Saturday, August 31, 2019

New Texas Laws

 Tomorrow, the following laws start in the state of Texas

-Lemonade stands
It seems strange that a child's lemonade stand would be shut down for breaking the law, but it's happened. That will soon be a thing of the past. Children under the age of 18 will be able to sell non-alcoholic beverages on private property without fear of prosecution.

- Minimum age for tobacco sales
This one is pretty cut and dry -- you'll have to be at least 21 years old to purchase or consume or possess tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes and all other tobacco products.

- Increased fines/fees for drivers
This repeals the Driver Responsibility Program, which will allow hundreds of thousands of Texans who've had their licenses suspended to reinstate them, and increases state fines for traffic and intoxicated drivers violations. State traffic fines will increase from $30 to $50 and intoxicated driver fines will increase as well:
  • $3,000 for the first conviction within 36 months;
  • $4,500 for a subsequent conviction within 36 months; or
  • $6,000 for a conviction if it was shown that the person's alcohol concentration level was 0.16 or more
  - Alcohol delivery
 The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission will give permits to qualifying beer and wine retailers so that the retailers can make alcohol deliveries. "The bill would not authorize the holder of a brewpub license to deliver alcoholic beverages directly to ultimate consumers for off-premise consumption at a location other than the licensed premise.

  - School marshals
This increases the number of school marshals a campus can appoint. School's can "appoint to one marshal per 100 students in average daily attendance, or for a private school, one marshal per 100 students enrolled.

 - Hazing
This redefines hazing to be more inclusive of certain actions. Namely, the consumption of alcohol. The law also gives immunity from civil and criminal liability to anyone who voluntarily reports a hazing incident in certain situations.

 - Hunting/fishing license
If you forget your paper license at home you no longer have to worry. You can show proof of license on your phone via the Parks and Wildlife Department website or a photo of the license. Texas requires anyone 17 years of age or older to have licenses and permits in order to go freshwater or saltwater fishing in public waters.

-Brass Knuckles
 Starting Sept. 1, it will be legal to carry brass knuckles, clubs and self-defense wild kat keychains, sometimes referred to as kitty keychains.( Wish I had a set a knuckles years ago, got Mattison's attention....Never mind would have ruined a set of knuckles. And he would have said, " Did the bell ring?")

-Breast milk
Mothers, who already have the right to breastfeed in public, now have the protected right to express breast milk, or pump, in public as well.

-Public Comment
Local government entities can no longer limit public comment to the end of public meetings. A new law ensures that every member of the public who wants to speak to a public meeting agenda item can address it at the beginning or during the discussion of the item, and members of the public cannot be blocked from criticizing a governmental body. The new law does not apply to the state Legislature.

-Nekkid Photos
It will also be a misdemeanor to text or email unwanted lewd and sexual photographs.

These are just some of the 820 new laws passed by the Texas Legislature. They become law, Sept. 1, 2019.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


I need a sabbatical. I know university professors get them in an attempt to recharge their batteries. And we are going to take one here away from the blog.

Part of it is, we are traveling to the UK here in a week-plus. ( Make Kerry Thomas happy? Take him to the UK or Ireland...Or put half a cow on a plate with some sort of potato)

I may or may not post while there. I know I need to recharge my batteries.

I already have asked a couple of you who live nearby to keep an eye on the house, including one who will shoot first, and not even ask a question afterwards.

Part of it, I am tired of blogging.

I started to write on the following this morning...

The suspension of the British Parliament.

What the hell makes a US Citizen now?

Why I probably won't go to a football game, high school, college, or pro this year.

But as you see, I've written on none of them.

I am sure I will blog here and there during the sabbatical, but probably not every day unless the wheels come off the truck.( and they might)

We will try and post pictures of Scotland.

As always, I ask those of you who are seriously "Hooked up" to remember us in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

So, Cato Got Me Into Trouble

Shocking I know. And I hope now she doesn't come looking for me with a tire iron after I write this blog....Again to the old saying..." I'm too old to take an ass-whippin', it's why I carry a pistol."

Yesterday she had post a photo of her and her significant other kissing.

It looked like a different girl than the one she had been seeing.

To which I posted halfway serious and halfway comical, about me "wishing I knew her secret when I was a single person."( I know, I know.....)

( Hell, I know what my trouble was when I was single.....Nerd, not cool, not rich, not handsome, and worst of all, a history major....Hell, it's a wonder I found someone who would have me.....I still think Christian charity might be involved.)

And people came out of the woodwork in my private messages.

And most of the messages, I did not really understand....

But, the gist of the PM's and I might be wrong here, is....

1. That I am okay with LGBT folks.... ( I wonder what they'll say when they find out I have agreed to perform a lesbian wedding in '20. I might be more nervous out this ceremony than any other. No, not because it is a LBGT wedding, I just found out it is a huge dollar event at a country club in Houston with perhaps 800 guests....Most of the other wedding, while many were fancy, were well, " just folks." )

2. I think I upset people when I talk about sex.....Apparently, some people think I should have never engaged is such an activity. ( You think I am teasing here, there are still people who think teachers should be single, or if they have been hired as single people, shouldn't date, or let people know they are dating...)


