Sunday, June 30, 2019

No, Dammit, Just No!!!!!

I see this as a growing trend in America. Like there is not already problems enough here.

I saw this on YouTube and it seems to be a growing trend, a "cool" thing to do, especially for seniors about to graduate, it is to start calling their teacher by their first names. 

Ah, no.....

And these are all over the internet....

And here....

And here.....

And here....

And here....

You know, I can see underclasscritters seeing this being done and start doing this on a regular basis....

The damn job is hard enough without putting up with this....You start losing respect, well, you start to lose control....

I don't mind you calling me " Kerry" now because, well, hell, most of you are my age now....( Except Tara Sullivan Laramore, she has to call me Mr. Thomas until the end of time.)

I could just about see a senior calling me to my face " Kerry."

My answer would be....." You don't plan to graduate do you? Because I can make that happen to you, and everyone whose name is 3 spaces in front or behind you in the graduation..."

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Hooter's Part 3 and Messages from Buna

I can't keep up, with where I am going on this. I have received 63 messages on the " Clique" in Buna. I think I have answered everyone at this point....If not, let me know....63 is just, unprecedented.

If you are with Buna ISD, pay attention...There is a lot of unhappy patrons right now.

Just something to think about Buna ISD.....

Sex at schools doesn't always have to involved kids or faculty and kids.

Look, I caught a couple of kids at Buna facing one another in  bucket seats in the Senior Parking lot before class one morning. Just a "grinding and a going." I stopped my car and caught his eye and they stopped.  ( I was coming from the old Junior High)

I think them worrying several days what I would do would be worse than me turning them in....

( I didn't actually "see" them doing it, but when you're in that motion, and she reaches down afterwards to pull up her pants.....what else could they be doing?)

No, teachers, especially young teachers just out of college, or even a little older are not immune from sexual attraction.

I remember the damn Baptists in Magnolia ISD lost their damn minds when single teachers of different sexes visited each other's apartments in Magnolia.

They even had a school board meeting concerning it.

Come on, there wasn't anyone for the single people to date outside the school community anyway and they really didn't want the teachers to date one another.


And they wondered why no one wanted to live in Magnolia who was single.

Probably my favorite teacher story involved two married teachers in Dayton.

Both married, in their middle 20s.....The Sophomore English Teacher and a Sophomore Biology Teacher.

They were carrying on an affair in which both would be the first to school in the morning before anyone got there, early morning "hook-up."

And it was being carried on in the science lab, which was so far away from the rest of the campus, you never knew people were ever down there outside of the class day.

This went well until the Chemistry teacher had a bunch of AP Chemistry kids come in early one morning to make-up a chem lab they couldn't get right.

And about 10 kids walked in on both of them pants-less.

Both of course resigned.

As one of the students who eventually became valedictorian told me about the experience.

" Ride 'em cowgirl." 

Hooter's.....Part 3...And Messages from Buna

I can't keep up, with where I am going on this. I have received 63 messages on the " Clique" in Buna. I think I have answered everyone at this point....If not, let me know....63 is just, unprecedented.

If you are with Buna ISD, pay attention...There is a lot of unhappy patrons right now.

Just something to think about Buna ISD.....

Sex at schools doesn't always have to involved kids or faculty and kids.

Look, I caught a couple of kids at Buna facing one another in  bucket seats in the Senior Parking lot before class one morning. Just a "grinding and a going." I stopped my car and caught his eye and they stopped.  ( I was coming from the old Junior High)

I think them worrying several days what I would do would be worse than me turning them in....

( I didn't actually "see" them doing it, but when you're in that motion, and she reaches down afterwards to pull up her pants.....what else could they be doing?)

No, teachers, especially young teachers just out of college, or even a little older are not immune from sexual attraction.

I remember the damn Baptists in Magnolia ISD lost their damn minds when single teachers of different sexes visited each other's apartments in Magnolia.

They even had a school board meeting concerning it.

Come on, there wasn't anyone for the single people to date outside the school community anyway and they really didn't want the teachers to date one another.


And they wondered why no one wanted to live in Magnolia who was single.

Probably my favorite teacher story involved two married teachers in Dayton.

Both married, in their middle 20s.....The Sophomore English Teacher and a Sophomore Biology Teacher.

They were carrying on an affair in which both would be the first to school in the morning before anyone got there, early morning "hook-up."

And it was being carried on in the science lab, which was so far away from the rest of the campus, you never knew people were ever down there outside of the class day.

This went well until the Chemistry teacher had a bunch of AP Chemistry kids come in early one morning to make-up a chem lab they couldn't get right.

And about 10 kids walked in on both of them pants-less.

Both of course resigned.

As one of the students who eventually became valedictorian told me about the experience.

" Ride 'em cowgirl." 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Well Hell, Buna

Well Buna, I had not planned to go here. Not for a while yet anyway. I seriously had not.

