Thursday, January 31, 2019


I was shocked.....I wasn't shocked. ( It was the best of times, it was the worst of times......Sounds like the present situation today)

My wife got her DNA test.....finally.

I may as well spit in the test tube and sent it in.

Mostly English, Welsh, Northwest European. No actual "German" showed up, but the NW Europeans, well, they have cross borders over there so much in the last 2000 years that is why England, Wales, NW Europe is all mixed together and a part of Germany is in the map on Ancestry.

About a quarter Scottish-Irish.

And a "just for fun" a few percentage of Norwegian.

So close to mine....

I checked to see if somehow we were distant cousins. ( I wonder how often that occurs? )

We are not. 

I did look at her relative matches and unlike mine, Bob the Coonass, and Hebert( A-Bear) the Crawfish Eater did not appear. ( Once again, I do have an equal craving for oatmeal as I do for rice and gravy)

So, a whole lotta whiteness going on here at the compound.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

No, No, No, We Don't Need to Do This Neither

If I can go into my East Texas-isms.

I often write on well, damn near anything in the blog, including theology and religion. ( I got one coming down the pike.)

It seems there is a big push to offer Bible classes on campuses at public schools. And the present administration twittered yesterday his approval. Say one thing, the present administration knows how to play to his base.

If I was still in the "business" I know good and well I wouldn't want to teach the class, and they will be looking at transcripts and going, " Look at this on Thomas' transcripts. He has all these Bible classes."

I wouldn't do it.

Fire me.

Talking about a nightmare.

At some point you are going to interject some point or view or theology that is along some denominational line that not everyone believes.

I can just see parents coming to the school to raise cane.

What if a kid in class asks about literal interpretation of the Bible? And they ask about say the Book of Jonah being a story, not an actual person?

Or the 4 interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

What will you do with the Song of Solomon? 

And which of the hundreds of interpretations do you use?

Look, I grew up Baptist, we couldn't decide the color of the carpet in the sanctuary. How do you expect the 4000 Christian denominations in America to decide what is taught in a Bible Class in Buna, TX?

And do you really want someone in Austin to decide what the curriculum should be? Because in the end, that's what will happen.  

No we don't need to be teaching Bible or Koran or any other religious writings as a course at public school.

These are for parents or religious institutions ( I.e. the church, divinity schools, Sunday School) to teach.

I am serious, the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they said " Separation of Church and State."

In truth, when we do a better job in the 4 major courses, we can worry about another elective. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

To H*ll With It

I think we are joining the legion. I think we are going there. I think it is time.

I think we are about to cut the cord....and send back our Satellite Directv receivers.  I can't see paying for what we are getting. I got Showtime for a year and while I like a couple of shows on it. ( The Circus and Homeland, the rest is geared for people much younger than me. Shameless? White trash. Ray Donovan? Boston Irish white trash. All they need is a bunch of scum from Vidor to round out their shows. And even Homeland was so bad this last year I barely could watch it. )

We have Roku. And I went ahead and subscribed to Hulu( We already have Netflix and Amazon prime).....( I don't know, Mick and/or Donald might talk me into getting Britbox or Acorn TV...)

I no longer care about sports. Oh I watch English Soccer, and it isn't worth me keeping a sat dish just to watch Tottenheim. ( I can't remember the last baseball or basketball game I have watched)

I will miss a couple of news programs. But I'll stream one of the free ones on Roku. Hell, I am switching now between the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Brexit debate in the Commons on Roku now. 

I need a couple of suggestion on an antenna. I am not crawling on the house to install one, I need an indoor one. 

Monday, January 28, 2019


I got some ugly messages from folks on my New York abortion blog. Once again, I don't know too many readers of the blog who live in New York...It's their call. Do some research, the people who are having late term abortions are not having them for contraceptive reasons. It is not like the People's Republic where to control population money is either promised or threaded to with hold it you have another child.

And some of you think that somehow I support abortion.....I do not. 

My concern is this.

There is such a concern about kids who are unborn, as the kids once they are here.

I have seen kids live literal "Hell on earth lives."

I have had students whose father used them as , well, no other word, but, "sex toys." And mom was okay with it because the dad was leaving them alone.

We don't learn of this until the girl gets pregnant. And even then, they blame a "phantom"  boy friend.

Sometimes the mom leaves or in one case I know of, the mother was killed in a car wreck and 6 months after her death, the dad goes to the 12 year old daughter to "comfort him."

I had a cheerleader get pregnant by her father and take an overdose of pills.  She was brain dead for several weeks before the parents pulled the plug. After her death the halls of the school were quiet for weeks. It was eerie. I have never heard a school's halls ever that quiet.