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I Blame Mitch Keeler

I was minding my own damn business, was actually looking at a website that makes men's suits that look like the suits from the 1930-1940s, and can get them in a tweed like look, and not planning to blog today, when I glanced over on Facebook and saw Mitch Keller had posted today's blog.

Let me remind you, if you are not reading it, you need to read Mitch's blog. 

While I am not always interested in the topic( I'm talking Disney) I always read it because it is so well written.

Today's topic was sort of like my blog from yesterday concerning the booing of Andrew Luck ( football player if you didn't know) for retiring by the Colt's fans.

This whole feeling that " people own you" because you are in the public realm. ( And sports media personalities Stephen A. Smith and Colin Cowherd agreed with the booing)

And it reminded me of this.

When I had people upset with me because I had retired.

Not teasing.

I mean seriously mad.

They wanted me to teach their 2nd, 3rd, whatever kid.

I had siblings that got mad because their brother/ sister was going to miss the " Thomas experience."

It is some of that, because you are a 'public figure" or I paid for you to teach. Well, " You can't retire yet."

( I've had people write me that I can't write blogs critical of Buna ISD because I had worked there....Past tense....)

As I have said before, it was time for me to retire. I felt myself losing a step. I was not the same " Mr. Thomas" in 2011 as I was back in 1994.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Is This Society Today?

Is this society today? Or has it always been here? Or is it getting worse?

I often wonder just how Christian people are who profess their religion to people. And it seems to be worse as time goes on. Then again, I wonder how many people are actually of the faith?

But this is not what the blog is about....

The Indianapolis Colt's quarterback retired from football on Saturday.  Andrew Luck was one of the star quarterbacks in the NFL.

Luck is 29 years old. Pretty young for a quarterback.

 Luck has been battling injuries for the last 4 years including lower leg problems, shoulder injury, a lacerated kidney. He had been "sacked" 170 times in his 7 year career.  The most recent injury happened in April and he has not been able to practiced more than 2 times since April.

Luck a graduate of Standford, basically said he had enough of the injuries and pain.

Luck was married within the last year and he and his wife are expecting their first child.

I am sure the combination of his concern for his long term health. I am sure Mrs. Luck was thrilled he retired.

When it was announced, at the Colt's Stadium that he was retiring, he was booed by the Colt's crowd.

Vigorously booed. 

Which brings us to this question....

Why do we lose our minds concerning sports in this nation?

It is like sports are "life or death" and many of these players, coaches are somehow "owned" by the fans....( I guess I shouldn't be shocked there, I've had many parents tell me, " You work for me." And while you may a portion of my paycheck, I am not going to let that influence me passing your knothead kid who hasn't turned in any work this semester.)

And is from the pros down to high school down to Little League.

You have seen parents fight other parents, umpires and referees on YouTube.

I don't know a single one of these games paying your mortgage. Your light bill. There are more people in this country who get academic and arts scholarships than sports scholarships. And more kids graduate using the academic scholarships, than the sports ones.

Now, I enjoy watch a ballgame from time to time, but you know, if my team loses, it just isn't that important.

I am wondering, how bad will this incivility get? Will it get better?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Morning Philosophy

 " Philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks" - Edie Brickell

Nothing better than a little philosophy on a Sunday morning.....After all for many of you I was PPE instructor like the British want to call it. ( PPE Politics, Philosophy, Economics...or as they call it the "Modern Greats."  The " Greats " of course are the "Classics" Greek, Latin and the history that surround those civilizations)

But, I didn't get to teach as much philosophy as I wanted. I didn't have the time and to be honest, when I discovered I had to teach many of you simple math, hardcore economics was out. ( Seniors in high school and you didn't know your times tables. Damn calculators)

And if I taught you philosophy like was once taught at theological seminaries in this nation, well, some of you evangelicals couldn't handle it.

I was watching a 24 hour news channel this past week when the discussion of the earth "is just an experiment for an advanced civilization."

It seems a computer scientist has published a book that poses the question......

" We are just an advanced "sims" game being run by an advanced civilization. "

I’m neither real nor alive and neither are you. Nor is anyone we know. Nor is our planet or for that matter our entire universe. We’re all merely computer simulations created by an advanced civilization in some sort of weird experiment that they’re conducting for reasons best known to themselves.

Scientists are wanting to run experiments to see if this might be true.

Which leads to the question, what happens if we find out we are just a giant sims run by another civilization as an experiment? What if we all find out that is so? Does the advanced civilization just "shut us down?"

Descartes had a similar idea centuries ago. He asked if we would know if an “evil demon” was creating all of our sensations and perceptions and that the world in which we inhabit was just his “dream.” Descartes’ answer was No. Isn’t this just an example of “waking the demon?"

Just something to think about while you're on your way to church....

Oh, by the way, the " experts" when asked on the 24 hour news station " What are the chances this is just a computer simulation?"

Both replied 5 in 10.....50%.....

I don't think I really want to know....Or maybe I do?

Saturday, August 24, 2019

I Apologize

I am going to apologize up front. I just do not know. And to be honest with you, I am not going to try in most cases to keep up with you. I am sorry, I just cannot. But if I did, I would not have time for much of anything else.