I get up this morning to an addition number of emails, private messages.

I am up to like 41.

I am trying to answer all of them. So, hang in there. 

Most are concerning " The Clique."( I received a couple of messages from people who said there is "No Clique" but then, if I mentioned their names, most people on here would say, they are members of the clique.)

Most, I cannot tell the stories because in many cases the situation has not been resolved, or the person has children still in the Buna ISD.

And I will tell you what, there are some stories, well, I've started to tell people, if you can, move. And for years and years I told people how good Buna was.

I no longer attempt to do so.....I hear more about the politics involving the school district than I hear about what's going on.

I understand that the district is limited in paying starting teachers, they simply don't have the funds, but when Barber's Hill ISD announce they are starting a first year teacher at $60,000, how can you attract the best and brightest?

I as many of you know, I stayed in Buna pretty much because I had a " Sugar Mama" Mrs. Thomas made so much more money than I did, I could stay in Buna for my career until I " Had enough."

Now is everyone teaching at Buna terrible? Of course not. There are still good dedicated teachers in the classroom. Trouble is, so many people the district attracts that are good leave for whatever reason after a short period of time. ( It isn't just Buna having this problem, people often get into the classroom for a couple of years and chase that dollar, or go, " I can do better than this mess.")

So, don't really want comments. I had enough through private messages/email in the last 24 hours.

And please, those of you who have my cell, number, don't be handing out "willy-nilly" to people who are a "friend of a friend." I had a hour long conversation with someone I did not know yesterday evening about a problem they were having with the school....If you have my number, consider yourself lucky. And please, I generally have enough confidence in you to not make it public.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Looky Here What's Up for Grabs at the Buna ISD

Looky what's up for grabs at the Buna ISD.....

I was sent this by a " concerned parent."

The two most important positions are up for being filled this coming school year in the Buna High School, including the faculty post once held by this author.

Trouble is, my former assignment has an additional job affixed.

This comment may " harelip the Archbishop of Constantinople" but it holds true.

Sadly, one of the two jobs will suffer due to the fact in reality, to do the academic one correctly, one has to put in a lot of hours to do it correctly. And I am afraid it will be the scholarly one due to the hours involved in the affixed position.

And in truth, you know it is the truth....

Here is a link to the Buna ISD Jobs....Number 2 and 4....

I know life goes on, but looking at the openings somehow makes me sad....

Monday, June 24, 2019

So, Let's See...And I Worry About You Boys and Girls....

I am in-between the series of " Tales from the Chalkboard." I may have another one up either this afternoon or sometime in the morning.....

So, in light of the single ladies & guys on the Facebook, wondering what the world they need to do to find someone that will even date them, I got to thinking at about 2am about what it was like, 40+ years ago....

Sadly, it has not changed much.

I have in the past dated some people that were just toxic.

Just soul killing.

I dated a girl for a while only to discover that she already had a serious boyfriend, and the boyfriend was okay with her dating someone else. ( He lived in another city)

Needless to say when I found out, I told her " What the hell is wrong with y'all?" And dumped her like a hot potato. ( Jim Morrison was correct, people are strange)

In those days, it might be the same way, it was horrible to pick up the phone and try and ask a girl out for a date.

You would often walk by the phone, look at it, get all sweaty, even practice for hours what you would say to the girl.....And in spite of all the worry, all the practice, there was a good chance the answer would be "No."

I will never forget, I had a long riding around the back roads with a friend on the same subject of, " Can't buy a date."  It was kind of reassuring it wasn't just me....It wasn't just "me."

By the way ladies, you missed out, the friend is now a multi-millionaire.

So, there was a time period of two and a half years I didn't go on a date....Threw myself into college and was working at time 2-3 jobs, often 50+ hours a week.

I wasn't even looking when my wife found me, and asked me out....That will be 41 years this coming Fall.

Don't give up.

I know some of you are people of faith, some of you are not, I am still praying for you.

You never know when it will happen, and sometimes, it just falls into your lap....

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Well, apparently a couple of people could not handle the two part series on Hooters and what it is like sometimes for a guy to teach high school.....And there might be a part 3....And part 4....

A couple of folks up and checked out.

Unfriended me on Facebook....


You know, I often wonder which Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde version of me will appear in this blog?

I had been working on a pretty difficult, what I considered serious theological blog on doctrine when I got sidetracked by "Hooter's."

Let me remind you, and it has been a while, of the "Rachel Rule. "

And don't tell me people were not reading about "Hooter's."  I know better, I can see the numbers. It had huge reads. 

From time to time, I am going to say stuff in this blog that will upset you.

Be it theology, politics, heck as you know, I am not above talking about sex on here.

I may talk about history.

I may talk about society.

I may talk about food.

The blog is not a "One Trick Pony."

The "Rachel Rule" simply is this...." Reader beware."