Lucky me, I got to sit in for the next six months while a group of her friends when through intensive counseling from 3 psychologists and a psychiatrist...a suggestion, never take pastoral counseling in divinity school.

When the six months was over. I told one of the psychologists, that I may need to come and talk to her. ( Dr Miller, never forget her) and she told me, she had already been visiting a psychologist. It was the worst sessions she had been in and she'd been practicing 20 years.

In another district, I had two brother who had convinced their 7th grade sister that they having sex was "normal." And apparently, the lot of them were "into it." The boys had enough sense to wear condoms and mom and dad didn't have clue what was going on when it was discovered.   And these are not what you would call "white trash" people. the oldest brother wound up in Rice on an academic scholarship. ( Dad was an engineer) ( I can't remember how the incest was discovered?) I taught both the boys.

Most of you have heard my story of the student who was dying of AIDs and my job was to be a confidant and keep her from screwing every guy in the school. ( I'm not up to telling it this morning, perhaps another day)

There are things that go on behind closed doors of families, well, you don't want to know...

Some of you bitch to high heaven because people have Lone Star cards. Most of you because you see a Latino and just assume they are an illegal. Could be because you don't care if their kids go hungry because, well, "they're g*d damn Meskins." " They have to be illegal"

There are more Anglos in this country on some sort of food stamp program than any other group.

Look, there are more people who are desperate for some sort of food help than you know, a lot need to put their kids on free and reduced meals, but they won't because, well, they are afraid of what someone in the community might think or say. Meantime, their kids are often eat crap or don't eat.

I can't tell you how many lunches I've bought for kids and it always starts, " Mr. Thomas, can you loan me $2 or $3 dollars?" Knowing good and well I will never see that "loan" back. I know I had a kid I fed every day in Buna.

I told my wife a few years ago if I had some of that money back, we could fly to Europe First Class....

But taking care of kids, you know, it goes beyond you donating food, money during the holidays. And worrying about them goes way beyond the womb.

I don't want any comments today. I have drug up some old wounds I don't really care to dwell on....

Saturday, January 26, 2019

So...I See This

I see this on my Facebook feed and do not think the person who posted this knows this is not an American breakfast. In reality, this a Full English Breakfast...actually a variant upon it. ( I am not sure, it could be a Full Scottish or a Full Irish.

Now the photo is a TON more food than what you normally would receive in a "proper" breakfast as it would be called in the British isles.

Yes, they serve Heinz Baked Beans.

Yes, they serve grilled mushrooms.

Yes, they serve grill tomatoes.

The black disks at the bottom of the plate are "Black Pudding" which is pork blood mixed with pork fat, and oatmeal, then fried and served. ( It is quite good)

The white disks at the top of the plate are " White Pudding" which is pork fat, pork liver mixed with oatmeal, then fried and served. ( You don't see it in England, it is served in Ireland, Scotland, and the Canadian Maritime. I will fight you for white pudding. It is that good....there is a type of white pudding in SW England, but it is different. )

The objects at the edges that look like potatoes appear to be Potato Tatties. A type of potato scone. It also could be a type of boxty( potato pancake.)

The meat that looks like ham, is in reality bacon....and bacon is cooked this way there. Fried for 5 seconds on one side, flipped over and cooked 5 seconds on the other. It is quite floppy.

The sausage is just that, link sausage.( Also called a banger) It is cooked to death.

The toast at the top is served with generally black current jam, or orange marmalade. The black current tastes like  a blueberry/blackberry cross....on an occasion, there will be strawberry jam. 

This is what I normally eat when in the UK/Ireland. It lasts all day long. You are generally so full you won't eat until supper.

Now, if you are not a fan of this, in Scotland, and Northern Ireland, they also serve porridge. ( oatmeal) It is cooked in milk and served with honey.....or in Northern Ireland, a splash of Irish Whisky. ( Bushmills)

I now wish I was in the UK for breakfast.

Friday, January 25, 2019


For those of us who look at the world a little "differently." This might be the greatest love poem ever written.

In honor of Robert Burn's Day in Scotland. It's a love poem in which an older woman tells her love for her aging love.

( In Scotland a Jo is a sweetheart.)

John Anderson, My Jo
John Anderson, my jo, John,
When we were first acquent;
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonie brow was brent;
But now your brow is beld, John,
Your locks are like the snaw;
But blessings on your frosty pow,
John Anderson, my jo.

John Anderson, my jo, John,
We clamb the hill thegither;
And mony a cantie day, John,
We’ve had wi’ ane anither:
Now we maun totter down, John,
And hand in hand we’ll go,
And sleep thegither at the foot,
John Anderson, my jo.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Okay Buna People

Okay Buna people this one is for you. And it isn't for everyone in South Jasper County.