I just made a mistake with a former student, and I assumed they were still married.

They were not. And had not been married for quite a while.

I know some of you have been married for a long time to the same person.

I know some of you are on spouse number 2-3-4-5.

I know some of your spouses.

I have taught some of your spouses.

I like some of y'all's spouses better than you....( That'll get them guessing who?)

I know some of your children and I have married at least 3 former student's children.

But I have taught about 3500-3600 people in my life. In some cases, I have a hard time remembering who you are. ( If you're from Buna ISD, I am going to remember you....Now, I may need a little help, it is coming up on 25 years for some of you, but I am going to remember....)

But spouses, how many kids you have.....

I'm not even going to try in many cases.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is time....It is past time for this to occur. I assume most of you knew this was coming fairly soon. And this one is for a longer period of time than most.

We are going to run a August-September purge, September, for obvious reasons. ( Some of you have been paying attention and know what is happening)

So, give me a few hours.

I also looked and have 51 people who have sent me "friend" requests on Facebook. I am going to go through the requests and decide if I will 'friend'  any, or none of those who have requested.

So, if you would like me to go ahead and delete or unfriend you, go ahead and let me know....

I'll let you know later when the purge has ended.

I Know, They're a Bunch of Dumba$$e$

I know they are a bunch of idiots. Dumbasses if you you will. No, I am not talking about the U.S. Congress....Or the Texas Legislature......Or most school administrators.

No, I am talking about your average teenager.

Sure, there are some good ones.

And don't tell me It is yours. Every mama in this country believe their "Little darling" couldn't have " Done that."

The high school kids who did the Nazi salute and goose stepped with the German flag are toast.

Sure, the faces were blacked out, but at some point, we'll find out who they were.

What college now is going to admit them? Who is going to hire them?

In this day of everyone "gots" a phone with a camera, you got to be so careful.

Talk to your kids, scare the shit out of them about what might happen. Just don't assume.

You know, I could not teach told like I did in the past.

I could not espouse my support for the Second Amendment in class like I once did. ( Yes even in Buna)

Look, I had a conversation with an ex-student a couple of days ago, about the teens he hires at his place of employment. He told me, " You couldn't be Mr. Thomas anymore." " These kids have no clue of sarcasm, satire, or anything." " They think you're mad at them all the time."

I don't know, something is happening to kids.

I know their brains have always been " not quite cooked."

Not only they do they do stupid stuff, they have no concept of right and wrong, and think the world is all about them. ( Hell, when we were kids doing stupid stuff, we knew we were wrong)

Talk to your kids folks.....It's a different world....

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Right Now

I was going to write a totally different blog and may "hop the rails" tomorrow so I can Hare-Lip the Governor.

But, I am going to write this blog instead.

Sometimes, the old "Pastoral care" comes out. 

Bunch of folks right now not doing so well. ( Regular Readers)

Have people battling cancer.

Have one right now recovering from major surgery in Beaumont.

Have one not doing well at John Sealy in Galveston.

Have people out of work, looking for jobs.

Have people whose work is ending and are trying to get back to this area.

Have people in jobs and they are desperate for a change. 

The kids and faculty have just started school and we need to remember them. 

Have people whose spouse have left them.

And I am sure there are others I have missed.

If you would, remember these people in your thoughts, your prayers today.

I'll "get off the rails" in the near future. ( Probably in next 24 hrs.)


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Would You Do It Again?

Today, the Buna ISD starts back to school. And of course there will be photos of the kids going back to school for the first day...and to be honest, you need to show your kids and be proud as hell of them.

But the statement was made on my " First Day" of not going back photo about " High School being the best days of your life."

And then, there is the though, would you go back and do it again, especially if you knew what you knew what you knew today?

Oh, I would work like a madman now if I was doing high school again with today's knowledge....Try and get into Texas...Or A&M....

Would have tried to ignore them females in high school. ( Not sure those hormones would let you.)

But then, if I had gone to say, UT-Austin, I would have never met my wife....And it was foreordained I met her, she had been accepted to A&M, but the freshmen girl's dorm was full and her mom wouldn't let her get an apartment.

If I would have gone to Texas, I doubt I would have wound up teaching school in the Buna ISD. Heck, I would have stayed in Austin. And I'll be honest, and don't tell anyone, I really loved teaching in Buna.....Come on, I had seniors, and no one even tried to tell me what to teach....Or how to teach.....I literally did what the hell I wanted to do....It is why I was so " hard" on you. I knew your next step in life wouldn't be fun no matter what it would be.....And a lot of people hated me because I was "rough on y'all."

I grew up at the feet of a Calvinist and sort of have Calvinist tendencies today, ( Calvinism, the belief God has predestined everything in the world) and I believe so much of my life I literally had no control over. It was going to happen anyway....That said, I still think there is a lot of "Free-Will" in life. ( Thus endth the lesson)

Okay, if you had to do it all over, and you knew what you do today, would you start over?

I wouldn't for all the tea in China....

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Question for my Female, Women, Lady Readers

I am sounding like the late Cajun comic Justin Wilson this morning with that title....."Female, Lady, Women" was how he often described the " fair sex." 

With the blog, I try and keep up with 'some' of the societal charges that go on...Sometimes, well, many times I miss it. And many times, I just do not care.