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Hooter's- We Got Questions-And a Follow-Up

The blog yesterday was read pretty widely yesterday....I was amazed at the amount of questions and comments I received in both email and Private Comment versions......

- "Mr. Thomas, are you exaggerating just a little about the pantyhose story. "

You  know, there is another teacher and I who would discuss the loony stuff that would happen to us while we teaching....And we both said at the time, " We need to write a book."
That said, we would conclude at the end of the conversation, " These stories are so wild, no one would believe us, and the book would wind up in the fiction section of the library."
As I told you people for years, "You can't make this stuff up."

-"I wish you would stop using foreign phrases."

Non amo ut palam libralter educatis et ignis non  extinguitur ( Again, I am a waste of a seminary education)

 - Do you think the ( pantyhose) incident was done for you benefit? 

You know, your ego would like to think so, but in reality, I think they were a bit naive.

- "I wouda looked." 

You can't. You just can't. I know some teachers may have looked, but look, part of my job is to try and protect you.

- "What d you mean by wanting your wife to come home?" ( After the pantyhose incident)


I mean really?

You're married, ask your husband.

I started to write a number of incidents that occurred while I was teaching school. Many of which are just mind blowing....But I don't have time to write a 7,000 word blog....If you want me to tell some more "Tales from the Chalkboard" let me know....

One quick one...

One year when we went to UIL Academic Regionals, it was an "All-Girl" affair. ( And me)
We had two vans I drove one and another was driven and manned by a couple of female faculty members.

My van was the "Senior" van.....All seniors.

In the back row sat one girl who decided she needed to " moon" the other van, and it seemed like every time we got into the van after some sort of stop you could hear her pants being pulled down in the back....

It was like " Whoooooosh!"

I would yell at her and tell her to "put your pants back on" each and every time I heard those bluejeans drop.

They don't train you in college for stuff like this....

All I could think of was two things...

1. "How am I going to explain this to Coach Mac if she actually does it, and we get stopped by the police? "

2. "Man, I bet you're fun in the backseat on a date...."

Friday, June 21, 2019


I hope I can get through this minefield that I am about to write on without it totally blowing up in my face.

A couple of events have 'inspired' this blog......And while they are separate events, they involve somewhat similar ideology.

I saw a post the other day on Facebook by a person who went into a dissertation about why men shouldn't be looking at women, they are not "with."

This is especially true in the woman is wearing a bathing suit or shorts or any other skin revealing item of clothing.

I am sorry, but this is an evolutionary reflex that has been instilled into men over millions of years of being on the earth.

Sorry, it just is....

If there was no "looking" on both sides of the sexes, there would be no more "people."

Now, I understand you being uncomfortable if the man goes beyond a simple look to an ogle. Especially one in which the man has drool dripping off his chin.....

It is a difficult thing sometimes being a man teaching 18 year old people. 18 year old females in particular.

There is nothing more distracting to a male teacher than an 18 year old student deciding to wear a much too short skirt, sitting on the front or upper rows of the classroom and while the instructor is in a " Churn and Burn" lecture, the skirted student forgets she is supposed to sit "ladylike" when wearing a dress....It is a bit distracting to discover the student is wearing light blue underwear that day.

It is why I moved my lectern into the corner of the classroom. Facing at a diagonal.....In that way, the student would maintain some dignity, and the instructor would not be embarrassed himself.

Things occur when teaching in which you wonder if the idea of being with a student for a longer period of time, there is an idea of Parentis, sicut vidisti?

One day, late in the school year, I had a female student ask if she could leave her dress clothes in my room, so she could change into them later. ( She had some dress up event at the end of the school day.)

"Of course you may," and she hung them in my closet.

Towards the end of the day, during my conference period,  she came, got her clothes out of my closet, and went to the bathroom to change. I even suggested she lock herself in the faculty men's room and change in there. It had a fairly nice mirror.

She came back to the class, dressed in a nice business type skirt, blouse and blazer.

And almost immediately, upon her return, she says, " I forgot to put on my hose."

She then reaches into her bag and pulls out a pair of pantyhose. And rather than put in the bathroom, she proceeds to pull the bottom of the skirt to her waist and put on the hose.

Right there....

I am sitting at my desk and immediately look down at my desk, like I am looking for something...Anything.

Now, for you men not understanding the concept of the pantyhose, it is a often a long process. It is like skinning a deer....backwards....

Every husband knows what type of a job putting pantyhose on is, and if they do not, they have missed out on being a good husband...As I am certain that in the "Husband's Job Description" is watching a wife getting dressed, or even better, undressed is mandatory.

I know it took her I know a week and a half to get those hose on....The whole time I am asking myself, " Do I leave?" " Do I keep looking down until Jesus returns?" ( I had 3 other students in the class, all female making up exams. All oblivious to what is going on behind them....and the classroom door was shut to try and eliminate hallway noise.)