And it certainly isn't for you Baptists or Pentecostals or you non-drinkers, ( I won't tell on you if you slip off down to Smoochie's Ice House for a cold one...)

Those of you who have checked Brookshire Brothers beer cooler.

I plan to make a run to Buna tomorrow to buy a six-pack. Just feel like I need to do so. I pushed the sale so much I would be a hypocrite if I didn't take advantage.

The trouble is, I can't drink that crap that calls itself "Beer." And in reality it is some sort of Monkey Piss. Or some sort of Bug Juice.

Sadly, that's pretty much most domestic brews. I think Europe and Canada has ruined me. Having a couple of dunkels in Nuremberg, on tap brews on the Western Coast of Ireland makes you go, " Why can't we do this in America?"

So, if they have Guinness, or Smithwicks, or Harp, or Newcastle Ale, or Bass Pale Ale, Jarl Ale, .....or even an IPA in stock, let me know.

None of this donkey pee light, or snail snot ultra.....

If you are of a denomination/faith that teaches, preaches abstinence, you can always send me a PM rather than comment on FB.

Well, This Should P*ss You Off

I haven't had anyone un-friend me in a couple of days so, I thought I would try this morning. I am listing to the Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner this morning.  So much I looked for a Panzer tank to drive into Paris this morning....

Let's discuss current events.

The State of the Union

Actually it was not called that until 1934 by Franklin Roosevelt. Before then it was called "the President's Annual Message to Congress. " 

And it is required by the Constitution Article II Section III. 

It does NOT have to be oral. It doesn't say when. Or how often.

Thomas Jefferson in 1801 only sent written messages to the Congress.( Jefferson thought it was too much like the English Monarch's opening of the parliament, and if you've ever seen it, the Queen's Opening of Parliament is very similar)  And the "the President's Annual Message to Congress" was only presented that way until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson asked to speak to the House.

It is a not a requirement that a president speaks. In 1981, Jimmy Carter's "the President's Annual Message to Congress" was a written message. Not oral....

And there is no time frame on giving the message.

Abortion in New York.

I see people all upset because New York is going to allow abortions up to the time a child is born.

Is there anyone in who reads this who is a citizen of the State of New York?

I don't know any of you who voted for any of the members of the New York State Assembly.

While I don't want my family to have an abortion, I believe in enough personal freedom not to be telling people what they should do. ( I sure as hell don't want someone from NYC to tell me I can't carry a gun)

Most of you would get all indignant if the state of New York tried to tell the Texas Legislature how to vote.

It's their call, not yours.

( NYC is driving a lot of this. I don't know what most of you are going to do when the 4 major urban areas in this area start to drive everything in this state? In 2020 we may lose a representative ...or 2 to the cities. I'm guessing Austin to San Antonio....)

Lord knows we got our own problems. 

Finally and this doesn't have anything to do with well, anything above.....

I gave Grandma an Ancestry DNA for Christmas.....72% Scotch-Irish....I now know where I get my Mick, Schemie, Frotch, Porridge Wog, Hibe, Groundskeeper Willie from......

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I Shouldn't Go Here...But Y'all Gotta Quit

I came across this photo 3 times on my FB timeline in the last 24 hours. Placed there by young ladies.

You know, when guys do something like this, I get onto them about it.

Brady and Mattison can attest to the time I have told them to " Behave" on the FB.

I am glad you are interested in people of the opposite sex.....Or the same sex, I don't care.

But I don't want to see photos of people you'd like to "bonk" or at least "Rub one out on."

I mean seriously. What would you say if I started putting half nekkid women on the blog?

Anyway, I put the photo up with reservations....BTW- Not a clue who the hell this is. And don't tell me, I don't really care....

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

End It.....

It is time to end it.....Both sides needs to stop acting like a bunch of 5th graders.

It is time to re-open the government.

Sorry, I blame both sides.

Donald, Nancy, Chuckie, the Turtle, Kevin about 10-12 other people need their asses locked in a room.

No cell phones, no iPads, computers, no newspapers. ( Listening to radio talk show hosts....policy according to that? I was one. Really, you make a decision on what someone said on the radio? When I was on the radio and doing a show and people were making decisions on what we said I often ask, " What is wrong with you?")

Locked, you sit in there and hash this shit out.

You get to eat cabbage, and pinto beans and sweet potatoes, and boil eggs, and asparagus. Just one bathroom with a huge crack at the bottom of the door so the stench will waffle out. No exhaust fan, no air freshers, no matches.....

Sleeping bags. You don't come out.

If there is an emergency, you get to come out, take care of it, and go right back in...

But your ass doesn't come out until you get a deal......

I am afraid there will some sort of disaster that can be tied to this shutdown. A plane crash, a plane hijacked, food not inspected making people sick...and then what?