But I have noticed more and more younger women, most of them just high school, college age females wearing some sort of ring on the ring finger of their left hand.

Especially those in the service industries. Wait staff, clerks at store. 

And many times those rings are just super cheap pieces of colored plastic. I know good and well, you can get a wedding band of a questionable metal for cheap. I know, I wear one. ( Weight loss)

Ladies......Are these young girls wearing these rings to keep guys from " hitting on them?" 

Has it gotten that bad? ( It's always been a thing, but has it gotten worse?)

If so, the next statement is for the guys......I know you are reading...

Those girls don't want to fuck you. Hell, most of you, high school/college girls didn't want to fuck you when you were in high school/college.

Boys, if you got a girlfriend, wife, be thankful for her putting up with your ass.....

And leave them girls alone.

Monday, August 19, 2019

I Gotta Stay Outta Here

So, I made a bad mistake yesterday. I was invited to visit a church service yesterday morning. Not Baptist, not Penny.....

In Vidor.

Former student finally worse me down to come, like somehow they were going to have me rectify some sort of disgust I have with the Body-Church....

I went. Mostly to shut them up....

Same stuff, different package.

Then, then after the service, I ran into an old " classmate" from Vidor, Class of 1975.

At least when they were talking to me, I could not place them for nothing....Name didn't even ring a bell.

I was nice, and acted like I knew who they were......And got the hell out of there as quick as I could. 

It wasn't until I got home I realized who the person was....

Didn't care for them in high school. They were an asshole back then. Consistently, and constantly.

I know the whole 70 times 7 is supposed to be in the forgiveness.....But you know, sometimes, old wounds cut deep.

I won't go back to that church...Ever. The "governor"  is gone on the mouth, and I might say exactly how I feel....

It reminds me why we did not move to Vidor when we had the opportunity back in the early 2000s....

Friday, August 16, 2019

Y'all Just Nasty

I read this story, and I just could not believe it when I read it....Then again, I guess I should not be.

You know, I read an article in the doctor's office the morning and it seems a survey was done by Tommy John, the underwear company.

It seems that almost 50% of Americans admit to wearing the same underwear more than one day in a row.

On a fairly regular basis.

13% admit to wearing their underwear an entire week.

Man, in 62 years, I can't remember remember wearing my drawers more than one day at a time.

Even camping, at the deer camp, I figured a way to "clean up" a little and change my drawers. ( Then again, now, camping now to me is anything under a 4 star hotel, and we have a house where we deer hunt with a sat dish, two showers, a full kitchen.....)

Some of y'all just nasty. 

What's the Deal With Black Youths Doing This?

I call them youths because they are all under 40 and to me at this point in my life, anyone under 40 years of age is " Youths."

No, all over the YouTube there is a all of a sudden a bunch of Black younger people reviewing music from the 60s, 70s, 80s.....

And most had never heard of much of even knew music I just assumed everyone knew or where at least familiar with.

Led Zep, AC/DC, The Doors, Meatloaf, Metallica, CCR, Eagles, Stevie Ray Vaughn........And some are reviewing some of the old traditional country music.

Most are surprised when they first hear the Righteous Brothers, they don't know they're white.  They were even talking about why Motown didn't sign them, well, Phil Spector did, he was the West Coast R&B producer. ( He had The Ronettes, Darlene Love.....Darlene sang "Baby Please Come Home " on David Letterman's Christmas Show for 30 years.)

Then, the ones listen to country are shocked to find out that Charley Pride is Black....

They almost to to person love " Elvis." ( Hell, who doesn't love them some Elvis)

And to my surprise, they like what I listened to as a "Youths." And still do.....They've just never heard it before. ( Hell yeah, we listened to good stuff in the 70s....)

The last couple of nights Deb and I have watched reviews through Roku on the big TV so we can play the music through the " Voice of the Theater"  speakers. It is pretty darn good stuff....

Let me suggest "India Reacts" and "Modern Renaissance Man....."

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Buna ISD I'm Proud of Ya....

Normally, when I write about the district that I am "best associated with," it is some sort of a negative blog, and to be honest these type of blogs are sort of few and far between. It's sort of like seeing a Bigfoot...Or the Loch Ness Monster.

The Texas Education Agency released the letter grade( numerical) scores for the school districts in the State of Texas.

Buna ISD made an 87.

That's a 'B' for those of you scoring at home.

Now it ain't an 'A'....

But it is better than the non-scored 73 the Buna ISD made last year. 

But in all honesty a lot of you never saw an 87 in my class.....Well, maybe on someone else's paper.

Then again of the 1000+ school districts in Texas, only 3 failed. Including Houston ISD....

Well, We May Need to Vacation in Gist....Deweyville Instead

I cannot stay out of trouble, not just in Jasper County, but apparently in the United Kingdom now either.

I could not help myself.

The forum I visit to see what the " common" people in Britain are thinking about Brexit. And most are not happy one way or another, and many are worried about the economics of the island.

They are even talking about trying to get American Dollars as a hedge of protection.

I couldn't help myself.

I said..." Yes, the American Dollar still backed by the 82nd Airborne and 1st Marine Division....They can be to Europe in 24 hours...."