Thinking she was done adjusting, and I thought she had sat down on the couch, I look over to see her with a foot on the couch, with the skirt pulled to her hip trying to get the wrinkles in the hose right.

If a photo was taken, it would have been included in any men's magazine in the world.

I can't remember being more embarrassed.  I know my face was beet red....The entire time, she was just a talking to me, like, this is an everyday occurrence....

That said, I couldn't wait for my wife to get home that evening....

"So, what about 'Hooter's'  in the title Mr. Thomas? "

I had a talk with a former student and he and I decided we need to meet one day for lunch...Or perhaps an early meal after work.

And his suggestion was....." Well, I work near Hooter's." " And I love the wings."

Now I know Hooter's is a fine example of American Capitalism.

I know that often parents take their Little League teams to Hooter's after the game to eat....As someone explained it to me, it was often an " Additional treat for the men who were coaching the teams."

I've never been.

Trouble is, I now know some of the waitstaff, and would be tempted to look, hell, I would look. And afterwards, once again, would have the feeling of well, being ashamed. And I know " looking" is supposed to be part of the experience.

But someone you know, someone you are not in an intimate relationship with?

I think if we actually go out to eat, I may suggest the "pretend" Chinese place across the street.



I know, I know, and I know some of you have left this part of the world to get away from the heat.

Colorado, Maine, wherever.

Today's the first day of Summer.

It won't cool down until November.

Some of you just are not happy about anything. And it being hot in Texas being one......

I've been in Texas for 62 years this August and it has always been hot.

Some of you are just not happy about anything.....

I know some of you long for the "good ole days." You want to turn back the clocks to the way it was in the 1950s....

It wasn't that good back then....Trust me.

There was no internet, no cell phones, hell our land lines were often party lines, phones in which you shared a line with other people. There was 3 TV stations, and Channel 4 was always fuzzy.

People were still dying from measles, whopping cough, mumps.  I went to school with a guy who had mumps at age 13, made him sterile. His wife left him due to he couldn't produce children.

And air condition?  Come on man, I graduated high school and there was no a/c. I didn't own a car with a/c until the 1980s.

Come on, Texas heat convinced me I need a job in an air condition setting....Thus, going to college....

Kwitchurbitchin', it is the "good ole days." Today...

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Okay, Probably My Most Racist Blog

That's right, I am going off the deep end, and becoming judgmental  and racist in the blog.....

At least that is how some folks will view it.

As many of you know, I encourage y'all to travel.

Go places.

See the damn world.

And I know that some of you are doing good to spend a week in Galveston.....And we appreciate that, we were there at one time ourselves....

But, be ever so careful.

Especially when traveling "South of the Border" and the Caribbean.

Many places in Latin America are still....Third World nations.

Do your research.

For those of you who did not know, 9 Americans have died in resorts in the Dominican Republic. There are even reports of plane loads of Americans coming home sick.

And I am not "so good" I won't travel outside my "comfort zone." ( If it was left up to me, we would go to England, Scotland,Ireland, EVERY year...)

But it's big world out there.

And I really want to do New Zealand......Japan......Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina.....Or hell, just travel next time to Cornwall and Devon in the Southwest of England....Or East Anglia.....Nothing better than starting the day every morning with a Full English Breakfast. ( Enough cholesterol to stop your heart 8 times over...I had a dream the other night I was eating Black Pudding, and have craved it ever since...That's a blood sausage.....White Pudding is pig fat and oatmeal, I'll fight you for either...)

Be careful folks.

Standards around the world are not up to the Western world's......

We worried about going to China, but heck, the cities are modern. More modern than Houston in many places.

Then again, there are places in this country I wouldn't visit on a dare.....

Anyone lining up to go to Cleveland or Detroit on vacation? And heck Gov. Abbott has sent the Texas Rangers and additional state troopers to Dallas to try and straighten the mess they are having there.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Banished from Another Pseudo-Baptist Site

Banished from another pseudo-Baptist site.....Well, that didn't take too long.

This is now what? Three Baptist sites I have been kicked off of permanently.  ( One site no long exists)

No " Double Secret Probation" just gone....

And the thing is, I was sort of trying to be good.

I didn't call anyone a "motherfucker " or a "cocksucker. "

I didn't even cuss.

Less than a week, and gone.

Ask questions and it upsets people.

As I have said in the past, I no longer consider myself Baptist.

Don't know what I am, just not Baptist.

And I attended a Baptist seminary. I saw them for what they were.....And it ain't a pretty picture.

Well, at least I accomplished SOMETHING today...

Monday, June 17, 2019

Jasper County-Follow-Up

Thank you for letting me know about your new valuations. I had a number of people who would not post in the comments the amount their property increased, but sent me private messages concerning the "new" amount.

I also was amazed that you can look-up any property, taxes, valuation in the county.( Jasper County)

Orange County has the same type website and I was amazed to discover our property here in Lemonville was "worth more" than homes I know that are larger, have more out-buildings, land and are newer than ours, but are worth less.