This shit needs to end. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Just Broke

Just broker than hell....I am not kidding, and you seriously need to worry about this. And I know some of you don't think about this.

The United States is $21 Trillion dollars in debt.

Want to see something depressing, Look at the US Debt Clock....The M2 alone makes me clutch my chest.

The late Senator Everett Dirkson was right....."A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you're talking real money."

We owe a large amount of this debt to China.

So much I understand there is now an attempt to lower this debt by every American family taking in a Chinese citizen in an attempt to offset some of this debt.....

Hell, I got a Chinese girl moving in here next month.....

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Super Wolf Blood Moon

If you are still up tonight, you may want to view the "Super Wolf Blood Moon."

The total eclipse begins at 10:41 p.m. and ends at 11:43 p.m. for the Central time zone. SE Texas skywatchers can see the greatest point of the eclipse at 11:12 p.m.

If you miss it Sunday night, the next total lunar eclipse will be in May 2021. But that one only has 15 minutes of totality and occurs at 5 a.m.

But after that, if you want a supermoon total eclipse visible in the early evening from the U.S., you'll have to wait until Oct. 30, 2050. ( Sorry, I won't be around)

The full moon in January has other names as well, but Native Americans and Medieval Europeans gave it the wolf moniker after the howling of hungry wolves lamenting the midwinter lack of food....

 That said, "The ancient always went into caves during eclipses. They believed it would protected them from the dark effects of the eclipse."

I doubt I am up.  I am sure I will be in the "arms of Morpheus." 

Friday, January 18, 2019


Yesterday besides making people all upset, I get mail on.......The dating scene. ( Saturday's blog was also a big factor.)

First, I have been married 37 years. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on earth. I am literally spoiled rotten. I pretty much do whatever I want to do...Or not do....

I received notes, letters, messages from people who tell me about the nightmare of dating right now.

As I was told by a reader earlier, it is now a "hook-up" scene. So many people don't want a long term partner. Just " hello, how are you, let's screw."

A guy wrote me this yesterday. " I am dating a young woman and we have been dating for about 11 months and it was starting to get serious.  We had not slept together, and we talked getting married 2 nights ago. She was up front and admitted she had slept with 70-90 guys........I really like her, and she says she is changed, I met her in Sunday School, and we go to church together at least twice a week....Sunday night after church is one of our date nights......Can I forgive this?"

A girl wrote me and said this....." All guys want now is sex. I understand it is a biological drive, and I am not a prude, but I would like a long term relationship. I would like to be married and have children. But I don't see it in my future."

Another female reader wrote " My gay and lesbian friends have more stable relationships than my straight friends."

A male reader said the following " I have given up on dating or marriage. I was just tired of being told " I'm too nice." Just what do these girls want?" ( He is in his 30s, never married. ) " If I was a player I could have all sorts of girls."

The more I get mail like this, the more I understand why we have a Chinese "kid" now. We did not understand at first why, but after meet her, her parents, you realize there are good people everyplace. And there are no " games" being played in the dating world. Dating is seem as it was at one time in this nation, an audition for marriage.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Well, Sure 'Nuff I Am Going to Hell

Well, I tried to be good this afternoon. At least tried. But I look and I failed.

By the way, today's( this morning's blog) had the most hits since I re-vamped the blog to Part Deaux.
I am seriously glad I started fresh. Yes, my hits are down, and to be honest I have a better class of readership now. This is a labor of "love" not a money maker.

Now my condemnation to the eternal fiery pit.

Had a cough every day and to cut the cough, I have been "forced" to cut it with some Irish Whisky.

And I normally drink it out of a coffee cup.

And today I just grab a cup from the cupboard and I look after I am drinking from it for a while.....

It's one of my wife's Baptist Jesus cups....One with these religious sayings.....

Yeah, I need to go ahead and convert to the Whiskypalians. ( My favorite Episcopalian joke....Wherever you find 4'll find a fifth....) Maybe it'll keep me out of hell?


I have not used Gillette in years. Too expensive, their razors are not that good, I will shave the beard in the Spring and will use the Harry's razor I bought years ago. German made razors, you can't beat it.

So Gillette has gotten into trouble for basically telling men to " behave."

They are not telling you to stop drinking whisky.....or owning firearms.....or even dipping snuff....

The moral of the commercial is, stop harassing women. Believe it or not women generally don't care for "cat-calls"....They don't care for you grabbing their ass at work.....Or touching them outside a dating, marriage relationship.

Hell, I had a woman grab my ass at work and I didn't care for it.

I am not understanding why the guys are all upset about it. I really don't.