Somehow, they didn't appreciate it.

Go figure.....

I gotta keep my damn mouth shut when I go over there....

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

All Over the F*ckin' Place & Going PC?

I guess I need to have an explanation on the massive number of blogs I am churning out......And you loyal readers do deserve some form of explanation to my prodigious writing....Well, some folks call it writing.

I don't know...Feel like it.....Too damn hot to be outside too long.

Apparently I upset some folks yesterday for using the term "pussy" to describe what is going on at the Buna High School....

I don't know, I know plenty of guys who've ruined their lives chasing pussy.....and most straight guys think about it.....several times a day.....

I guess I could have used the term "sissy" instead, but then I would have upset my LGBT readers, and in truth I actually like them. Hell, they're open to talking philosophy and extreme religious views, and hell, I love that. Let's face it boys and girls( someone will get mad at that statement) I've always had a different view of life, even as a child. I fit into Baptist seminary like a square peg in a round hole....

Then someone wrote all upset about me referring to my bride as being " German."

Well, hell, she is....That said, she has more Scottish blood than I do....I am heavily diluted with Irishman.

You know, I didn't refer to her as a "Kraut" or a "Hun" or a "Jew Killer". I couldn't have seen you getting upset there....

The late writer/comedian Lewis Grizzard would tell a story about people getting all upset about newspapers articles.....He would reply, " What'd you expect, you only paid a quarter?"  Likewise here....You didn't pay nothing to read the blog, what the hell did you expect?

You Gotta Do, What You Gotta do......

So, I have been keeping up with worldwide messes. And you might want to wrap your head around this one.....Or not. It depends....

So, I get up this morning and start reading my British papers, the vloggers on YouTube....( I need a podcast....Talking about trouble just waiting to exploded there. )

The British are afraid there might be a toilet paper shortage in light of this Brexit business.

And it might start early with a run on butt wipe.

I knew there might be shortages, especially with medications, but TP?

And this is a concern because, we travel to Britain next month....

Now foods, no problem, I got enough Coonass in me, I'll eat anything. Hell, ate donkey in China...And liked it. ( My wife is the same, that German will eat anything)...So, no trouble there...

But no toilet paper?

Might pack a roll....Just in case.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Drunk as Hell

I had a hard time trying to determine what the title of this blog would be.....It was "Drunk as Fuck"....."Drunk as Hell"....Or stole from Ron White, " Drunk in Public."

I am doing a 5th blog today.....

Yes a new record.

Our air conditioner went out this weekend...and we went over the Mom's to stay in cool.

Should do that more. Had the fatted calf every meal....Including one of my favorite, roast, potatoes, carrots, cabbage on the side, with homemade cornbread. I'm pretty sure that was the meal in the Upper Room as Jesus and his disciples ate the " Last Supper."

No, it seems the Lamar University, is going to start serving beer at the football games.

For years, they served beer at the basketball games.

I know the Baptists are losing their mind, along with other non-drinking Evangelical folks.....But my take?

Why not?

I know some SEC schools are now selling it.... UT-Austin, Louisiana Lafayette, Tulane, have sold it for years.... 

They already are drinking Natty Lights and other El Cheapo beers while tailgating in the parking lot.....May as well serve it especially while it is hotter than hell.

Besides, ain't the first time alcohol has been drunk in Cardinal Stadium.....

Hell, half the Cardinal band in the 70s had a snort or two, or three before halftime.......and afterwards.

Besides, in those days you had to do something to make the ballgames tolerable.....

But beer at Lamar football? Sure, why not?

F*ck China

I may get into trouble with my Chinese daughter in law. She has a little different view on this, but it was put into their head from birth....But we are working to change that.

But I stand with the protestors in Hong Kong.

Several years before the British Hong Kong's lease with China ran out in 1997, the British gave Hong Kong basic freedoms.

Free speech, religion, assembly...Habeas Corpus....Capitalistic economics.

And part of the treaty with China during this handover to China was the continued freedoms. China doesn't have these.

China now is threatening these freedoms, 22 years later. ( There are reports of the Chinese Army on the Hong Kong border)

I stand with Hong Kong.

So, I am asked this question, what flag is over the Compound, and it changes often.

This is the Hong Kong flag when the British still were in Hong Kong.

Sorry, but, fuck China....

The Puss*f*c*t**n of the Buna High School

I don't know if there is word called pussification or pussyism.....I am sure it has been used before, or perhaps not.

But, I am glad I am done teaching when I learn this fucking story.

It seems the Buna High School ( and the JH) will have it too).............

It seems there will now be a " Nutritional Break" built into the school schedule for kids who don't get to school early enough to eat breakfast.....

Hell, most of the school rides with someone to school, most juniors and seniors have their own cars/trucks( Or are riding with a buddy).....Hell, they are waiting until the last minute to come whizzing in on 2 wheels to the parking lot to make it to school on time. And now they get a breakfast break?

Now, I am going to look at this from a senior teacher point of view.

Are we coddling our kids? They already have 5 minute breaks between class and unless you are hanging out with Johnny Rottencrotch up to no good, you have time to make class and often stop and pee, get a drink on the way to the next class. And be honest, in some of those classes, you ain't doing shit anyway....

