the river. Like they won't float up...Is it just me, or does it seem like people haul more dead people off to hide the body in East Texas than anyplace else? Why on earth would you want to drag around a dead body in your vehicle? ( Been telling you for years, ain't nothing good ever comes out of an affair. Oh, it may seem like fun at the time.....But people get hurt in the end...There's a sermon there....)( And I forgot, they set the person's car on fire)

Who on earth decides to burn stuff down after they burglarize a residence? Don't they know they've have committed a second crime to cover a first crime......Making the law look for them that much harder?

I don't know......Now some nit-wit in my community will read this and go...."Hold my beer."

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Makes No Sense

No, it doesn't make no sense.....Or as one headline on the story wrote it, " It makes no cents?"

There are now more $100 dollar bills than there are $1 dollar bill.

And this just has occurred. I thought perhaps during the cocaine "heyday" of the 80s and 90s, the drug dealers would have the $100.

No, the first time that the $100 was larger in number than the $1?


The Federal Reserve, who issues Federal Reserve Notes(paper money) does so, on demand for the particular bill.

I know that the former Sec. of the Treasury Lawrence Summers has called for the end of the $100 bill. To try and slow down the drug trade, and people avoiding taxes.

But why all of a sudden in the last couple of years the influx of the $100.

By the way, the average $100 bill is in circulation over 17 years, the next largest denomination, the $50 only 8 years. ( They LOVE the $50 in Europe. They had rather have it than the $100. I am not sure why, but when we travel now, rather than carry the $100 to exchange, we carry $50s. Who am I fooling, everyone takes a credit card now....)

There are a couple of other reasons for the need for $100.

People are using it as a means to save. Still don't trust banks, there was a huge jump in the demand for $100s after the financial crisis of 2008. ( I know people who read this blog who keep cash on hand, just in case......More than you know. )

The Europeans are doing away with their €500 bill and money is worldwide is causing the demand for the $100. Some people think it could be negative interest rates in Japan and Europe....There is no real answer why there is a sudden demand for $100......Just something to keep an eye on in the coming months.

Monday, March 4, 2019

"All Are Welcome?"

I have gone here before, but I feel like I need to do so once again. As a matter of fact a couple of people have asked me.

This past week, the United Methodist Church voted not to allow "Gay Marriages" by their clergy.

I know some of you are thrilled by this fact.

Somehow you are thinking that homosexuality is a worse sin than all the others.

I am not sure why your looking at pornography......Or the fact you are now on husband or wife number 2-3-4.....Or you are having an affair....... Or you gossip like mad..... Or you lust after a bigger, better house, or truck or whatever( Commandment 10).....And I am not even going to talk about the other "Gods" you worship, money, drink, that new truck......And the churches are full of these folks.

I don't know why you are a "better" sinner.

I don't know where you want people to go...Or where to worship......Or just what because of their lives.

I know some of you think being gay is lifestyle. I don't. I know men and women that could have people of the opposite sex just swooning, and they do, they are that gorgeous.....But they like their same sex.

They can't pray it away, they cannot "date" it away.....I know, many have tried. They have told me so....It is just the way they are, like having green eyes, or being left handed.

If we are going to be Christian, we have to accept all.

I wonder if our exclusion might be a sin we  can't lose?

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Death to Tyranny

This was to be the original blog today.  Last night's events got me all out of whack.

Happy Texas Independence Day!


I guess I should not use that as a title. Mom ALWAYS uses it in an email when she lets me know about a family member that has either died or is dying.

As many of you know from last night "the kids" have moved to Austin. When my doctor( he's also Reid's doctor) asked about them, and he found out about the move, he replied, " Why not, it is where the rest of the world is going....It's an eclectic spot."

We are of course concerned about them. And we worry about the future. A large number of my family now lives in Austin, the Hill Country.  I wonder if these two in Lemonville will go that way too? Especially when grandchildren are involved? And I love this place in Lemonville.

Anyway, the house went from a "Rolling Thunder" to a dead silence, and was especially quiet last evening because my wife was at a women's church retreat.

Let me thank a couple of you who live in Orange County, especially Paige Stark for getting concerned after seeing the deputy sheriff's car in my yard with the overhead red/blue lights on.

 The deputy who responded was nice, cordial, professional. 

Thank you for keeping an eye out on the old Govteach.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Even MORE Letters from South Jasper County

Apparently I hit a nerve on the blog from a couple of days ago. And to be honest, it was to be expected.

Sometimes, well, stuff needs to be said.  And I had big reads over the topic.....

Not everyone in the community thinks like you do.....You may want to think so, but no, they do not so....Here is some of the additional mail in the old Govteach's mailbags.

These are in addition to the comments on Facebook.

" I read the blog, but my husband and I are scared the kids will find the blog." 

It is not for kids, I don't want them reading it either. I've always said if I was a pastor I wouldn't let anyone in my church services under age say, age 13-14,  à la Dr Gene Scott.....Sometimes grown folks need to discuss grown stuff.....I also wonder if we push kids in certain churches to be "saved?" I know I made a profession of faith at age 7.....And questioned my salvation for years afterward. I finally came to terms with my faith AFTER seminary.

" My teen reads the blog......"

I wouldn't worry, they'll be alright. I often am on their level. My teenage nephews think " Uncle Kerry Don" is the coolest person on the planet.....They'll grow out of it....

And I received a couple of letters like this....

 "I always thought the Heavens Gates Hells Flames thing was incredibly wrong and disturbing. I went one time in college cause a friend I had that was still in high school was a character in it. Afterward I told her it was a horrible thing she should not be involved in. I was really disturbed by it."

And this....

" I wouldn't let my child go...."  

Look, you have to make your own decision about stuff. I could just see my kid going and coming home shaking his head about the play......Then again, my child looks at the world just a little different... I wonder who he gets it from????

As  always, thanks for reading.

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...