Perhaps they are afraid they may have to cook supper, or wash a load of clothes? I don't know, I grew up with a man who knew how to rattle those pots and pans,( Dad made a chicken fried steak to die for, and his potato salad was stuff of legend.) washed clothes, and scrubbed toilets. And my Dad was a manly man. 5'6" I saw him knock out man who was a threat to his family. As a younger man Dad rodeoed.

I never saw Dad be inappropriate toward a women. And women were attracted to my Dad. He had a way of being nice and letting them know, " I'm not interested."

Dad's influence is why I don't mind rattling those pots and pans( I love to cook)....Yesterday I wondered who else in the world was drinking Irish Whisky while making cornbread and streaming the British House of Commons wearing a Lamar University cap.......Let's face it....No one...

All this said, I do not understand the world presently. I really do not. I am so glad I am in the latter half of my life. I could not date. I do not understand the rules. As I have said many times before, something happens to Deb I will liquidate and move someplace different. I won't marry again.

Ladies let me give you an example of what I am talking about.

I have an ex-student, never married, lives in a large city started to date a lady. According to him they had been out 3-4 times, and no sex had been involved. Just some kissing. On their 4-5th date they go out to a swanky restaurant and he says, " She is wearing an extremely low cut dress, literally looks like Moons over Miami."

As they are having supper, he is doing everything not to look and finally, he succumbs and glaces down, which apparently makes her mad. I think she may have said the old " My eyes are up here."

He did better than I would have. I would have glaced more than once.

If you wear that on a date, isn't the guy you're going out with the intended audience?

I don't think the relationship lasted much after that.

In light of the above I have been doing research on what the hell is going on......And if anything I am more confused than I ever have been concerning relationships.....and in the 1970s when I started dating it was no piece of cake. But now.....

I understand why I now have a Chinese daughter-in-law. The rules there are, well, more defined......and understandable. ( Plus the women over there literally have no baggage, no kids, no ex-husbands, and they are educated and involved in their business. )

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Questions.....And a Comment

I have several questions this morning. And a comment concerning yesterday's blog.

1. The device we are using will stop supporting Netflix at the end of this month. I need a cheap device one hopefully easy to set-up. Roku? Something else?

2. Has anyone used to search for flights? ( We had used another flight search for years, but the last one flights we book through them were a disaster. I blame American Airlines too.)

3. This is a long shot, but has anyone stayed on the Isle of Skye? If so, what B&B or hotel did you stay at?

4.  I may be to the point I may need to see a doctor ( again) about my back. A neurologist or a Neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon. Just managing the pain, well, may back has gotten dramatically worse since the 18 hour flight(s) to Asia. ( If you answer this, send a PM, don't comment below.....I may just need to learn to live with it.....This is a major factor in my wanting to "travel now." I can see me really crippled at some point.)

There's another question, but I'll be dadgummed if I can remember it.....

Finally my comment. I had a couple of 3 people all upset because I am making Tara Sullivan Laramore call me " Mr. Thomas."

If I didn't tease Tara she'd think I was mad at her....

Calm the hell down. Many of you understand I live the life of a 11th Century monk. ( Seriously, if I live in the 11th C., I would have been a monk.) One of the few people I actually contact and talk to is Tara. And it is not very often.... Paige Flanagan Stark has been inviting me to her BBQ Extravaganza every  year, and I just don't go. And she lives right up the road. Once again, that hermit mentality.( One day, I am going to show for her soiree, and the earth will tilt off its axis)

Actually, I would be a friar, not a monk.

Friars on the odd occasion leave the monastery and travel....Monks never leave. ( Again, a waste of a theological education)

But mean to Tara? "Throwing slugs at Tara? "

Come on.....I'd throw a brick but it might hit her in the head and ruin a perfectly good brick.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I'll Probably Go to Hell on This Blog

I'll probably go to hell on this blog.....But I don't care. This needs to be said.

So, for the second time in 2 weeks, I had people come by the house and invite me to church. Once again, I am proud of myself and was civil.....and didn't shoot them.

Two men, dressed, well, sort of well.

Invited me to a church that was being "planted" in the area. One of the "new " denominations that lean more non-denominational than anything else.

I actually asked a couple of questions and their answers lead me to believe they were more " Baptist-Reform" in their structure than "Pentecostal-Arminian."

And both men introduced themselves as ' doctor" so and so.

And as they let they gave me literature on the new church. 

So, I started to "look-up" these two "preachers" online.

You know, the internet is a wonderful thing. It is also Satan incarnate.

I find the theological schools the two " doctors" attended.

Neither of the theological schools were accredited.

For those of you, an accredited school is one that holds to the norms of academics. Its finances are in order. Accreditation means you are on the " up and up."

The two "preachers" had degrees, all of their degrees from so-called diploma-mills. 

Send the school a check, they send you a diploma.