What next?

Mental Health Days?

Vaping Breaks?

Bull Shitting Breaks?

I can just see trouble happening in these breaks. 

And We Have to Compete with This B*llsh*t

I apologize. I am in a cussin' mood today. Get ready. It might be a 3-4 blog day.....This is number two.

So, this teacher out in California has her room all doctored up with some sort of a Disney theme.

And the media goes wild saying what a wonderful teacher they might be.

There are teachers who do a Harry Potter Theme for their classes, and they seem to be pretty popular. Here are 18 examples.   

Do these sumbitches have a fuckin' life?

I always wanted a themed classed classroom, but I doubt the media would approved.

I wanted a Dante's Inferno themed class.

That way, when the kids came into the class they wondered....

" What circle of fresh Hell will we visit today?"

How Long Before We Are All in Trouble?

I read a story this morning about a police officer.

And sometimes we need to use some sort of "good sense" especially when we are selling a house.

Clean it up, put the kid's toys away.....

And take the KKK application off the wall.

Yes, it seems when a Michigan cop decided to sell his house, he decided to leave up a 19th century copy of an application to join the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

And then, showed the house to a black couple in view of a sale.

And he having Confederate flags all over the house didn't help.

Now, I understand collectors.

One of the largest collectors of Nazi memorabilia is in Houston....

And he's Jewish....( I don't understand that one either)

But sometimes you need to show some damn sense when invite people you don't know to your house.

Especially when you are employed as a cop, fireman, teachers, etc....

Now, I know, some of you would say, it's your house, you should be able to put up what ever you want in your house, and I agree.

I might or might not have political buttons up in my house including ones for the Socialist Workers and Eugene Debs......I may even have a Wallace-LeMay or a Strom Thurmond button up....There may or may not be a portrait of a Confederate general who has direct ancestry in this house. ( Some of you folks hollering "Southern Heritage" couldn't find a tie to the Confederacy if you tried. Yet, you don't see a Confederate flag on the flagpole here at the Compound......They fuckin' lost the war....  )  

But, I am really funny about who comes to the Compound......and who doesn't.

And if and when we sell the Compound, we know most of this stuff will already be packed away.

But, the world is changing......Makes you wonder how long before people will be wanting to look in your house to see what is in your house?

Saturday, August 10, 2019

An Old Man " Get Off the Lawn" Moment

I probably shouldn't get one, but sometimes I do get one. I am getting of that age in my life. I really can't help it.

Yesterday there was a post on Facebook about people griping about the heat. And the 'old' band kids are the are not really griping.

What the hell has happened?

I remember marching in the heat of the day in high school, and college......Heck, even when school started we marched at Noon and then again at 3:30pm in August-September....And the guys were practicing football in the adjacent field.

Was it hot?

Like the flames of hell.

I even see that the kids need a physical for marching band now.

I know football players forever had physicals, but there was a doctor in our town who was about 90 years old would sign physical papers for $2. I think he "might" have listened to the kid's heart....

But now, everyone is afraid of a little hot for kids.

Now, I know they need water, I know there is a limit to the time out, but you know, the damn kids today spend all their times sucking up the air condition playing fortnight and looking up porn, but I wonder.

I even saw that the PNG Indians football team was starting practice at 5:45AM.

How long before we got to build air condition indoor stadiums for our kids?

Friday, August 9, 2019

No One Will Give a Sh*t About This One

Just go on down the road. I am writing this blog for me. You are warned. I am going to look at this next May ( 2020) to see how right I am.

Or how wrong I am....

Okay, you were warned. 

The English Premier League starts this afternoon. ( See told you you wouldn't care.)

Two teams will be in the running for the championship.


Manchester City

I wish the team I follow, Tottenham had a shot at the title but I am guessing they will come in 4th. ( I follow Bouremouth a little, mainly because they play in a stadium smaller than PNG's football stadium)

Now the real question is which three teams will be  relegated down to the league be sent down to a lower level, you come into the lowest 3 positions in the league.


Sheffield United


This is an American who likes English football( soccer) predictions....I wouldn't use this blog to bet in Vegas.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Grueling, Just Grueling

Just emotionally grueling.....I don't know any other way to describe it.

I don't know if it will be any better if there is a recession like the market indicators are suggesting. And I will not be shocked if it starts end of this year, start of '20.

This nation is coming apart at the seams.

And don't start pointing fingers and saying it is the other side.....It is both sides.

It is like a couple in the middle of a divorce and the kids are having to watch the couple or in this case, the nation come apart.

And the way it is going, it is 50% against 50%. Whatever....

And in the end, if you win, what have you won?

At one time in this country, we were more united on things, than divided. Now, we win and then, what do we really win? We're not getting anything done in reality.

This is going to last for years unless something happens to bring us all together. ( God forbid what that might be.)

I don't know, and this is worldwide right now.

I dread the next 10 years.

And trust me, ain't nobody going to be a winner.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Y'all...Just Nasty

You know, the more I read, the more I see, I think we are just done for....

And I'm all for the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Trust me, I believe in the Bill of Rights....

But you know, some of y'all......Just nasty....