This got me looking, but it seems to me this is a normal thing in other counties besides Orange.

What makes the value worth more?

A school district that is perceived as "better."

So, something to consider when buying a home, even if you do not have children.

I guess I have known this all along....but did not know even take it into consideration for appraisals. And I don't know why, I did not.

( Also I found out this morning that "Harvey" and its damage to property was an added factor....And the house at the Compound didn't get flooded.....)

That said, I was speaking to another older "gentleman" this weekend and he was like me, if Chevron builds in Orange, we may see it as a chance to sell out and " Get the Hell outta here...."

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Pay Attention

I am going to say this once again.

I say this because I just got off the phone with someone wanting me to do a September wedding....

Yes, 9:30 on a Sunday morning....This is now 3 weddings I have turned down for that month...

I can't do it.....

I will be in Europe in September.

I may not return.....I got 6 months I can stay in Britain to figure out an angle.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Jasper County Property Taxes

What in the Cornbread F*ck is going on up in Jasper County?

It seems that folks all over the county have had property taxes go up by ridiculous amounts.

I've heard people's tax valuation on property go up by $100K.

Another has gone up by $60K in valuation and all he did to improve his property was to build a shed for his pump house.

These are just a few of the stories I have heard about huge jumps in valuation.

I've even heard about some people wanting to go in a large group to the Jasper County Commissioner's Court and ask "What on earth is going on? "

Makes you wonder....

Are they trying to beat Texas Legislature's bill that was passed trying to limit property taxes? 

Is this somehow related to all the new schools you got in the Buna ISD?

Are they thinking that all the plant expansion is going to bring an influx of people into the area? ( If that's the case and sure enough property is about to go way the hell up, Miss Debbie and I need to sell and move closer to Austin. Kids are there, brother in Llano.... )

I thought there were Republicans in the Commissioner's Court? Then again, the GOP of 1976, when I joined, was totally different than the GOP of 2019.....

I don't know, Jasper County residents, how much did you evaluation of your property go up this year? 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Damn, What the **** Happened to You, My Ex-Students?

I am saying this more and more. I don't know, I guess it was inevitable.

Once again, in my mind, I still see many of you as 17-18 years old.

And I look at the birthdays that come up, on Facebook, then the ages, and I say to myself....

"Damn you got old."

 I am one to talk.....

I'm 127 yrs old.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Just Between Us Friends

And I am sure you won't tell anyone this.

I often worry about what my late father would think about my daughter in law.

You have to remember dad was a Korean War vet and he knew at anytime there could literally be a million Chinese People's Liberation Army troops come towards him.....And they were not in a good mood.

Now dad was a different man the last years of his life, like Tommy Lee Jones said in "No Country for Old Men," " I sorta thought when I got older, God would somehow come into my life...." 

In dad's it did. He was a pretty good man. ( I often wonder now about life if the Arminians are right, you can "fall from grace?")

But every once in a while, the old "dad" came out.

I know he was upset when they found out my now wife had Germanic relatives.

I don't know why?

Her "Germanic" grandfather won both my parents over one night when he stopped by the funeral home in Vidor for visitation of a grandparent of mine who had passed shortly after we started dating .
 Her grandfather was dressed in what would be a $2000 dollar suit today and was accompanied by a just as well dressed man.

They literally "classed up the place." As mom still says to this day.

They had been to a Baptist men's deacon/pastors meeting and looped out of the way through Vidor on the way back to Mid-county. And stopped by to pay respects.

I missed the visit, I had gone home to shower and change. I had volunteer to " sit up with the dead" ( You know, I did it for all 3 of my grandparents who were alive in my lifetime, my dad's dad passed before I was born) I have no fear of the dead. I miss the old tradition. It is no longer done. Liability reasons for the funeral home leaving strangers there all night. 

Then again, my wife's mother came out to meet my parents very shortly after we started "keeping company."

I am sure her mom was wondering what type of "Vidor White Trash" we were, and my parents asked them out to the house after a musical mom and I were involved in they came out to watch. ( They had the coffee pot and and coffee cake ready to go....Not normal Vidorians of the 70s, my mother has  graduate degrees. I don't think more than 20-25 people I graduated with in 1975 of a class of 400 actually have college degrees now...)

But I worry. I'll never know, but I wonder what he'd think...

Those Darn Baptists

So, those darn Baptists are being pretty much forced to do something about the sex scandal
 within the SBC. The Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express this past week had two more stories on sexual assaults and the SBC looking the other way....Including a scandal within the International Mission Board of the SBC.

Then again, there is a big push in the SBC for what the Neo-Calvinists call " Complementarianism"

Complementarianism is a theological view in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere.

In other words it is an attempt keep women out of the pulpit. ( More and more churches are calling women to preach in Baptist circles and this is their biggest concern, not falling numbers, not sexual abuse....Not savin' souls...)