This is rampant in the clergy of today.  Fake diplomas.

Now, I know Jesus never went to any seminary or any divinity school, but Jesus lived in a time in which being a goat herder was major profession. And I have known pastors without any academic training past high school and they are good in the job.....

But why preachers do you need to 'pretend' you are something you are not? More money?

Come on, as soon as I found out about the doctorate, I threw away the literature. What else are you going to "story" to me about?

Look, it is kind of why I want you to call me " Kerry" now when you see me up town now. Most of you are about my age now anyway.( Come on, you're grown-ass people now)...One exception, Tara Laramore still has to call me " Mr. Thomas."  For obvious reasons.....;)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Steel Oneself

Steel Oneself......I don't know how else to say it.

Maybe it is because I have been watching the news from Great Britain this morning. Thus the entire " stiff upper lip" definition comes to mind.

Get ready folks.

Things are about to get worse.

Not just here but world-wide.

Economics, politics, society in general. ( I seriously have not seen so much hatred from people. And some of these people call themselves Christian.)

I am afraid at some point this entire mess in this nation will start to effect the economy.

I know some of you want your issue, no matter who it effects.

As a teacher it shows me just what people really think about you. Don't get paid? I don't care. I want something, to hell with you.

It isn't just here.

The British vote on Brexit this  week in the Commons. It could cause a mess the British economy could collapse. ( It and the fact the kids are coming in soon has made us put off our trip to Scotland/UK to Fall. )

In the next few months you are going to hear and see things you probably don't want to see or hear.

Get ready.

Anything could happen in the next few months. And I am afraid it is going to be ugly.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Something is Wrong in This Country

I can't figure this one out. Maybe I have just gotten too old to understand society and what is going on today.

I see all sorts of handsome guys, and especially extremely attractive girls on the internet, specifically, Facebook, and there are not a significant other in sight.

Now, I know some of you are presently not interested in dating for whatever reason.

But you know, I look at the photos of single girls and say to myself...." What the hell is wrong with these guys?"

And we are talking about girls that I'm sitting here going, " These guys are crazy, she's cute, bright, a lot of fun...."

I don't understand society anymore.

Then again, my child went 8400 miles away from home to find his love.

We always thought our daughter in law would have " glow in the dark red-hair." Our poor grandkids wouldn't have a chance. The red-head gene runs on my side of the DNA.

Never in a zillion years did I think our grandkids would be half-Han Chinese. And to be honest, we are thrilled with who he married. ( I am seriously concerned the grandchild will have red-hair and Asian eyes....I don't know....Maybe it will work....I know ZhouYu( April) is hoping for the kids to have green or hazel eyes.)

But there is something wrong......Maybe they're watching too much XXX stuff on the internet, pull their pud 5 minutes in and they call it a "date?"

Maybe these damn video games are more interesting than interaction with an actual girl?

Perhaps more guys are gay than we even know? ( And if they are, they need to date guys, not girls in an attempt to hide their sexuality.)

I don't know, there is something wrong in this country.....And I can't figure it out?

Friday, January 11, 2019

Well, I Apologize

I was told I need to apologize.

All I need to be is in the doghouse.

Lord knows I got enough troubles as it is.....

Hell, I have avoided writing on the 800lb gorilla in the room and I am pretty proud of myself . ( I keep thinking Mitch will go there for me...)

No, I was told "not" to do this.

And well, upon further review, they are correct.

I posted on a couple of people's Facebook concerning my being available to "marry you."

I was told that it wasn't in good form, and made it seem like they "had" to use me as the officiant.


I didn't mean it that way.

If you have someone else in mind or you'd rather use someone else,  please, don't feel like you "gotta" use me.

I just offer my "services" if you need help in that area.

Once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Keep Your Dogs in the Truck...'til You Leave....

Listening to C-Rob this morning when I came across this duet with his sister-in-law, Kelly Willis....It reminds you how good his stuff was, and how good of a singer she is.....From Austin City Limits 2001-2002 when they played country music still.....

Why'd It Take So Long?

I saw this on one of the about 100 web pages I try and look at a day and all I could think was...." Why did it take so long for the public to wise up?"

It seems that the clergy ( ministers, preachers) are at a new all time low as being honest and ethical in the eye's of the American people.

Only 37% of American view the clergy as honest.

Look, I was on church staff for a while and I was somewhat shocked at what goes on. It was an eye opening experience. ( And I know there are good ministers out there....But....)

And it seems every day there is some sort of sexual scandal involving ministers.

I can't figure that one out. It's like some of these guys are in the " business" for money and sex.

I am still ordain by a couple of denominations, one of which comes from the Reform/Presbyterian branch of Protestantism, ( even though I have troubles with Calvinism) but I never would dream of sleeping with someone other than who I am married to. And I always saw the ministry as a "calling."