I look for blog topics from time to time and this looked interesting, the top sites visited in the U.S.

1. Google...Okay, that makes sense.

2. YouTube- Okay, I am guilty here.

3. Facebook...Okay, I see this too.

4. Amazon...Okay, I ordered stuff here....This morning.

5. Yahoo...I did not know they even still existed.

And here is where it get interesting......

6. Pornhub

7. xvideos


And then, in the top 35 are 3 more " adult" sites.

No wonder you can't find a girlfriend or a boyfriend....You're too busy looking at the damn computer "Rubbing One Out."

No wonder we ain't getting shit done in this country....

You some nasty ass sumabitches.

Not Only No, But, Hell No!

I am asked from time to time about this, and to be honest, I try and be honest as I can be concerning the answer.

Lord knows, I won't give my opinion on stuff. ( That's sarcasm there for those of you who do not "get it.")

Today, as many of you know, the Buna ISD starts their inservice, this morning will be the general assembly, and most the the time the administration tell the teachers just how "broke" the school district is.....That happens in most districts. Or at least the ones that I worked in....

The insanity and I can't think of a better word, for these 2 weeks. A whole lot of meetings for nothing. Old veteran teachers, it takes 2-3 days in their classroom to get ready. For some of us, especially on the high school level, less. ( Elementary folks have to decorate their rooms....Or did when I was teaching.)

I am often asked...." Do you miss it." Or even worse, they ask...." You miss it, don't you?"

In truth, I miss teaching certain lessons. I miss being around high school kids, for the most part, they are a lot of fun to be around....

Be the day in, day out grind of teaching school?


And to be honest, it like every other job is just that, a job.

Sure, I made some friends in Buna.....Sure the kids are generally good kiddos.

But you can get thrown under the bus just like any other job.

It is a place you go to, to make a paycheck, to pay the mortgage, buy groceries, keep the lights on.

Sure you do it because you like kids, you like the actual teaching, but if they didn't give you money, you wouldn't do it 5 days a week, 7:30AM to 3:30PM..27 minutes for lunch...( In my case, I would be at school about 6:30AM...get paperwork done...)

But miss school? And I know I dream about it, but I also dream "Haints and Boogers" are chasing in my nightmares too....

I'm retired, this is the best job I ever had....

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lighten Up Tuesday

I have not turned on the news this morning.

Generally my routine is read the US national papers, watch a couple of news cycles on the cable news channels. Then watch the news out of Britain, and maybe listen to LBC out of London.

Couldn't do it.

Had enough bad news......

So, the blog is going to be a lighten up blog.....

Question- When is Star Brake going to make a new advertisement?

Question- The car salesman on College at I-10....Are his ads to sell cars? Or is the guy secretly wanting o be a preacher?

Cliff Branch, 14 year Oakland Raider receiver has died. One of the all time greats. 

If you don't have a Roku, you've got to get one.....For Pluto alone.....I am telling you, I getting closer and closer to getting rid of the satellite dish. Especially is Directv doesn't get Fox back. NFL is coming....

I have got to quit visiting YouTube......Go to look at one thing....4 hours later watching a guy get his haircut in the Czech Republic. BTW- If you like cars, you got to start watching Scottie Kilmer out of Houston on YouTube.

Buna teachers start inservice tomorrow......LOL.......LOL......That's just funny....

In 30 years of the inservices I learned.......Not a damn thing.....Most of the people they bring in are for some elementary level teaching, or a new " educational program" that will be gone in 3- 5 years anyway. And go to your room and work? Hell, I got a stick of chalk......My ass was ready. 

Lighten up Tuesday.....Had to do this for my own mental health...

Monday, August 5, 2019

And in Economic News

The tariffs have killed the stock market, specifically the Dow.

As of 2:05Pm the Dow was down -850 points.

Part of it the Chinese have devalued their money, the Yuan, making everything the Chinese buy go up in price.

This will basically cause Chinese businesses to look elsewhere to buy American goods.

There has also been a reported that China will stop buying all American agricultural products. ( Don't think this won't hurt a large section of the economy, not just farmers will be involved.....)

Oil is down, Natural gas down, most other commodities are down. ( precious metals are up however.) 

Like we don't have enough troubles in this country, the economy is not looking good...

More Confused Than Ever

First, I want to thank everyone for the suggestions on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu.......We watched a little something and "Better living through Chemistry" took an allergy tablet and went into the arms of Morpheus.

And it isn't just here in America. The rest of the world is close to being " on fire."

I made the mistake yesterday of going online and looking at what is going on, specifically, I looked at KBMT 12's Facebook site.

And then, I look at the people on my Facebook and see a some of people doing the same....

Unless it effects them personally, or effects someone they know, they could care less.

Some of the comments just shocked me....

I even saw some opaque racism in some of the comments on  KBMT's site.

I looked at some of people's comments and saw they called themselves " Christian" and some even openly promote their churches.

As I have said about most churches in this country.

" Jesus left the building a long time ago..."

Sunday, August 4, 2019

I Don't Know.....The Morning After

I don't know what to say.....I don't know where to go after El Paso yesterday and Dayton, OH this morning. I really do not.