So, their theology boils down to this....

"Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns into bed." 

Sorry SBC, it's no longer 1949.

The SBC meets next week in Birmingham, AL... ( Somehow that's just indicative of the entire convention)

I am sure this blogger might have a thing or two to say.... 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Y'all Didn't Learn Nuthin'

In truth, I do not blame you. You were not taught, and for the most part, that is another story. I did the best I could in the time I had.

I am seeing stuff on Facebook because people are unhappy about an slight against someone who doesn't give a damn you even exist.

People were making fun of Britain because their were protests against the administration.

Saying the place is the size of Michigan now. ( This is more about modern economics. Than power )

Never mind you speak their language, use their legal system.....Hell, their money is still worth more than your money.

And not everyone protested and their are supporters of the present administration....

And then, I came across this Meme...

"This year, for the first time in US History, kids born while their dads were serving in Afghanistan, those same kids will be able to serve in that same war."( We've had a war there since 2001. )

Again, we ain't learned nothing from history.....

It ain't called the "Graveyard of Empires" for nothing....

The following nations have failed to conquer the place.

330 BC - Alexander the Great and the Greeks- Alexander lost more men in one day fighting in Afghanistan than 4 years years going from the Mediterranean to Persia.

Genghis Khan and the Mongols in 1219AD

1383 the Timur Empire

1837 the Sikh Empire

1838, 1878, 1919 the British Empire

1980 the Soviet Union

And we've been there since 2001....Time to declare victory and come home..

Or just get the hell out....

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Talking With the Dead....

Some of you don't need to be reading this.

Some of you may think I have lost my mind, but I am sure there is an answer I am overlooking.

I take an allergy medication for a problem that I have and one of the side-effects is vivid dreams.

For the most part, the dreams have been whimsical, fun, I can control them and tell the people in the dreams " I'm dreaming."

This was until, the pharmacy changed my generic prescription.

I know those of you reading in the pharmacy world will tell me, "They are all the same."

Actually, they are not. Some are stronger, some are weaker.

The new tablet which changed from the normal small white pill is now a dark green. I thought the drug store had made a mistake, but when I looked up the pill, it was the same medication, just made by another company.

The new pill's dream are...

Well, if you are from the 1970s, they come right out of one of 'Don Juan' books written by Carlos Castaneda. 

And I am not a person to believe in ghosts and haints and boogers, and any of that...

I speak to dead people, now, for the 3rd night in a row. It is like they are still with us( kids I taught, teachers who have passed, family no longer with us), and I ask questions, of which I receive answers that make perfect sense.

I had a wedding a couple of weeks ago to perform and one person who claimed they were angelic told me a story about the wedding.

I'll be dadgummed if the event they described occurred. To what people said. I don't remember doing the wedding at all. No one said anything bad to me afterward, and I double checked the licenses to make sure it was correct. ( Oh well, as long as I signed the licensed, nothing else really matters)

The goofy part is the same night I received the "story" there was a second story told to me by the "angel."

So far, it has not occurred.

I know this is because of the pills. Even the "fluke" of the "angel" getting the wedding " dead on."

If the second " prediction" occurs, we'll let you know...

This said, I have been a little 'unnerved' the last few weeks.

I Had Not Planned to Write This......

I had a totally different blog I had planned to expound upon this morning, but this just happen in the last 24-30 hours.

I had wanted to talk about the really odd dreams I have been having in the last few weeks, including being told something that happened in a dream would happen, actually happen....

No, in the last day, day and a half, I have told people either to get out of teaching....Or better, just never go into the profession.....

And it is a noble profession, and parents get time off to be with their school kids in the summer ( it isn't a good reason to go into teaching...)

But at best, if you are in the profession, you will be in "Genteel Poverty" for many years during the profession. ( Especially at the start.)

But, I have told people in today's world, today's feeling towards teachers, the rampant politics( It has always been political, but in many ways it is worse today.....Not what you know, but who you know) unless you just "gotta" teach, I would do something else.

And even if you feel like to "gotta" teach, you may suck at it......Or start to suck at a certain point. 

And I've told 3 people this in the last few hours......And it starts to effect you in a way many do not understand until you get into the job.

Once again, " Mamma's don't let your babies grow up to be teachers." 

Monday, June 10, 2019

About Damn Time

I had not planned to write a blog today, actually, I had planned on doing two tomorrow, but I got this news from Austin.

Senate Bill 12, which attempts to make Texas Teacher Retirement actuarial soundness.

Not only that, it gives us old retired teachers a 13th check of $2000 in lieu of a COLA. ( We've not had a COLA since I retired)

I had held my breath about the governor signing the bill.  A promised 13th check for retired teachers fell through in the past.