Maybe it has been here all along, it is just we now have so much electronic media and so much internet, we are aware of what is going on?

On a brighter note, what profession do most Americans trust?


That makes sense.

And the one that sort of surprised me coming in at number #4.

High school teachers.

It now makes me question the entire poll....

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What You Gonna Do?

This happens every couple of years, and I think it might be because the Texas Legislature is about to return into session.

What's the old saying?
" No Texan's life, liberty , or property is safe when the legislature is in session"

So, I see people putting messages on Facebook saying....

" We need prayer in school." ( I am assuming organized prayer here)

Okay, to which god?


Or one of the dozens of other gods worshiped in the state?

I have a niece who attended a high school in the Houston area that had a predominance of people worshiping Asiatic type faiths.....Hinduism being the major one.

Or perhaps you would like a Satanist give the opening prayer in the morning. ( Trust me, they are out there.)

What if they allowed me to do the prayer one morning and I did it in Latin? ( I can do it, all day every day....In the old days you could take Latin at the Baptist seminary in Ft. Worth....Again, I am a waste of theological education...)

Kids would be coming home claiming I was a Papist.( Some of my best friends and favorite relatives are Roman Catholic. I often think they will "make it" through the pearly gates before me.) Or that because I was speaking in Latin I might have been "summoning up demons." 

What you going to do with the kids whose parents don't want them taught any religion? They are in every school in Texas.

Look, I often " hung-out" with kids who believed nothing. I seriously understand why Jesus hung with those folks. In many cases they are more honest.....And a lot more fun.

Organized prayer in school?



Monday, January 7, 2019

Y'all Think I am Kidding

I know some of you think I am kidding. I know some of you think " Well, if he had the chance, he'd jump at it."


Hell no.

I don't miss teaching.

Oh I miss the kids, sometimes..... I miss imparting "knowledge" on very brief occasions.

Very brief. 

But, the get up and go to school every damn day, teach the same topic 6-7 times a day, the politics, the other bullshit.....

No, I don't miss it.

I did my 30 years. It was almost like being sprung from a long prison term.


And in this day in which every kid has a cell phone.....I wouldn't make the week before someone had recorded something I had said or done and I am in trouble.

As many of you know, my mother is a retired teacher and often we pass by a school when we travel to see my brother in the Hill Country and I often ask " Grandma, do you miss it?" To which she always replies, " Not one bit."

Look, in 2018 I went to Ireland, The People Republic of China in the middle of the school year.....and spent about a month in China....Couldn't do that if I had like a job.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Why I Presently Could Give a Good D*mn on the Gubmint Shutdown

I am sure someone's head just exploded when they read this, and probably I shouldn't write on this, but I am going to.

While we are wrapped up, the rest of the world is starting to get, hot, or starts to fall apart.

In the last 48 hours the following has happened in the Far East. ( China)

I first noticed the rapidly changing relationship when the US Dept. of State issued a travel warning to US Citizens traveling to China.  

Americans can get in......But they can't get out. Sort of like Asian version of Hotel California.  " You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave." 

Now, this isn't for everyone, but it seems that the people who are being kept don't hold the normal Chinese Tourism Visa. They can get out...

It's folks who hold the Chinese 'Q' Visa.

Guess who holds 'Q' Visas? ( As does his Mother and Father)

The Chinese English newspaper in Hong Kong even discussed it this morning. 

Then President Xi of China makes the headlines this morning telling the Chinese Military to " Prepare for Battle."  

This comes after a Chinese admiral  saying China sinking a US Carrier would end their troubles in the South China Sea.

Which comes in the light of Xi making overtures of "taking over" to the island of Taiwan. 

If that isn't spooky enough, you need to start reading the writings of Gordon Chang. ( American born US Citizen, Chinese father, Scottish Mother, I figure he's what my grandkids will look like)

Chang is saying some spooky stuff about the way China is thinking.  

Chang is worried.

Yeah, I am scared. We got another 6 weeks wait.

Sorry if I could give a shit right now about the gubmint shutdown, or a wall......I got to get people home from 8400 miles away.

Please no comments. 

Friday, January 4, 2019

Well, You Never Know What'll Touch a Nerve.....

You know, when I write these things I keep thinking, "Well, that you get some reaction."

But yesterday's blog was not one.

At least, I did not expect it.

Especially the question I pondered on " How was prison?"

I don't know, perhaps it wasn't "PC" enough, or whatever. Maybe because it hit home for some people.

Look, I have ex-students doing serious time.