I know people are jumping up and down this morning about "gun control" this morning...But do they understand that there are so many guns out there that are the so-called assault weapons.....It would be 50- 100 years before violence with them stops, if you stopped selling them today...And you start talking about confiscation? You may have a civil war.

We've had guns forever in America, but it is like, hell let's kill someone today. 

The part that scares me is the attack on the Hispanic community.

Which group(s) is/are next?

Asian- American? And people who have married Asians? The El Paso shooter talked about interracial marriages...and which group is next? Whites married to Blacks? White married to Indians? White married to Jews?

I will have Chinese grandkids( They will look more Chinese than Anglo) the hate in America today scares me to death...

Is it this damn internet? There are message boards who praise and support these actions.

Is it just plain old fear?

I have been disturbed that so far the present presidential administration has not offered specifically any form of sympathy to the Hispanic community.....He did so to the Jewish community when the gunman attacked the Pittsburgh Synagogue.

There is something wrong with a number of people in this country. And yes, I am talking to a number of you....

Hate to tell you, this mess is going to get worse before it gets better..... If we just don't come apart at the seems first...

Friday, August 2, 2019

Alright, Pay Attention, Sort of Serious

I know some of you think of me as a friend, think we are friends, want to be my friend, sit around before you go to sleep at night wondering what it would be like to be my friend, or wonder if I actually have a friend?

But, if you just show up at my kitchen door, what we call the "back" door at the house, you may be surprised what you might actually see.

The "kitchen" door has a dog trot between it and the garage.

If you do not know what a 'dog trot ' is, well, turn in your East Texas card. Or ask someone with some education.

If you come to the "kitchen" door, I am assuming that it is equal to being any private place in my house, as you can't see into the kitchen unless you have walked into the dog trot. It is in my mind, and in reality, secluded from the rest of the world. It is blocked by the garage to the rest of America.

There is a real possibility that you may see me in my Hanes boxers......Or worse.

And I am not going to change this activity, unless you told me we're coming over.

So, to the person.

I don't know if you were embarrassed( I was), or upset, or shocked, or disgusted, or aroused( If that's the case, tell your husband he can call and thank me later).....

But more than likely, you thought at first, " What's Bigfoot, or a gorilla, or a bear doing in Mr. Thomas's kitchen???"

( Please, no comments)

Old Stuff_ Don't Know What Else to Call It?

I've been seeing more and more of this on both the internet and on some of your Facebook sites.

How much has etiquette changed since the 1940s and 1950s.....

1. Men opening doors for women? Hell, open them for everyone. men, women, children. It is just being nice. I had a teen girl hold the door open for me. I thanked her and told her " Your Mom and Dad taught you well."

2. Men paying for the first date? I don't know, my wife and I went on a " first date" after a Lamar football game and it was a spur of a moment deal. Neither of us expect us to "go out" and we pooled our money......I think perhaps guys should pay for the first date, but heck, now days especially after you've been dating for a while, who cares? Seriously, who cares?

3. Men having a woman walk on the right side? Some think it should be away from street side? The woman walking on the right came from old days when men carried swords and the swords were drawn from the left side. It was a way not to hit the lady when you draw the sword. I you are trying to protect the lady walking on the street side, but danger can come from either side.

4. Men wearing hats indoors. Back in the 40s and 50s when all men wore hats, there were hat and coat racks for such. Now, if you wear one into a restaurant, etc., you have to keep your hat with you. Now I take the hat off inside, and in the Fall/Winter wear a flat cap so I can stuff it in a pocket, but wearing a hat inside? Unless it is church, who cares? And then, I was in Cork, Ireland for Easter services at the Anglican Cathedral, and men my age were wearing wool caps inside, it was cold as hell inside, and no one cared....

5. Suits for interviews. In the old days, men wore suits for interviews, even for blue-collar jobs. Today, you'd be laughed out the building, but for those of you working in an office, teaching school, etc., I don't know. How many people wear a suit to work now? Lawyers, financial, etc., yes I would. I have not had a job interview in 25+ years. I know I wore 3 different suits when I interviewed for Buna ISD, and actually sort of stunned the interviewer then.....If I was forced to interview for teaching position today, I would wear a suit, or if in winter a "Tweed" coat. Nothing says academic/ history teacher more than tweed. But this is just me.

6. Shaking a women's hand. In the old days, you waited for the lady to extend her hand. Today, shake the ladies hand. Extend the hand. I know I had this beat into my head for years by my parents. But the world has changed.  Extend the hand.

7. Elbows on table.....This also came from the old days when most dinner tables were not very strong and not able to hold much weight. This was a practical rule that just carried over. I try not to, but I am not going to go nuts seeing it.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

You Can't Take Me Anyplace

Well, apparently, it is true, you can't take me anyplace.....

I've have jump in head first into the debate over the Brexit in some British sites. And to be honest, with mixed results.

They are probably more divided than we are.

So, it got so heated I finally was referred to as " That Cheeky Bugger from Texas."

And those who really didn't like what I was saying, " That Cheeky Bastard from Texas."

With no disrespect to my parents concerning the latter( They were married at the Pine Forest Baptist Church in Vidor)......

I like them both....

I like " The Cheeky Bugger from Texas" so much, I am thinking about changing the blog's name....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...