I also am glad to see the TRS promised more funding. In the past, the money in TRS has been used for some questionable investments, including a F1 racetrack in Austin. ( Those of you who do not know, each teacher, school employees pays several hundred dollars into TRS each pay period. )

I know this may upset some of you, but in Texas becoming more "purple," ( More Democrats) it has caused more money for schools and classroom teachers, and the money added to the TRS. You can't tell me otherwise. The GOP has had control of Texas Government for years and they did not care for schools or retirees until there was an influx of Democrats into the Texas Legislature. 

So, some good news today...

Moral of the story? " Don't let your children grow up to be teachers." 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tuffy's-A Review

You know as close as we live to Tuffy's you think we would go more, but alas, we do not.

Went for an early meal and sort of glad we did, when we did, the crowds started to pour in.

I don't know, I understand I am old school, I understand it is hot, but dress a little better people. Don't no one want to see your underarm hair, or your butt cheeks hanging out, and at your age sweetheart, you need to hide them cheeks a little better.

I guess I still have in my mind if I had dressed like some of the people, my late father would have said something to me about dressing in a public place, especially one in which people are trying to consume food.

We had fried catfish and fried shrimp respectivly.

Both were good, hot, fresh, as were the side orders we requested.

The rolls were good, however, Tuffy's is trying to do the cheapest way and instead of serving us actual  butter, they served us some sort of fake spread, AKA, oleomargarine.

Perhaps my biggest complaint is the live music.

We got there early so we could avoid it, but they started about 3/4ths into our meal, ending any sort of conversation we might be trying to have.

That said, 4.5 stars out of 5.

Friday, June 7, 2019

No, I Shouldn't Have Taught You People....

Well, I taught some of you reading this blog...Some, I had your kids, worked with you, etc....etc.....

No, I missed by calling.

I should have figured out a way to transform my attendance in seminary to a mega-million dollar TV Ministry.

Cats like Kenneth Copeland now has 5 private jets including a Citation V......That Citation V is made to " reach out and touch you..." I could be flying to Scotland instead of writing this....

And Jesse Duplantis is crying because he needs a new Dassault 8x......Baby that one will really reach out of "touch you." One fuel stop to New Zealand....

And this crap is all tax free.

All of this and both the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express are co-publishing a series of articles on sexual abuse in the Southern Baptists. They are up to 260 offenders. 

Which came up with a Baptist joke I have not heard before....

Question-" With all this coming out about the Baptists and their problems, can we now buy liquor on Sundays?"

Answer- " Of course not, the Baptists want us to buy it on Saturday and hide it under the kitchen sink, like they do."

And this comes after the report that 73% of all churches in North America are either in a steady or rapid decline.....and the churchy people wonder why?  

No, I didn't need to be a Mega-TV-Minister.....I still think at this point in my journey there is some sort of a punishment in the end....

Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Forgot This Story

You forget stuff that occurred until long after you write stuff.

Had a great uncle( other side of the family) who was a cook for a front line unit in the US Army in France. He went into France about 2 months after D-Day and he loved to tell this story.

He was driving a truck with another convoy, pulling his mobile kitchen trailer when the Germans shot the kitchen with a Panzerfaust. ( That's the German version of a bazooka)

Trucks full of men, trucks full of ammo, trucks full of supplies and they blow up the kitchen....

Come to find out, the Germans did it on purpose. Try and ruin morale. The troops instead of having hot chow would have old cold C-rations and K-rations.

Anyway, his asst. cook was riding with him when the kitchen was blown up....He said his asst. cook, jumped out of the truck and took off for the woods.

He never saw the man again....He never knew what became of him...

75 Years

Today is a milestone in history.

75 years ago, American, British, Canadian, and French troops stormed the coast at Normandy to retaken Europe from Nazi Germany.


If you want to know what it was like, I suggest you watch the first 30 minutes of " Saving Private Ryan."

I grew up with a generation whose fathers were either World War II vets or Korean War vets.

My dad's favorite brother received a "Million Dollar Wound" in Normandy about 2 weeks after they moved into the Hedgerows section of the peninsula.   ( He was hit by a German mortar shell. ) And was sent home. ( He wouldn't talk about it.)

You just don't know what some people did for us so we can have the lives we have today in this country.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How a Purge is Done

I would be amiss if I did not explain how I do a purge. Or perhaps some of you want to know, so you can be purged the next time.

First, there are people who get purged because, I look and wonder, " How did I friend this person? I have not a clue who they are?"

Second, and I hate to be so base in this determining factor.

I will probably go to Hell for this, but I just never really liked you.

And you'd be amazed at how easy, or how hard that actually might be. ( For me to like you)

If you are a former/present faculty member I worked with and I am friends with you on Facebook, consider yourself lucky. Most people I worked with I tolerated at best. I either think you're very bright, you're cool.....Something....And they are very few.

I am friends with like 2 people from high school.

I looked last night and saw I was a friends with a former girlfriend and decided, " No...Just no."