Including one doing 205 years in " Big Mac" the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester , OK. He's eligible for parole in 174 years. ( He did about 10 crimes, serious crimes including murder)

I have another in until 2032. His crime was committed while he was in my class. Because of his age, the state only gave him 40 years. ( Murder in the commission of a crime......He's up for parole in '19, but already the state has put by the date" not to be paroled due to the nature of the crime.")

I had another student I was quite fond of I tried to visit and they didn't want to see me. Found out they " didn't want me to remember them like that."

Look, go back and read the blog from yesterday. For some of you, there isn't a great deal I know to ask.....Me, I'll talk to you to death about where we've been in the last couple of years....

But touch a nerve?

Come on man.....Stop reading the blog if it's going to upset you.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Well, That Was Awkward

I saw a post on this on Facebook, and well, even though I shouldn't, I am going here.

As it was posted, " How awkward is it to see someone you went to high school with?"

Hell, in many cases, it is even worse if you taught them.

Especially if it goes past " How you doing? What are you doing now?"

I'd like to ask stuff like.....

" How was prison?"

" How many husbands/ wives is it now?"

" How many kids by how many different men now?" 

" I seriously thought you were dead?"

" Can't keep a job can you?"

" You know, you may need to seek professional help."

And even if I know who you are after 20-30 years I may not recognize you. And invariably I have to ask "Who are you again?"

And then, there are those who I do recognize, who do not want me to recognize them. And to be honest now, unless I see, speak to you fairly often I am probably not going to initiate speaking to you. That's just the way it somehow turns out.

You have got to remember there are about 4000-6000 of you I have taught in the world. I am not going to remember you, nor may some of you remember me. And please, don't get upset if this happens.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

So, I Wasted The Last Several Days

I was still ( Heck was, I went to the doctor this morning, and he put me on bed rest)sick the last few days and we had "Free" HBO on the Sat. Dish.....

And I wound up watching of all things, Game of Thrones.

Absolutely nothing in it historically correct.

I got lost several times in the story line and plots.( I think it was because I tried to put actual history to the story)

It was about 30 hours worth of viewing, and I have come to the following conclusions.

Everyone at some point is going to be killed.

Everyone at some point will be nekkid.

Nearly every man will visit a whorehouse.

I fairly am sure fire breathing dragons, fighting dead, fighting skeletons didn't exist.

Everyone has a British or Irish accent, which means this should take place in Britain. It doesn't.

I am not sure what the role the dwarf plays.

In Medieval times, a dwarf was seen as "magical" in Europe, and often did well as an entertainer.

In ancient China dwarfs were used as some sort of sex toys, males and female dwarfs.

They did have scenery in Northern Ireland that I have seen in person.

Will I now get HBO to watch the last episodes in 2019?

Nah, I wasted too much of my time watching this tripe.

Louis C K

I am not really familiar with the comic. Sort of, but never really have heard his stuff......Until it was posted all over the YouTube the last few days.

I know he got into trouble for sexually harassing folks. 

It seems that Louis C K has gotten into trouble for making fun of the Parkland students. 

Yeah, he probably shouldn't have gone there, but you know, he's a comic. It is what they are supposed to do.

Say shit that everyone else is thinking.

I know I said stuff to people when I was teaching, well, what everyone was thinking.

But you know, I couldn't do it today. I couldn't.

Look, when I was still teaching people made fun of me. Hell, it was expected. I acted outraged, but I never sent anyone to the office over it......

Do you know how bad to you had to "Fuck up" for me to send you to the office? My last ten years, I sent.....I don't think anyone....I threw away my "write up" slips given to me the first day they were issued.

I don't know, and I have trouble here, we say we are " Christian" are all about forgiveness, and second chances, but we really aren't.

We are just an angry bitter people at this point in history. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I Know a Couple of You are Curious

Believe it or not there are a couple of people that are curious as to what I am listening to on any given, well, hour.....And here lately I have been listening to these guys.

Lord Huron.

They have been featured on Netflix's 13 Reasons Why. And this song was the background music of TCM "Remembers" in 2018.( The people in the movie business that passed this past year.)

It is Indy rock. It is slow. It would pass for "belly-rubbing" music.

Your Resolutions?

You know there are people every year who come up with resolutions for the coming year, and to be honest, most of you will not keep them.

I used to try and to stuff I knew good and well I would not accomplish.

I started to list stuff this year, but, hell, who am I fooling? Seriously.

Yes, I want the kids HOME. ( I read Chinese news regularly, and it is spooky right now.....They should be in Texas, next month .)

Yes, I want to travel to the UK( The Highlands of Scotland, The Orkney Islands).

And both of those things are on our "agenda."

Maybe you have something a little more ambitious in 2019, but I decided I want one thing.


That's it baby, make 2019. 

If I am still " above ground" on Jan. 1 2020, well, I will be pretty damn happy....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...