Third, I may agree or disagree with your political stance, but if I try and engage you in a debate, don't reply by saying......

" Thomas your a idiot."

First, you made 3 grammatical mistakes in the statement. It should read.....

" Thomas, you're an idiot." 

God forbid I go into a long dissertation on the economic reasons why you are incorrect.

Either don't reply, or try and make a rational reason why I am wrong.

This going into the tribalism that you "just know that you are correct," with no reasonable answer is why we have troubles in this nation now. ( "I'm right because I just am.")

We have got to find some sort of common ground or some sort of compromise or this is all going to come apart......

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

And So, I know Some of You Only Care About Yourselves

I don't care about a lot of stuff many of you do when it comes to minor criminal infractions.

I seriously don't. ( I say that, and two of my biggest peeves are people not using their turn signals and people passing stopped school buses with the red lights blinking.)

I went to Sonic the other day for a "treat" only to discover they were out, and while I was there an employee of the business decided she needed something from inside the store and parked in the "Handicapped Zone."

She did not have a blue placard , nor a plate stating  a handicap.

Now, I know the you don't have to get out at Sonic unless you need to pee, never the less, she parked in the zone.

I went across the street to get a tasty "treat" and when I was done making my purchase from across the street, I notice she was still parked there.

As some of you know, I have one of the blue placards. I would be more than glad to show you my MRI. And I don't need it all the time...But there are some days, well, am crippled and can't walk 10-20 feet.  And there are days I don't park in the handicapped zone. ( I parked in the zone the last year in Buna....Well, that's another story, for another year.....)

But some of you don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves. 

It happens more than you think.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Jesus Christ was Crucified Because He Couldn't Get into Harvard University....

Jesus Christ was Crucified Because He Couldn't Get into Harvard University....

That's about as much sense as some of this makes.

I had an epiphany. I am wondering what is going to happen in a few years?

This morning, I watched " The Weekly" on Hulu.

It was about a small college type prep school in Breaux Bridge, LA that was getting underprivileged kids into colleges....

Elite Colleges. Ivy League colleges. MIT. Stanford.

The school amounted to nothing more than ACT prep classes. ( How to make high scores on the ACT test) All day every day....

And then, they falsified the students transcripts. 

Classes the kids had never taken. Mandarin III, Honor Biology, AP US History....

And when they the kids got into these elite colleges, they were lost. Did not have a clue.

The school was unaccredited, and is now being investigated by the Louisiana State Police and the  FBI.

Then, I see that A&M has established a program for intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Now this from what I see is aimed mostly at kids with Down's Syndrome.

Before you get to saying " isn't that sweet..."

I wonder if some kid flailing and fighting to get into A&M will be denied acceptance while a special needs kid gets in? Or does that non-accepted kid have to wind up at Blinn Junior College trying to get their grades up?

I look at the price kids are paying to attend college now, I wonder how long it will be before the average kid just stop attending?

Where are they going to get teachers from?

I am seriously wondering if they will do away with a 4 year degree to teach to four core classes? ( History, English, Math, Science) And even there, do people who go into teaching really know what they are getting into? ( Before World War 1 you took a test to be able to teach, but even that exam had Latin, plane geometry proofs, and that was to teach high school great aunt did that, and after WW1 got her BA/MA from old East Texas State , now A&M-Commerce)

But I wonder, what the goal is here?

A "forever" underclass?

I hate to tell you, a lot of you are doing jobs that will be replaced by technology or some sort of robot.

I read about the sex robots about to take a leap with 5g then 6g, 7g internet that it will have artificial intelligence and will be able to cook and clean in the next few years.

Or maybe with this technology, this will lessen the population? No need to human contact of any type.

I doubt I am here in 20 years. But can you imagine what the world would be like then?

Then again, perhaps,  maybe I do not want to know....

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Disgruntled Employee

I don't know what we are going to do with the so called " disgruntled employee" in this nation.

I mean seriously.

After the "disgruntled employee" in Virginia Beach went on a rampage yesterday at the city administrative building. It makes you wonder.

It will turn out the Virginia Beach shooter used a Glock in .45 cal. with an extended magazine(s).

I was a "disgruntled employee" most of the time I was at Buna ISD.

I am not kidding. I am not playing.

There were so many people who fought me on the campus from being " Mr. Thomas." And I often wondered why?

I wasn't from there? I didn't go to the right church?

No, I'll admit, I brought some of the stuff on myself, but so many people see teaching as just a job. And they miss the fact you are there for another purpose.

I will probably wind up in Hell for saying this, but I did not like most folks I worked with. ( Thus the about 5 names of ex-teachers on my Facebook list.) 

And let's face it, some of you are the "disgruntled employee."

And it makes you wonder why people get to the point they decide to shoot everyone at work?

And it makes you wonder how many people reading this blog  have fantasized about shooting up work?

I have a funny feeling it is more than we know....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...